Money does NOT rain down from the sky - we all realize that, but sometimes it might seem that way. Arson destroyed several Louisiana churches that were pillars of the African American community. On Sunday, an online fundraiser to help those churches rebuild, had raised just below $50,000. By yesterday morning, the total had skyrocketed to $1 million, following the horrible fire at Notre-Dame Cathedral. What a huge increase! As I write this, it stands at $1,905,749. Yesterday I mentioned here that money is pouring in to help rebuild and repair the Cathedral. All of this is wonderful, right?
Here is my concern: if we have that kind of money, couldn't we wipe out hunger, homelessness, poverty? Could we not help the sick, even cure them? Could we not fix up broken building all around the world? It seems to me, and I am no expert, that generosity should not just be an occasional thing. How wonderful it would be if people were this generous all the time! When I do fundraising for non-profit organizations, the folks who give the most are usually the ones who have the least. Why is that?
No certainly people cannot be forced to donate money, and I don't mean to suggest for a minute that funds should not be made available to rebuild Notre-Dame and the other churches, but since there is money, how can we get some of that donated to help other needs? Can't we do both? Let's cure the sick and house the homeless and feed the hungry and really make the world a better place. I know we CAN do it!