Friday, February 20, 2015

INAM Quote

Ellen Lee DeGeneres has done it all. Not only is she terribly entertaining, but she is very influential. She says things that are funny and she says things that are touching and things that make you think.  She's also not afraid to stand up to the bullies and the bigots and she has certainly seen more of her share of them! Ellen DeGeneres is one of my heroes!

Yes, there is something very special about this lady and so today I chose to share a quote of hers with you: "Here are the values that I stand for: honesty, equality, kindness, compassion, treating people the way you want to be treated and helping those in need. To me, those are traditional values."  I completely agree.
Thanks Ellen!  I really like this quote.  You have done so much for so many, that someday I should write all about that!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

this is what friends are made of

There is nothing more powerful than friendship. It has been said that a true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.  Indeed.  What I write about here every single morning is pretty simple:  doing good things for other.  Yes, I talk about paying back and changing the world, but that's what comes from these simple acts.  This is what friends are made of.
I try to tell stories that don't directly involve me because after all, this blog isn't supposed to be about me - it's about ALL of us and how we ALL can make a difference.  From time to time though I have to tell you about people who touch me directly and yesterday there was one such event.
Years ago I met a wonderful man when we both lived in San Francisco.  He moved away a long time back but still has family there.  We've kept in touch but don't see each other.  Anyway, yesterday he went to the place where my mother is buried, bringing flowers and saying prayers and then taking a few pictures to share with me.  He knew I couldn't be there.  He even realized it was the first holiday season since she passed away that I would not be visiting.  Early this morning as I looked at the pictures he had taken, I had tears streaming down my cheeks.  His simple act made such a difference.
There are all kinds of examples I could give.  There certainly isn't just one thing that describes friends.  I can tell you though that it is one of the most wonderful things in the world to be a friend and to have a friend.  May your new years be filled with new (and old) friendships!

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Gentle Barn

What a great idea! Actually whenever someone does something positive for kids, I think it's a good idea, but when you include animals, it becomes exceptional. I don't know if you have heard about this before, but there is this incredible place in Santa Clarita, CA that has become home to rescue animals, and a wonderful place for children to visit. They have a simple mission: Teaching People Kindness and Compassion to Animals, Each Other and our Planet. Sounds like my kind of place.

Now I'll be honest. I haven't been there. Someone just recently told me about this place and I am excited because it sounds so wonderful. I just looked at their website and learned a lot more. They have an online gift shop with all kinds of goodies, and the founder's message will make you want to put the kids in the car and head there right now! Check them out at

Oh and one more good thing: the are opening a second location just outside of Knoxville, TN this summer. If you live on the east coast of in the middle of the country, you can head that way.

Want to see some horses, cows, turkeys, pigs, sheep, goats, llamas, chickens and a donkey? Come to the Gentile Barn. They have volunteer opportunities available and a number of ways you can get involved. There contact information and more information is on their website.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Lunch Bag Service

Those of you who read this blog regularly, will have noticed lately the graphic to the left for something called Lunch Bag Service. It's a gofundme campaign for the very talented chef, Brandon Lee, pictured there. I donated right away, because I know how talented this guy is and how starting a new business can be quite a challenge. I hope many of you will donate as well.

If you are regular readers here, you already know about GoFundMe, because I have mentioned a number of their fundraisers. There are all kinds of personal fundraisers and campaigns to help various charities. You can find out more about them at

This campaign for Brandon Lee is one that I can easily support because it involves good quality food prepared by someone who certainly knows his way around the kitchen. I don't live in Chicago, where this business will be, but this certainly gives me reason to visit! I'll come clean here too and tell you that Brandon is someone I know and someone I believe in. Besides being a culinary superstar, he is also an accomplished musician and he is a giver. You KNOW how I like folks giving back and making a difference in the world. I can't tell you how many times Brandon has done things for community based organizations. He truly is making a difference.

Now we all have a chance to make a difference for him. To contribute to this campaign or to find out more about it, just click HERE. Any amount helps! Oh and then when you're in Chicago, be sure to sample his wares. My mouth is watering already.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

what about the next guy?

When I say it's NOT about me, I should add quickly that it IS about the next guy - it's about the future. It's about all of us paying it forward and making a difference.  It's about the next guy and the one after - EVERY single one of us!

What is? Life. Life is about everyone - our children and our children's children and all those generations yet to come. Why do we need to care about future generations? Why do we need to pay it forward?  The answer should really be obvious.  We don't want to be selfish.  We should all want our children to grow up in a better world than we had and for things to be even better for their children.
If we all think about the next guy, imagine how wonderful this world might be.  It can keep getting better and better each day.  So, let's all vow to keep an eye toward the future - to gift it forward to create fun times for the future generations -to think of the next guy!  Oh and May the Fourth be with you!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Wear Red Day

Tomorrow is Wear Red Day, not some fashion designer's promotion, but rather a day to call attention to women's heart health. We often hear about men having heart attacks or strokes, but we also need to focus on fighting heart problems in women because it’s not just a man’s disease.  Hopefully tomorrow will bring some awareness, and you can help!

Some of the things you can do are really quite simple.  When you get dressed tomorrow morning, wear red.  Pretty simple, huh?  Also, use the hashtag #WearRedDay on your facebook posts and tweets.  Change your profile picture to a red one or you may borrow the picture from here and use it yourself.  No red in your closet?  Stop by somewhere on your way home tonight and buy a red necktie or scarf so you will have something! 

Read about women's heart issues and share that information with others.  If you are able, donate money to heart organizations, such as the American Heart Association.  You can set up your own fundraiser too.  Click HERE for some help with that.
We all have an opportunity to make a difference in this world.  Heart disease is very preventable with education and lifestyle changes.  Share the care.  Make a difference this Wear Red Day!  Go to for more information.  Also check out Wise Woman HERE - it's a program administered by the Centers for Disease Control for low-income, under-insured or uninsured women.

Monday, February 2, 2015

INAM Quote

You know who was born on yesterday's date, right? I'll give you a hint: we used to celebrate his birthday as a holiday, and he certainly is one of those people who made a difference in this world.

I was thinking of all the famous speeches he made and of all of his writings, and I realized I have tons of quotes to choose from.  The made on the five dollar bill, the 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, will forever be remembered for his words, as well as his deeds.  I decided to use a lesser know quote, but when that we should all never forget.

Mr Lincoln said “I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends.” Indeed.