A couple of days ago we began looking at some random acts of kindness. Here are some more:
Share your smile generously.
Take an acquaintance to dinner.
Sponsor people in fundraising walk-a-thons.
Buy cold drinks for the people next to you at a ball game.
Donate time at a senior center.
Make a point of finding the name of a supermarket or drugstore employee and then praise him/her through that company’s corporate office.
Go through your closets and find several nice items and then donate them to a shelter.
Send a gift anonymously to a friend.
Pay for the person behind you in the movie line.
Give a pair of tickets to a concert or baseball game to a stranger.
Tell your parents/children why you love them.
When drivers try to merge into your lane, let them in with a wave and a smile.
Tell your boss that you think he/she does a good job.
Give blood.
Pay for the meal of the person behind you in the drive-through.
Bring flowers to work and share them with coworkers.
As you go about your day, pick up trash.
Call or visit a homebound person.
Pay a compliment at least once a day.
Transport someone who can’t drive.
Make telephone calls in support of equality urging others to put aside hate.
Say something nice to everyone you meet today.
Send a treat to a school or day-care center.
Volunteer at an organization that needs help.
Buy books for a day care or school.
Give toys to the children at a shelter.
Volunteer to fix up an elderly couple’s home.
Buy a pack of brightly colored stickers and give them to children you meet during the day.
Let the person behind you in the grocery store go ahead of you in line.
Invite someone new for dinner, either in your home or in a restaurant.
Volunteer at a hospice.
Say nice things randomly to facebook and twitter friends.
Buy some bottles of water and randomly hand them out to strangers on the street.
Drop off a plant or a plate of cookies to your nearby police or fire station.
Clean graffiti from neighborhood walls and buildings.
Buy a stranger a free pizza.
Volunteer to read to kids in the library.
Stop by a nursing home, and visit a resident with no family nearby.
Have a clean-up party in the park.
Bring coworkers a special treat.
Give the gift of your smile.
Draw names at work/school and have people bring a small gift or treat for their secret pal.
Deliver fresh-baked cookies to city workers.
Write “It’s Random Acts of Kindness Day! Have a great day!” on slips of paper and place them on parked cars.
Mow a neighbor’s grass or sweep a neighbor’s walk.
Offer to return a shopping cart to the store for someone loading a car.
Call an estranged family member.
Give a bag of groceries to a homeless person.
Give coffee to people on their way to work in the morning.
Leave a treat or handmade note of thanks for a delivery person or mail carrier.
Treat someone to fresh fruit
Sing at a nursing home.
Open the door for another person.
Leave an extra-large tip for the waitperson.
Tell a bus or taxi driver how much you appreciate their driving.
Give another driver your parking spot.
Give flowers to be delivered with meal delivery programs.
Give your full attention to someone in need and simply listen.
Spend some time serving food at a meal program for the needy.
Volunteer to be a tutor in a school.
Remember the bereaved with phone calls, cards, plants, and food.
Add some more in the comments section below!