The XXIII Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea have come to a close. Did you watch? Were you impressed? Inspired? Did you see any heroes at the Games?
What I think is a hero and what you think is a hero, might not be the same thing, but folks do tend to look up to sports figures for a variety of reasons. Over the years I have certainly been impressed by the great skill of the participants. Not just anybody wins a medal after all. At this Olympics though it wasn't just about the competition. I was impressed by a number of people for other reasons.
Openly gay Olympic athletes is something new and being the first can take courage. Network television captured a celebratory kiss between an athlete and his boyfriend - yes, HIS boyfriend. There was a lot of talk about that moment because it wasn't the usual Olympic moment, but there wasn't a lot of negative talk. Perhaps a sign that the world is becoming more progressive. Someday being a gay Olympian will be no big deal.
There were other participants who stood up and spoke the truth. We take note of that. Good only comes when good people stand up and make a difference. You don't need to earn a medal for that. Sometimes you just have to be your true self.