Sunday, March 31, 2013

we are an Easter people

It was just a few days ago that my mother went home to Jesus.  It has been a difficult week to be sure, but we are an Easter people.  I cannot believe in the resurrection only when it's convenient.  As I look ahead to Mom's funeral, I am reminded by the Book of Common Prayer that “The liturgy for the dead is an Easter liturgy. It finds all its meaning in the resurrection. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we, too, shall be raised."  Today I am sure will be a difficult one for my sister and I, but grief is part of death.  Indeed, the BCP also says "The very love we have for each other in Christ brings deep sorrow when we are parted by death. Jesus himself wept at the grave of his friend."  I have a feeling I will be showing a lot of sorrow in the days ahead, with a mixture of joy for all that Mom brought to the world.

Today, as I continue to mourn, I return to writing these daily words in the hope that they will touch someone and move them to making a difference in this world.  I am confidant that Mom made a huge difference!  As I hold her in my mind, the Easter story, the very one we celebrate today, gives me hope knowing that, as Saint Paul remind's us, "nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

The first day of the week cometh Mary Magdalene early, when it was yet dark, unto the sepulchre, and seeth the stone taken away from the sepulchre. Then she runneth , and cometh to Simon Peter, and to the other disciple, whom Jesus loved, and saith unto them, They have taken away the Lord out of the sepulchre, and we know not where they have laid him.  Peter therefore went forth, and that other disciple, and came to the sepulchre.  So they ran both together: and the other disciple did outrun Peter, and came first to the sepulchre.  And he stooping down, and looking in, saw the linen clothes lying; yet went he not in Then cometh Simon Peter following him, and went into the sepulchre, and seeth the linen clothes lie And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself Then went in also that other disciple, which came first to the sepulchre, and he saw , and believed For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.  Then the disciples went away again unto their own home.  But Mary stood without at the sepulchre weeping : and as she wept , she stooped down , and looked into the sepulchre,  And seeth two angels in white sitting , the one at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? She saith unto them, Because they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him.  And when she had thus said, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus. Jesus saith unto her, Woman, why weepest thou? whom seekest thou? She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself, and saith unto him, Rabboni; which is to say, Master.  Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.  Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and that he had spoken these things unto her.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Let not your heart be troubled

Mom died last night at Seton Coastside in Moss Beach, California.  Never before have I seen so many loving and caring people.  I will remember the nursing staff there always, especially Herbie who melted Mom's heart when she first was admitted and who shared a hug with my sister and I at the time of Mom's death.

Mom was a very special person - a true giver.  I'm not yet ready to write my usual blog entries here.  Do forgive me if I take a bit of time off.  My heart is very heavy, but these words from Saint John's gospel do provide some comfort:

Let not your heart be troubled:
ye believe in God, believe also in me.
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so,
I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.
Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Rest in peace Mom

Edna Louise Fritts, whom most people knew simply as Teddy, was born to eternal life this evening just days after learning she had lung cancer.  There was very little time to say goodbye to this wonderful woman who touched so many lives as a nurse and a teacher's aide and as a church volunteer.  She was a friend to pretty much everyone she met.  She was famous though not only for her warmth and generousity of spirit, but also for her huge collection of teddy bears.

I know this blog is NOT about me - it is really about giving back and making a difference - that pretty much sums up who Teddy Fritts was.  Teddy Fritts really did make a difference!  This blog would never have happened were it not for her.  Teddy Fritts was my mother. 

Although she was born in New York State, she traveled around the country and it was always important to her to be near my sister and I.  She had in fact just moved to California at the end of last year to be nearer to me.

Mom, the olderst of five children, was preceded in death by her parents and all of her siblings. A funeral mass will be held at Advent of Christ the King, San Francisco at 11am on Saturday, April 20. Memorial donations can be made to Good Bears of the World (a non profit organization which provides teddy bears to children of all ages and to lonely senior citizens), to the American Cancer Society, or to Saint Edmund's Episcopal Church in Pacifica, CA.

Writing this tonight is the hardest thing I have ever done.  The days ahead I know will be difficult ones for me and my sister.  I'm going to miss her so much.  Thank you for giving me life Mom and for always believing in me and my sister.  Thanks for making a difference!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

the inspiring chef

The Jubilee Project never fails to inspire.  I have written about them here before and yesterday they released their latest video.  Click HERE to watch The Master Chef, the story of Christine Ha, who in 2003 was diagnosed with neuromyelitis optica, a disease that caused her blindness. She didn't think that she could move on and felt devastated and alone, but she DID succeed.

Ms Ha is an example of how we can do great thing is we just believe.  She had love and support from her boyfriend too and that can make a world of difference.  She went with her love - cooking, and she did what she had thought impossible - what many might have thought impossible.

This inspiring chef is just the latest inspiratinal story from The Jubliee Project.  I really believe in what these guys are doing and I hope you will not only check out this video, but if you don't already know about them, take a momesnt to check even more at their website

Friday, March 22, 2013

More on AIDS and AIDS Walk

The words from Randy Shilts which I shared here yesterday are of course only part of the picture.  Randy did an excellent job of covering the early days of HIV/AIDS, both in the San Francisco Chronicle and in his book And the Band Played On, which was also made into a movie.  Much has happened since Randy left us though.

In recent year the number of AIDS related deaths has declined, but the deaths still come.  AIDS services are needed just as much today.  That is one reason why fundraisers like AIDS Walk are so important.  I invite you to join in.  There are AIDS Walk events not only here in San Francisco but in several other cities as well.  You can get details at
If you are not in a city where AIDS Walk takes place, consider sponsoring a walker (like me) or simply make a general donation.

Learn the facts too. is a good place to go if your information is limited.  Someday we will see an even to AIDS, but until there's a cure, we need to keep on trying.  We cannot give up and walk away. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

A Few Words From Randy Shilts

A few words from Randy Shilts, which he wrote back in 1982.  AIDS was called GRID then.  We didn't know much about it.  Randy's words were important to me.  Randy was someone I knew - in fact he was the first person I met when I moved to San Francisco.  Later he would be one of the first persons I knew who died from AIDS.  Randy was just one of hundreds, perhaps thousands, that I knew who died from AIDS, and sadly there will probably be more.  For years I have walked in AIDS Walk San Francisco.  Read Randy's words below.  Perhaps this will help you understand why I walk.
A 45-year-old San Francisco man looked at the purple spots covering his arms, face and chest and contemplated the death sentence they might foreshadow.
"Every time I see a new spot, I think I'm a step closer to death," said Jerry, a former waiter. "I don't even look in the mirror any more."
Jerry is a victim of one of a series of baffling diseases hitting primarily gay men with increasing frequency across the country.
Scientists have lumped the various illnesses together under the acronym of GRID -- for gay-related immuno-deficiency diseases -- and public health officials have come to view them as the most startling health problem to hit the United States since the first outbreak of Legionnaire's disease in 1976.
The numbers of gay men struck by the GRID disease passed epidemic proportions long ago and are now frightening public health officials for a number of reasons.
-- In the 11 months since the first American case of a rare skin cancer known as Kaposi's sarcoma was reported to federal authorities, the cancer and the other GRID illnesses have reportedly struck 335 Americans, almost all of them gay, killing 136 -- a higher death toll than both toxic shock syndrome and Legionnaire's disease combined.
-- The diseases, most of which were previously unheard of among healthy young men, offer few hopes for survival. Only 15 percent of the men diagnosed in 1979 for Kaposi's sarcoma, now colloquially known as "gay cancer," are alive now, say federal officials. Two-thirds of the reported 1980 victims have died.
-- The overall death rate for patients with Pneumocystis pneumonia, the "gay pneumonia," which is the deadliest GRID, now stands at 50 percent.

 -- Public health officials are also discovering that a laundry list of other strange diseases are striking gay men, apparently associated with a dysfunction of the patient's immune systems. These "opportunistic" diseases now account for one-sixth of GRID victims.

I would be honored to have you as one of my sponsors in this year's AIDS Walk SF.  To donate, just go to my secure fundraising page by clicking the link at the top right of this page or HERE - and thanks for your support!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Go inspire more

When I first met Toan Lam, he was working as a reporter at KRON4, a local television station here in San Francisco.  (Actually he might have just left the station.  I remember our introduction, but can't quite remember when it was).  I knew about his new job, or perhaps I should say "calling."  I wrote about Go Inspire Go a couple of times here, as a matter of fact.  The key word there is inspire, because that is exactly what it does.

What we do here every day in this blog, is write about giving back - making a difference in the world.  From everything I have seen and read, Toan Lam could easily be the posterboy for giving back and for inspiring others to do likewise.  What an incredible idea he had.  What incredible work he continues to do!

So, I'd like to once again invite you to check out their website.  There are tons of hearwarming stories there and ways that we can all join in.  It's pretty easy to get there - - just click there and you will be sent directly to these wonderful stories.  Help Go Inspire Go continue their wonderful mission of making a difference.  You can add your own stories.  You can donate airline miles to them.  You can like them on facebook and follow them on twitter.  Tell your friends too!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Share Your Spare

World Kidney Day is celebrated on the second Thursday in March each year with a mission of raising awareness of the importance of our kidneys to our overall health.   Yes, we are born with two kidneys, but we can live with just one.  No kidneys at all?  Well, that's a problem.

Our kidneys are pretty amazing.  Each one is roughly the size of our fist, and they're located deep in the abdomen, beneath our rib cage.  Their main job is to remove excess water and toxins from our blood. Kidneys also help to control our blood pressure, to produce red blood cells and to keep our bones healthy.

Matthew Pietrzyk is a seven-year-old with no kidney. His blood type is O. His mother already donated her kidney to Matthew, but it failed. Matthew's second kidney was removed almost a year ago, so he now has none. He and his family would like you to help them find him a donor. The odds are not in his favor with chances of finding a match at 3 in 10,000.  Still, he hasn't given up and his facebook page with the above picture has been visited by thousands, many of whom have registered for organ donation.  Matthew and his family, who live in the United Kingdom, are doing some remarkable things with that facebook page (which you can go to HERE) and they are certainly helping to raise awareness.

Matthew is not the only person in the world needing an organ.  Here in the United States, nineteen people die every day while waiting for an organ transplant. That is not only heartbreaking, but it is also unnecessary.  That's where we all can help out.  If we are willing to accept an organ or tissue donation, why wouldn't we be willing to donate?  The National Network of Organ Donors is trying to prevent the needless deaths of people who need transplants, but they need donors and they need people to be informed. We're not just talking about kidney donations, but today, with Matthew in mind, I just had to mention that first.

So what can you do?  Be informed.  Get the facts.  Share that information too.  Most importantly, become a donor.  It's easy and it will save lives!  Find out more at

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sixty Random Acts of Kindness

If you read this blog regularly, you may recall that last May on his 60th birthday San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee asked for an unusual present - not for himself, but for others. He said "List 60 random acts of kindness- do one each day for 60 days." I wrote about it here back then and so many people thought Mayor Lee had such a wonderful idea! 

Well I wrote here about Mayor Lee's idea and I even gave you my list, but many of you might not have seen that and many of you might simply have forgotten.  So, here today is that list once again, in no particular order, of 60 random acts of kindness:

Volunteer to read to kids in the library.

Donate time at a senior center.

Give a pair of tickets to a concert or baseball game to a stranger.

Send a gift anonymously to a friend.

Pay for the person behind you in the movie line.

Tell your parents/children why you love them.

Make a point of finding the name of a supermarket or drugstore employee and then praise him/her through that company’s corporate office.

When drivers try to merge into your lane, let them in with a wave and a smile.

Tell your boss that you think he/she does a good job.

Give blood.

Pay for the meal of the person behind you in the drive-through.

Bring flowers to work and share them with coworkers.

As you go about your day, pick up trash.

Call or visit a homebound person.

Pay a compliment at least once a day.

Transport someone who can’t drive.

Make telephone calls in support of equality urging others to put aside hate.

Say something nice to everyone you meet today.

Send a treat to a school or day-care center.

Volunteer at an organization that needs help.

Go through your closets and find several nice items and then donate them to a shelter.

Buy books for a day care or school.

Give toys to the children at a shelter.

Volunteer to fix up an elderly couple’s home.

Buy a pack of brightly colored stickers and give them to children you meet during the day.

Let the person behind you in the grocery store go ahead of you in line.

Invite someone new for dinner, either in your home or in a restaurant.

Say nice things randomly to facebook and twitter friends.

Buy some bottles of water and randomly hand them out to strangers on the street.

Drop off a plant or a plate of cookies to your nearby police or fire station.

Clean graffiti from neighborhood walls and buildings.

Buy a stranger a free pizza.

Write “It’s Random Acts of Kindness Day! Have a great day!” on slips of paper and place them on parked cars.

Mow a neighbor’s grass or sweep a neighbor’s walk.

Offer to return a shopping cart to the store for someone loading a car.

Call an estranged family member.

Give a bag of groceries to a homeless person.

Give coffee to people on their way to work in the morning.

Be thankful for Mayor Lee’s suggestion and tell 60 others about it.

Leave a treat or handmade note of thanks for a delivery person or mail carrier.

Treat someone to fresh fruit

Sing at a nursing home.

Open the door for another person.

Leave an extra-large tip for the waitperson.

Tell a bus or taxi driver how much you appreciate their driving.

Give another driver your parking spot.

Give flowers to be delivered with meal delivery programs.

Give your full attention to someone in need and simply listen.

Stop by a nursing home, and visit a resident with no family nearby.

Have a clean-up party in the park.

Bring coworkers a special treat.

Give the gift of your smile.

Draw names at work/school and have people bring a small gift or treat for their secret pal.

Deliver fresh-baked cookies to city workers.

Share your smile generously.

Take an acquaintance to dinner.

Sponsor people in fundraising walk-a-thons.

Buy cold drinks for the people next to you at a ball game.

Spend some time serving food at a meal program for the needy.

Volunteer to be a tutor in a school.

Remember the bereaved with phone calls, cards, plants, and food.

There you have it folks.  Inspired by Mayor Ed Lee, there are a number of great places to start in making a difference in this world.  Perhaps you would like to join me in doing some of them too!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

A Guy who makes a difference

Many of you who read this will have never before heard of Guy Tang, the talented West Hollywood hair artist, originally from Oklahoma.  Even those of you who already know of him, may not know how he is doing so much good and making a difference in this world.

Besides his hair work and modeling, Guy is an outspoken activist.  He may not refer to himself that way, but everything he does helps break down stereotypes for both gays and Asians.  In an Internet site that he maintains as well as on social media, Guy Tang stands up to the racist remarks that are all too frequent and he actively engages in dialogue that helps open up minds.

Of course being a talented model, dancer, and hair artist can make a difference in the world too.  Talent should never be wasted, and Guy joyously shares his many talents every day.  It is his warmth, determination, and desire to show Asian men as they really are that made me take notice.  Love for family and friends count a great deal in my book too and again we see Guy on top.

This blog is about doing good and making a difference, and Guy Tang is most certainly a good example of that.  You can find out more about him at

Friday, March 8, 2013

Many ways to be inspired

There are many things and many people that might inspire us.  There are also so many ways we can inspire others.  Often  I have written here about Go Inspire Go and its creator and principle cheerleader Toan Lam.  Inspiring to be sure.  In the past I have also written about Dan Choi and about President Obama and about Brother Richard Jonathan and about The Jubilee Project and so many who have inspired me over the years. 

You don't inspire by doing nothing though.  Indeed the great Vince Lombardi once said ”It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” Try.  You won't always succeed, but just the trying might inspire others.  So what if you get knocked down.  Just pick yourself up and try again!

My mother is like that.  She doesn't always succeed by the standards of most, but I think she is ALWAYS successful, because she gets involved and does things.  Recently she packed up all her belongings (with the help of my sister) and moved to another state and to a town where she knows not a single person and she is 86 years old!  That would be tough for most, but she is determined.  What an inspiration!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Athletes who stand for what is right

Sadly there has been too much focus on a few professional athletes who made some anti-gay remarks.  While we still don't see a big surge in professional athletes coming out as lesbian or gay and we also don't see huge numbers of them stepping up as allies, there are some exceptions.  Brendon Ayanbadejo, Fresh off the Baltimore Ravens' Super Bowl XLVII victory, continues to speak out.  Here is some of what he had to say:

"Being a '70s baby and growing up in the '80s and '90s, I witnessed firsthand the rise of the African-American community into mainstream America. All of a sudden when I was in junior high school and going into high school, black was the cool thing to be. Everybody wanted to be black and embrace black people. Prior to that in the '60s, my parents would not have been allowed to get married due to interracial marriage laws and today this issue is relevant once again, however, it's not about race. It is about sexual orientation and whom you choose to love, which is no different than a black person loving a white person. Same sex couples should legally marry whomever they fall in love with. So the same plight for equality that affected me in the '60s is relevant again today, it doesn't affect me this time, but it will affect people I love and care about. This isn't a fight for gay rights, this is a fight for human rights."

San Francisco Giants pitcher Matt Cain has been an lgbt ally speaking out in the past and even posing for a NOH8 photo with his wife Chelsea. Cleveland Browns linebacker Scott Fujita filmed a video in support of Americans for Marriage Equality, part of the Human Rights Campaign. There have been athletes who have participated in It Gets Better videos too.

Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe is one of the more outspoken players of all. Chris has publicly defended Brendon Ayanbadejo's stand and has even gone further. He has made special appearances at lgbt events and even has appeared on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and on The Colbert Report. On her program, Ellen even inducted Kluwe as the first inductee in her Hall of Fame for his support of marriage equality.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Red Cross Month

I'm not sure if you know it but the American Red Cross, those folks who show up and offer aid after a fire or flood, is a charitable organization, not a government agency.  They depend on volunteers and donations to perform their mission.   The work they do is legendary, but most of us take it for granted when thinking about the needs of that organization.  Well friends, this is Red Cross Month and so let us take a moment to learn more and to consider donating and volunteering.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt proclaimed the first Red Cross Month back in 1943 in support of Red Cross fundraising efforts and to respond to needs brought on by World War II.  President Barack Obama followed in the footsteps of all the Presidents since and issued the annual proclamation.  In it he said "The American Red Cross has proudly upheld a commitment to service that spans generations. Witness to the scars left by civil war, Clara Barton founded the organization in 1881 as a way to lift up the suffering - from warriors wounded in the line of duty to families displaced by damaging storms. In the years since, countless service and relief organizations have joined the American Red Cross in realizing that noble vision."

We think about the blood donors of course or the volunteers who show up to help displaced families after fires, but the Red Cross does so much more.  President Obama also pointed out that "We saw the depth of their dedication just 4 months ago, when the sweeping devastation of Hurricane Sandy put millions of Americans in harm's way. In darkness and danger, thousands of professionals and volunteers stepped up to serve."

Find out more about the Red Cross by going to

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I want to write to you about autism today because The Jubilee Project has made this the subject of their most recent film and I am always happy to point out the excellent work of these guys.  You might think you know about autism already.  You watched Rainman, right?  What else is there to know?

Autistic people are as different from one another as they could possibly be. In fact, the only elements that ALL autistic people seem to have in common are unusual difficulty with social communication. Autism is so often stigmatized and misunderstood. Anything that helps to raise awareness is good.  I always suggest to people who want to know more to ask questions, visit websites, open your minds and prepare to learn.

The Jubilee Project, which consists of Jason, Eddie, and Eric.  Their mission is making videos that make a difference.  I've written about them several times here and have a link to their page above.  This latest effort from them is called Fireflies and you can watch it HERE.  I urge you to take a look.  Share it with your friends too!  I have even watched in several times.  You might want to do that too.  It is a very powerful video.

Fireflies is a simple yet wonderful reminder that we all are unique and yet we all are beautiful.  Autistic people are beautiful people.  Yes, there is a difference but life is filled with differences and that is part of what makes it beautiful. Abnormal biology and chemistry in the brain is linked to autism, but the exact cause of these abnormalities is not known.  At the end of the Fireflies video, the guys give some links for more information.

The Jubilee Project, on their website, also asks to hear from you, so let them know you saw the video.  Tell them what you think.  (Make a donation to their videomaking cause, if you are able).  Most important though - become part of the autism discussion.  Do you know people who are autistic?   How has autism touched your life?  Email them at

Monday, March 4, 2013

While you're here enjoy the view

Just learned the sad news last night that one of entertainment's finest, Bonnie Franklin has passed away, after a fight against pancreatic cancer. Over the years I have enjoyed Ms Franklin on television, was fortunate to see her in Applause, and personally know her step-daughter. I've been a great fan of her positive attitude, her giving back, and her love of life, and was shocked to hear of her death.

Last year she was part of a huge fundraiser benefitting AIDS Project Los Angeles. She also founded a wonderful organization, Bonnie Franklin’s Classic and Contemporary American Plays, that brings theatre to LA schoolchildren. She also gave to various other charities on a regular basis including The Stroke Association of Southern California, Women’s Right to Choose, and The Epilepsy Foundation, and even her performances were a joyous gift.

The theme song to her hit tv program One Day At A Time, has some brilliant words (written by John and Nancy Barry) which I think most have also been Bonnie Franklin's personal theme, because it sure seems a perfect description of how she led her life: "So while you're here enjoy the view - Keep on doing what you do - So hold on tight we'll muddle through - One day at a time, One day at a time."

Thanks for all the joy Ms Franklin. My condolences to dear Julie and all of your family. May we all carry the same wonderful philosophy - While you're here enjoy the view!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Thanks to Marlena

The name Garry McLain might not be familiar to you, but for so many - even folks on the other side of the world, the Hayes Valley establishment he runs here is San Francisco is not only familiar, it is a destination!  Mclain, much better known as Absolute Empress XXV of San Francisco, Marlena the Magnificent, runs Marlena's - but only for one last day.

So many know him as a drag queen or as a bar owner, but if you have spent any time in the community or if you have visited his namesake saloon, you know him as someone who gives back - someone who makes a difference in this world.   He has given money- he has given time - he has given a stage for new preformers - he has given a place for folks with nowhere else to go.  To put it quite simply, Garry McLain  has a heart of gold.

Marlena’s has been a neighborhood institution for twenty two years and for many regulars, it’s a home away from home - a place like Cheers, "where everybody knows your name." It's also where you can play a quick afternoon game of pool or come to see one of the best drag shows anywhere. Of course the fundraisers and community events are firm in so many of our memories too.  Santas.  If you have been there at Christmastime, you know about the santas.  Marlena's has been such a wonderful part of San Francisco these past years, but it is the man at the top, Marlena himself, who made this all happen.

Today Marlena's is closing.  That does not mean that we will no longer see Garry (Marlena) McLain.  I suspect he will invent even more ways to give to the community.  Before that though, I invite you to leave a message in the comments section below telling your memories of Marlena's bar or your thanks for this wonderful man.  If you are close by, stop in and say thanks in person.  After today though, Marlena's (the place) will be only a memory.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Free the slaves with lemonade

When we first wrote about this little girl back in August, she had already received a lot of press, and for a very good reason - not only does she have a stand (lemonade) but she is taking a stand (against slavery).  Because of Vivienne Harr I learned about something that I really had no idea about and knowledge is the beginning of all change.  I don't often write about the same subject twice, but with Vivienne, I will make an exception.

Last year she  saw a picture of two children with huge rocks strapped across their little backs. They held each others hand to help them feel a little better, and give strength to each other.  To young Vivienne it was horrible - two young kids, her own age, being forced to do such enormous heavy labor.  I saw pictures.  It really is quite horrible!  Vivienne didn't let it end there though.  She told her dad that she needed to do something and with help from her parents she opened her little lemonade stand.

That might not sound like much.  That is how this all began though.  Now the story has been told and retold and more and more people are getting involved and are helping with this mission.  Her goal is to raise enough money to free 500 child slaves!  I think she will end up doing much more!  With your help of course just about anything is possible - with the help of us ALL.

Donate HERE.  That's one of the easy things.  Another very easy thing is to just share this information.  Tell your friends - get other people  involved!  Learn more about slavery too by going to this website: and also by searching for information in your own area.  People think of slavery as something from the past or something in "those" places, but the truth is, slavery is probably right in your own town and you can do something about it.  Follow this little girl's lead and take action! 

The lemonade stand has grown.  It was originally a cup on the side of the road and now there is actually bottled lemonade (two kinds) via their website - how wonderful!  As they grow, their ability to give and to reach their goal of freeing children from slavery comes closer.  I have a feeling I will be updating you again.  There is a lot of determination at this lemonade stand!  Lend them a hand - get involved!

Friday, March 1, 2013

It Gets Better

You may already know about the It Gets Better Project, but I want to remind you.  Founded by Dan Savage and his husband Terry Miller in response to the suicides of teenagers who were bullied because they were either gay, or thought to be, it was originally a YouTube channel, but It Gets Better now has its own website with more than 30,000 videos posted by individuals of all sexual orientations. Click HERE to go to their website.

If you are gay or lesbian and feel that you are alone and unloved, I know you will find inspiration from this site.  I have been so very moved by many of the video messages, some of which have been made by friends of mine.  I find them to be a good learning experience too.  Some folks just don't get it, and it helps when real people explain their love and their lives.

Last year, the San Francisco Police Department made a video, which I hope you will take a moment to watch.  It brought me to tears, but I assure you they were tears of joy!  Just click HERE to see that video.

There are so many videos - some from regular folks like me and some from celebrities.  The San Francisco Goants even made one!  There are some very powerful messages.  Take a look.  I hope you will tell your friends too, because it does get better!