Sunday, July 14, 2019

Too busy to be a Good Samaritan?

I'm sure you have all heard the term Good Samaritan before.  It is used as a common metaphor, applying to any charitable person, especially one who rescues or helps out a needy stranger as in the Biblical parable.  (Luke 10:29-37).  How many of us have it in us to truly be good Samaritans?  How many of us are too busy with our daily lives to even take a second to help?

As I have written here over the years, there are many different ways of helping out people in need.  Yes, sometimes we don't have a lot of money to give, but it isn't always about money.  There are certainly other things we can do.  Give a little time.  Give a little thought. Look at your neighborhood with fresh eyes. Where are the needs? What do you see, hear, smell, touch? What is it that YOU can do?
Feeding the hungry might seem huge, but how about bringing an extra sandwich in  your lunch and giving it to the first person you see who is hungry?  You can also buy fast food gift cards to give out to people you see who need a meal.  (These generally range in price from ten dollars up).  Eating out?  Pack up what you didn't finish and give it to someone on the street.  Volunteer at a soup kitchen or food pantry.  Donate canned goods.  What else?  Be creative!  Share some ideas with us.
Being a good Samaritan is something we can all make time for and there are many ways to do this.  Will YOU find the time, or are you too busy?

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Not just for Catholics

When I first began this blog over eleven years ago, I wrote here about Father Leo Patalinghug and have mentioned him a few times since, but it is high time for an update!  Father Leo is a very busy man.  He is also a very inspiring man and I do hope you will check out some of what he does.
Yes, Father Leo is a Roman Catholic priest, but you certainly don't have to be Roman Catholic to be able to relate to him.  Father is also a choreographer, martial arts instructor, tv personality, chef, tour guide, podcaster, radio host, author, blogger, and more!  I don't understand where he finds the time!
If you like tv cooking segments and shows (think Julia Child, Martin Yan, and Ronnie Woo), you will love what he does with food in front of a camera.  New ideas in the kitchen are always welcome as far as I'm concerned.  Check out for more about the Plating Grace movement and some of Father's many activities.
Father Leo does a lot of traveling too.  He does speaking engagements all over and also leads pilgrimages to the Holy Land and other places as well.  You can also find out about these activities on their website.
I have to also mention his podcast, Shoot the Shiitake.  You will hear real people in real conversations, that will certainly stimulate your thinking.
If you ever listen to anything I say, listen to this:  Father Leo Patalinghug is making a difference and the world is a better place because of him.  I'm sure you will agree after spending just a few minutes of hearing him speak.  Tell your friends too!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Jaden gives back

Jaden Smith is in the news this week.  It's certainly not the first time he has been in the news.  Over the years, Jaden has said and done a lot of things that have made folks take notice.  Some of them have been controversial. He's rapper, singer, songwriter, and actor, and also the son of famous parents (Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith).   Today though people are talking about Jaden, who is vegan, because he has started a mobile restaurant providing free vegan dinners for the homeless.

Feeding the hungry.  What a great way to make a difference!  It was a pop-up truck, dubbed I Love You Restaurant, and they handed out brown bags with I Love You bowls of carrots and kale. On Instagram he said "Today We Launched Our First One Day Food Truck Pop-Up in Downtown LA. Keep A Look Out Because This Is The First Of Many."  We have no details of when or where, but what a nice beginning.

This is not the first time we have seen Jaden giving back and making a difference.  He is a partner in the company Just Water which has brought filtration systems to places that really need it, like Flint, MI.

Monday was Jaden's birthday, and what a wonderful way to celebrate!  Wouldn't it be cool if we all celebrated our birthdays by doing something nice for others?

Monday, July 1, 2019

And the beat goes on

Everything for the past month has been LGBTQ themed, it having been Pride Month, but there is of course so much more to talk about.  Next year's Presidential Election is already getting a lot of attention.  Of course what we do here is talk about heroes and making a difference.  Any suggestions?  Seriously.  Right down below you can tell us about some heroes you think should be mentioned.
Before we get too far away from June and LGBTQ Pride, I want to say one more thing.  There seemed to be so much love and cooperation and so many positive stories.  Why does it have to be for just one month?  That attitude should exist every single day.  It is way past time to put an end to hate.  I've been seeing a lot of attacks on women too and that has to stop.  We are all created equal.  We need to act that way!
Okay, so I got on my soapbox for a minute.  We all should do that from time to time.  Every single one of us has the power to make change and to help make our world a better place.  And the beat goes on .  .  .