Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Pink Shirt Day

Kindness is something we encourage here every day, and we have often written messages about putting an end to bullying. This week we are paying particular attention, and today being Pink Shirt Day, I wanted to say something about this observance and how we all can use it to draw attention to the problem of bullying. First, put on your pink shirt as a visible sign that you are helping to stop bullying!

The whole idea of Pink Shirt Day goes back to 2007, when two Canadian high school students, David Shepherd and Travis Price stood up for a classmate who was being bullied. Click HERE to see how CBC reported it.  The idea spread and has become an annual event across Canada. More recently it has spread to the United States and to other parts of the world, sometimes being called Stand Up Against Bullying Day or Anti-Bullying Day. The United Nations has declared each May 4th as Anti-Bullying Day.  Whenever it is done, it is good to spread the word that bullying should not be tolerated.

Visibility is a huge thing.  Imagine if every student in a classroom wore a pink shirt or every officer in a police department or every server and busperson in a large restaurant.  Imagine if we didn't just wear pink on this day but if well all spoke out against all forms of bullying, every day.  Imagine.  It really isn't very hard.  The damage that is being done to so many because of hate, is something we can easily do away with - we simply have to get together and resolve to end bullying.  Let's do it!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Bullying Awareness EVERY day

Here in this space, I have been writing about bullying (and your comments below each day are most welcome), but it cannot be just one day or one week. We need to be aware of this problem EVERY single day. We cannot allow one more precious life to be scarred by a bully. I'm encouraged by the numerous organizations that are springing up, but we need to do more, until bullying is no more.

There are some superstars in this fight, and I want to say that peer groups are particularly important. Stand together with victims and give them your support, letting them know that they are not alone. Parents and educators need to keep their eyes open and watch for signs. Get involved.

There are numerous resources too. Click HERE to get KnowBullying, the free app from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration that can prevent bullying. The CDC has some excellent information HERE.  There is a bullying prevention training course HERE.  Also, check out
Bullying isn't something new, but that doesn't mean it should be ignored.  We see the damage it does every day and the lives it has claimed.  Let's open our eyes and put an end to it - forever.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Bullying CAN be stopped

Nobody likes cancer, and so we work hard to find a cure. The same is true with AIDS, heart disease, and so many other things that bring about suffering and death. Why do we not wipe out bullying? It CAN be stopped. We already have the means. We need to care more and say no to hate and prejudice. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates that, in the United States, 20% of students in grades 9–12 experienced bullying.

Bullying can take many forms and can be done by strangers as well as people you know. It can be done directly to you or via phone or social media - there is in fact a large increase in cyberbullying. It can result in physical injury, depression, low self esteem, and even suicide. This is serious business and it needs to be addressed. Too many lives have been effected.

Have YOU been bullied? You are not alone. People care and want to help. Talk to your parents or to a trusted adult like a teacher or clergyperson. You can also click HERE for more resources.  Have you witnessed bullying?  Stand up and do something.  Together we can really wipe this out!  Are you one of the bullies yourself?  Realize the damage you are doing and get help in stopping this destructive behavior. 
Tomorrow, I'm going to say more about this topic here, and I invite you to also comment below.  Bullying CAN be stopped, but it is up to us all!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

spreading kindness far and wide

Today, as you probably already know, is Random Acts of Kindness Day (which personally I would like to see every day). The daytime talk shows will no doubt do some features on this, but what about each of us? Let's really brighten the world today! Here are a few ideas:

Shower the pediatric ward of a hospital with coloring books and boxes of crayons (you can buy them very cheaply at most toy stores). Volunteer to read to kids in the library. Donate time at a senior center. Give a pair of tickets to a concert or baseball game to a stranger. Make a point of finding the name of a supermarket or drugstore employee and then praise him/her through that company’s corporate office. Send a gift anonymously to a friend. Drop off combs, toothbrushes, and toothpaste at a homeless shelter. Pay for the person behind you in the movie line. Send random thinking of you cards (or even a late Valentine). Volunteer to fix up an elderly person’s home. Let the person behind you in the grocery store go ahead of you in line.  Say nice things randomly to facebook and twitter friends. Buy some bottles of water and randomly hand them out to strangers on the street. Write “It’s Random Acts of Kindness Day! Have a great day!” on slips of paper and place them on parked cars.

If you have money, the sky's the limit. Hand out dollar bills (or fives or tens or even twenties) to strangers on the street. If you are in a position to make a proclamation (like the mayor or governor or the CEO of a company), proclaim today John Doe Day (or whatever person) and really make their day! Oh I said the sky was the limit, how about going to and naming a star after someone?
That's just a starting point. Can you share some other kind acts in the comments section below? Let's spread that kindness far and wide!

Friday, February 12, 2016

keep those cards and letters coming in

Some performer, a long time ago, used to tell his fans "Keep those cards and letters coming in." I don't remember who it was. Probably many people said that. Anyway, when I began this blog, I used to hear from people often. (A lot of those were from people who know me, but we did get comments on the daily blog entries from strangers too). That was then. Now, I hear nothing. There is a counter, so I can tell how many people have clicked on a particular entry, but of course I don't know if they actually read it, or what they thought. Let me know!

The whole idea behind this is to make this a better world. I don't think I am so wonderful that I am actually achieving that goal, but of course it is NOT about me. It's about us - ALL of us, working together. It's about doing kind things. It's about making a difference. It's about being a hero. I tell you stories of some of the heroes I know and of ones I hear about, and I share ideas about things we all can do. Along the way, it's very helpful to hear your ideas. Let me know about a hero. Share some ideas. Tell me if you agree or disagree with things I say. I'd really love to hear from you.

Oh and this isn't a secret blog. Do feel free to share it with others. Perhaps some of them are more likely to let me hear from them. Perhaps it will be you - right now - click that button below and comment, or comment on what I wrote here yesterday. You know you want to!

Monday, February 8, 2016


Happy New Year everyone! No, I'm not late. This is the Lunar New Year, or Chinese New Year, and it is one of my favorite celebrations!
From China to Thailand and from Hong Kong to Cambodia and from Macau to the Philippines (plus the US and Canada, and so many other parts of the world, today is a big deal. in many places it is a legal holiday, and in some places there are even three days of celebrating! You don't have to be Asian to appreciate this special day either. I always find it especially nice to explore the celebraions of other cultures. If you are in a major city, I'm sure there are some wonderful experiences these next few days, welcoming the Year of the Monkey.
Did you know that Chinese New Year festivals and parades actually began in San Francisco, and not in China? Over a hundred contingents participate in the annual Chinese New Year Parade there, with some 500,000 people along the parade route (which includes downtown, Union Square, and a portion of Chinatown) and another 3 million viewers watch on television. That parade, by the way, is on Frbruary 20, and details about it can be found at - there are a number of other related San Francisco events that are detailed there as well.
My wish to you all is for a bright future, good knowledge, and great success in this year ahead!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

We can. I can.

Uniting the people of the world in the fight against cancer, today is World Cancer Day. This is a good time to shine a lot on these diseases and to do something. It seems like an awful lot of cancer deaths have occurred in the past month. Officially, 8.2 million people die from some form of cancer worldwide each year.

Today is about raising awareness and education about the disease and about raising funds for treatment and research. For me, it is personal. My grandmother died with stomach cancer. My mom lived with leukemia for a number of years and then was attacked by lung cancer as well. I had a very dear friend die of liver cancer fairly recently. Years ago, I worked for the American Cancer Society, and things I learned then have stuck with me. We can beat cancer. We need to work together.

There have been incredible advances. Many cancers are treatable these days. We do still have a long way to go though. In November, I will once again participate in the Light the Night Walk in San Francisco, something I do every year. If you'd like to donate, click HERE. You are welcome to come and walk with me. There are so many things that we all can do to help spread the word and to make a difference. Check out the American Cancer Society website HERE. There's also a website especially for today - chock full of information.

Let's do it!  Let's beat cancer!