Friday, September 25, 2020

are you looking for some pizza?

Even in the midst of a pandemic, people are still ordering pizza and delivering that pizza is often seen as a good way to make some extra money. When 89-year-old Derlin Newey needed help with his bills, even he turned to work as a pizzaman for some additional income.

Now I have never delivered pizza (or anything else) but I imagine it can be tiring, especially the repetition of going up to house after house after house. From all accounts though, Mr Newey seems to have fun with it. His greeting, once the door is opened is "Hello, are you looking for some pizza?" Some of his stops are regular customers. Folks get to know him. One of those regulars is Carlos Valdez, who spends quite a bit of time doing videos on TikTok as vendingheads. Some of his newest videos have been of pizzaman Derlin Newey.

Should a guy nearing his 90s have so work so hard to make ends meet? Apparently Carlos Valdez didn't think so. He asked his TikTok followers to pitch in some money, but never dreamed of the outpouring. $12,000 was raised by the folks on TikTok, which when presented to Mr Newey brought tears to his eyes.

I'm in the midst of an annual fundraiser for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and have fallen way behind in what I have hoped to raise.  I thought just the other day how wonderful it would be if a whole bunch of strangers came together and helped me to my goal.  While thinking that, I came across this wonderful heartwarming story of all those who helped out the pizzaman.  Seeing such love and kindness is always such a wonderful thing.  I hope Mr Newey will be able to have some rest now, but it would be nice if somehow his regular customers could still see him.

Thursday, September 24, 2020


She was 84 years old when she passed away in Punta Gorda, FL four years ago and never got to see the park that was named in her honor, but Ursula Vane would be so very proud. Her son Christopher Vane is the founder of Little Bear Sanctuary in Punta Gorda, home of around 150 rescued farm animals. Little Bear in Latin, by the way, is Ursula.

Personally I like their logo. The cute bear reminds me of my own mother and her love of teddy bears. (That logo is available on mugs and apparel you can find on their website). There is also lots of cute animal pictures on the website at and so much more information about them too.

Interested in volunteering? If you are in that area, this just might be the place. It is also a good organization to donate to. You might even consider sponsoring an animal.

They have a 15-year-old tortoise named Keisha, plus lots of chickens, sheep, cows, goats, and pigs, including the very first sanctuary resident, a 300-pound pig named Willy. These various animals were rescued from so many different situations and now live cage-free. 

I'm told they want to expand and to do more. Such a wonderful mission. Just thinking about it makes me happy.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

She's Back

Were you watching yesterday? Ellen DeGeneres is back for the 18th season of her talk show, and I'm glad! As I have said here before, I stand with her. I think she has done some remarkable things and has truly made a positive difference. Is she perfect? Of course not. Did she make mistakes along the way? Probably.

She addresses all of that at the top of the show. “If you’re watching because you love me, thank you. If you’re watching because you don’t love me, welcome,” said Ellen to start the hour. Then she referred to a “new chapter” for her show and said that she is “committed to making this the best season that we’ve ever had.” I think we should let her. Would I have done the show the same way?  Probably not.  Regardless of how you feel about all the accusations though, let's give her a chance.

She also explained why she says "Be kind" at the end of her show (and it isn't a nod to the other blog I write.

“Here’s how that happened, I started saying ‘be kind to one another’ after a young man named Tyler Clementi took his own life after being bullied for being gay. I thought the world needed more kindness, and it was a reminder that we all needed that. And I think we need it more than ever right now.”

Thank you Ellen for a fresh start. Thanks for making a difference. I hope all the negativity is gone. We really need your positive energy!

Monday, September 21, 2020

From Her Colleagues

Rarely have I written about the same subject for three days in a row, but Ruth Bader Ginsburg was rare indeed. There have been tributes pouring in ever since Justice Ginsburg passed away on Friday. So of the most moving have come from her colleagues, including the conservative justices that she often disagreed with.

Justice Clarence Thomas, the longest serving on the bench, said in part "She was a superb judge who gave her best and exacted the best from each of us, whether in agreement or disagreement. And, as outstanding as she was as a judge, she was an even better colleague – unfailingly gracious, thoughtful, and civil."

The Chief Justice, Chief Justice John Roberts Jr., said "Our Nation has lost a jurist of historic stature. We at the Supreme Court have lost a cherished colleague. Today we mourn, but with confidence that future generations will remember Ruth Bader Ginsburg as we knew her — a tireless and resolute champion of justice."

Justice Justice Sonia Sotomayor said "My dear friend and colleague Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an American hero. She spent her life fighting for the equality of all people, and she was a pathbreaking champion of women’s rights. She served our Court and country with consummate dedication, tirelessness, and passion for justice. She has left a legacy few could rival."

A black drape has been hung over the Courtroom doors as a sign of respect and mourning and her chair and the front of the Bench where she sat have also been draped. This will stay in place for 30 days. The flags on the Supreme Court's front Plaza will be flown at half-staff for 30 days. A private interment service will be held at Arlington National Cemetery.

The statements (in full) from all of the justices can be found on the official US Supreme Court website at

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Did the best she could

So much more can be said about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died on Friday evening. There has been such an outpouring of emotion every since then, including an enormous vigil in San Francisco that night only an hour or so after word came of her death. Thousands gathered outside the Supreme Court building too and at candlelight memorials all across the country.

The late justice only stood 5'1" but she was truly larger than life. It would seem that most folks agree. Yesterday I quoted some of the tributes, but I'd like to ask you - what does the life of Ruth Bader Ginsburg mean to you personally? How will you remember her?

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced yesterday that a statue of her will be constructed in Brooklyn to honor the justice's "life and legacy."

Her seat on the United States Supreme Court will remain vacant until a presidential appointment and Senate confirmation. It is unknown when that will happen but Senator Dianne Feinstein of California (the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee), said "Today, we’re just 46 days away from an election. To jam through a lifetime appointment to the country’s highest court, particularly to replace an icon like Justice Ginsburg, would be the height of hypocrisy."

What would Ginsburg herself say about all this? In her own words: "I would just like people to think of me as a judge who did the best she could with whatever limited talent I had to keep our country true to what makes it a great nation and to make things a little better than they might have been if I hadn't been there."

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Since news broke last night that Supreme Court Associate Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had passed away at the age of 87, so much has been said about her life, and rightly so. She truly made a difference.

President Donald Trump learned of her death from a reported and commented "She led an amazing life...She was an amazing woman, whether you agreed or not...I am sad to hear that."

Social media lit up with tributes. A friend of mine wrote on facebook "My heart just broke into a million, tiny pieces." My own facebook post (after admitting that I had been crying): "Devastated does not even begin to say what I feel right now. Justice truly was her calling."

California Assemblymember David Chiu posted a picture of her on his Instagram account writing "Years ago, I worked on Justice Ginsburg's confirmation hearing, and realized how special she would be. Her contributions to our country are immeasurable."

Former President George W. Bush said "Laura and I join our fellow Americans in mourning the loss of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She dedicated many of her 87 remarkable years to the pursuit of justice and equality, and she inspired more than one generation of women and girls." 

It has been reported that Justice Ginsburg dictated a statement to her granddaughter shortly before her death: "My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed."  America, make it so.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

My dear friend

I want to tell you about my dear friend, but my policy has always been to not write about private people without their permission, and he really doesn't want any attention.  I respect that.  I'm still going to write about him though because he is really one-of-a-kind.  I just won't reveal his identity.

This guy is special because he is always positive and upbeat and he get great pleasure out of making other people happy.  He is hardworking, the picture of health, and honest as the day is long.  He has the perfect smile and a wonderful sense of humor.  I cannot tell you how many lives he has positively impacted, but is a great inspiration to me just to know him.

He care about his family too, and his friends.  It's not just strangers that he brings happiness to.  It seems like he makes everyone happy!

Oh and did I mention generous?  He will think nothing of picking up the check in a restaurant, even he picked it up the last time you went out and even if you desperately insist that you really want to pay.

Now I'm not saying everyone should be like my dear friend.  I'm thinking that would be impossible.  How wonderful this world we be though if there were more caring folks like him though!  How wonderful indeed.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Take good care of yourself

So very grateful for the nurses, doctors, EKG techs, phlebotomists
and all the wonderful healthcare workers 
who have taken care of me in the past week!

Last Friday, about an hour or so after writing my blog for that day, I headed for a medical appointment at a hospital clinic that was supposed to be routine.  I ended up going from there to the Emergency Department and then being admitted to the hospital.  Lots of tests followed and finally a coronary angiogram with three stents placed. I'm home now and on a LOT of medication. I've also been told to take it slow and let my body get used to the stents. I must admit to being more scared all alone at home, than I was in hospital.

Yes, I know this blog is supposed to be NOT about me, but I am breaking my own rule this morning.  I especially wanted you to know why I haven't written anything here for several days.  I will continue.  No reason I can't sit in front of a computer for a few minutes.  So, please excuse my absence and watch for more blogging every day at the usual time.

I write here about making a difference in our world and all the heroes out there.  Let me tell you I have witnessed firsthand a lot of superheroes this week- nurses, doctors, phlebotomists, nursing assistants, techs, and all kinds of other healthcare workers, and I am thankful for each one.