Monday, October 31, 2022

In reverse

Today is one of those odd days during the year that folks seem to love or hate and for a wide variety of reasons.  Some already did their Halloween over the weekend and some will spend tonight either celebrating, hiding, or a little of both.  I feel bad for all the people who become uncomfortable with this occasion, but if we all showed more kindness and respect toward each other, I think it could be more enjoyable.

Remember those Halloween pranks you did as a kid?  How about reversing it and doing some good deed instead?  Some folks might want to make an entire evening of doing nice things for others - a sort of reverse trick-or-treating.

Oh and then there is the candy and treats.  We could turn that around too.  Rather than collecting candy, we could distribute candy.  Buy several bags of those small candy bars and head to the nearby fire station, to the library, perhaps to some shops you frequent or to a senior center.  Don't expect people to give something to you but instead you give something to them. 

There are lots of possibilities in doing the day in reverse.  Of course some may want to go the traditional way too.  That's fine.  Do what makes you happy, but for me, bringing joy to others gives me so much happiness.  How ever you celebrate, be safe and respectful and enjoy the occasion!