Saturday, April 30, 2022

It's Gonna Be May

Thinking about Joey Fatone, Lance Bass. JC Chasez, Chris Kirkpatrick, Justin Timberlake this morning because of tomorrow.  Yup!  It's gonna be May!  (I have no idea who started that, but it's fun every year).

I want to say something else about these five guys who used to be the band nsync.  They bring a lot of happiness to the world.  Making a difference doesn't have to be about making the front page of the newspaper.  Making a difference isn't just those who make great scientific breakthroughs or who work hard for social justice.  Sometimes making a difference is about bring joy and happiness.  If you ever listened to an nsync song, you know there is a LOT of joy and happiness!

Since the band broke up, they have continued bringing that joy and happiness in their individual careers.  They also have done a lot of giving back and making a difference in their charity work.  Lance has been an especially outspoken presence for the LGBTQ community.

So beginning tomorrow it's gonna be May, this I promise you, and to April let's say bye, bye, bye!  

Friday, April 29, 2022

Rounding Up

You may have noticed lately that a number of retailers have been asking if you would like to round up your purchase to the nearest dollar, with that change going to their designated non-profit. I was in a restaurant recently and they did that, and today it happened in a store where I was picking up a few things. What a great idea!

Stores have long asked for donations to one charity or another, especially at certain times of the year, but this way, they are actually doing you a service too. So many folks paying with a debit card actually prefer for the numbers to be round and when you pay with cash, do you really want that seventeen cents? (What can you do with a dime, nickel, and two pennies anyway, except save it for the next transaction)?
Of course the customer can go even farther. Instead of rounding up to the nearest dollar, the customer might feel particularly generous and offer to round to the nearest five or ten, so a bill that is $13.79 could be rounded up to $15. We aren't talking about huge amounts here, but when this adds up, think of all the good it can do!
Now, I know that money doesn't grow on trees and there are some who really cannot afford even that extra nickel. That's okay. It doesn't make you a cheapskate. You really should make sure that you have taken care of yourself and your family above all else! I'm just saying this is a good idea and I'm glad so many places are making use of it. I think we might even be seeing an increase in generosity.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Can we all be superheroes

Do you have what it takes to be a Superhero? I think we all do. Too few of us act on that though. There are all kinds of things we can do though to make a difference in this world, and it doesn't require any special powers at all. Today just happens to be National Superhero Day, which was started by employees at Marvel Comics back in 1995 to celebrate both fictional and real heroes.

While the adventures of Alexander Lexington, Peter Parker, Julia Cornwall Carpenter, and Scott Lang may be a lot of fun, there are everyday folks who are superheroes, and I would love to see more said about them. Oh and for me, the folks who do good after something good has been done for them, and special pay-it-forward heroes. A small act can be huge to another person. Is it coincidence that today is also Pay It Forward Day?

Does a superhero have to be a famous person? Of course not! We are more likely to hear about them, but there are everyday heroes that nobody ever hears about and they are so very important too. We all can be those heroes. We all can stand up and make a difference.

Who are the heroes in your life? A teacher perhaps, or maybe your parents? What about a famous singer or athlete? One of my heroes is rapper and activist Jason Chu who several years ago shared some powerful lyrics "But I’ve learned: a hero isn’t about being super. We become heroes because of what makes us human."

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Save an animal

If you knew that this cute dog needed your help, wouldn't you want to be there for him?  Dogs, cats, and other animals need human companions and if you are there for them, it will make such a huge difference to them, and to YOU!

If you are thinking of adopting an animal - think some more.  Be sure, before you take on this huge responsibility.  The animal deserves a loving home where the people are totally committed to their animal charges.  If you decide this what you really want to do, consider adopting a shelter animal.

Sometimes even those of us with the best intentions become overwhelmed with work and school and all that we are involved with, and we neglect our animals.  That's why I suggest that you think twice.  Good care is like setting a good example about humane treatment - nothing else should even be acceptable. Responsible animal ownership requires that we give animals what they need to be healthy and happy.

Do not hold back on tje love and affection. If you’ve ever brought abused or neglected animals home and treated them like a member of the family, you’ve probably seen a rewarding transformation in behavior and disposition.  As you treat them with kindness and consistency, they learn to trust you and respond with loyalty and with unending love.

We each have it in our power to make a difference in the lives of animals.  Adoption is not the only way.  We also need to be aware of abandonment, neglect, and abuse and stand up for these animals that cannot stand up for themselves.  If you see abuse - do something!  Please remember that animal cruelty is more than just wrong - it’s a crime! It not only affects the animals involved, but can endanger the health and safety of the those in the community.

Don’t have the space or or the time for your own animal? Visit one. Go and visit the pets of friends or neighbors or make a trip to a local dog park or shelter.  Volunteering at a local shelter can be very rewarding too!

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

what's your favorite day?

Tomorrow is the time of week we often refer to as Hump Day. For those working Monday through Friday jobs or those going to school each day, Wednesday falls right in the middle, so once we pass it, we are over the hump. Of course that would only be true if you hate your job. If you love it, you probably can't get enough.

Back in the 80s, the Canadian rock band Loverboy sang Everybody's working for the weekend. We would seem to be saying the same thing. Weekdays just aren't very nice!

Monday gets the most complaints. It is the day after the weekend of course. It's the day on which people go back to school or to work. People say they dread those Mondays.

So, what's your favorite day? I suppose many would choose Wednesday because of that hump thing (which has nothing to do with camels, except that they too have humps. How often can I post a picture of a camel here though)? Many are going to like Friday best because they are completing their week. Saturday or Sunday of course get high marks because that is what everyone is working toward. I submit though that if you are really hating those weekdays that much, something needs to change. Is your job or schoolwork really that unfulfilling? Do something about it!

Yesterday I had a great day, and it was a Monday! How about you? Was yesterday really all that bad? Think about it. Every single day of the week can be good. Let's work on making it that way. Perhaps a good start would be if we all tried to brighten the day of other people!

Monday, April 25, 2022

Lucie's memories

Lucie Arnaz, the talented daughter of Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz is one of my favorite people is. I said so the other day on social media. Oh I have never met her, and haven't even had the pleasure of seeing her perform in person, but there is something extra special that I love. Lucie keeps memories alive. 

Most of us are proud of our parents and perhaps other family members, but with Lucie there is more.  She shares her personal memories of Mom and Dad and brother Desi Arnaz, Jr and of countless friends she has made over the years.  For a number of years she served on the board of the Lucille Ball-Desi Arnaz Center in Jamestown, New York.  I was especially pleased to see her talk about Billy Hinsche upon his death. (Billy, who died last fall,  played with her brother in the band Dino, Desi, and Billy).

Lucie doesn't just tell us about famous people and help keep their memories alive, she also speaks about living events, ideas, and about special places like The Purple Room in Palm Springs.  It's wonderful the way she speaks her mind and shares her thoughts and memories.

She is loved for so much more than her memories of course.  Talent obviously runs in the family because you will always enjoy a Lucie Arnaz performance.  For me though, it's those special memories that she shares.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

What the world needs now

Too many bad things in the news lately. This has been true most of the year!  There is way too much finger pointing too, and too much arguing. Now I won't pretend to have all of the answers, but sometimes it seems like nobody is working on any of the problems. It may seem all to simple, be the words to Hal David's popular song really deserve another look. He said, What the world needs now is love.

Of course there are some who want to put rules down for love. Don't love anyone of a different race, some seem to be saying. Oh and love of same sex is also forbidden by some, (despite what the US Supreme Court has said). I say love everyone!

When can love ever be a bad thing? When we drive away all the hate that seems to be growing in just about every dark little corner, there is so much more room for the good stuff - the love. Now I'm not saying we should all let everyone walk all over us.  Nope.  Stand up.  Be of good courage. Hold on to the good in the world.  Let the love shine.

This is not the only answer.  I said I don't have all of the answers, and that's true, but I am certain that there just isn't enough love in our lives - in the world.   Let your love grow!

Saturday, April 23, 2022

This precious earth

I can remember a public service announcement when I was young that showed people driving around littering the highways. Meanwhile a Native American is seen paddling ashore and walking through the trash. As more garbage is thrown at his feet, he turns his head in the direction of the camera and you see a tear coming down his cheek. Many of you will remember that tv spot too.  It was moving and it got the message across.  People caused pollution then and they still do today.

It isn’t just littering and polluting that I am talking about. There seems to be a lack of care about this planet of ours by many.  I do not have the right to desecrate the parks, streets, hills, streams, neighborhoods, and the land that others have called home. It is not just a hunk of land – there are memories that are precious to others, even if not to me. We all need to be stewards of this planet – of our neighborhoods and all the areas that connect them.

The words below are from a very wise man. They are part of Chief Seattle’s response to the Government’s offer to purchase the remaining Seattle Land. The chief began by saying they would ponder the proposition and let the government know. Then he went on to say “Every part of this soil is sacred in the estimation of my people. Every hillside, every valley, every plain and grove, has been hallowed by some sad or happy event in days long vanished. Even the rocks, which seem to be dumb and dead as they swelter in the sun along the silent shore, thrill with memories of stirring events connected with the lives of my people, and the very dust upon which you now stand responds more lovingly to their footsteps than yours, because it is rich with the blood of our ancestors, and our bare feet are conscious of the sympathetic touch. Our departed braves, fond mothers, glad, happy hearted maidens, and even the little children who lived here and rejoiced here for a brief season, will love these somber solitudes and at eventide they greet shadowy returning spirits.”

Yesterday was Earth Day, but it need not be confined to just a single day.  Let us daily all renew our care for this fragile planet we call home. If we start thinking of how precious this earth is to others, hopefully it will become more precious to each of us.

Thursday, April 21, 2022

The leadership of Mrs Carter

“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go, but ought to be.”  I don't know how many would say that Rosalynn Carter is a great leader, but she is a very wise observer and a wonderful person.
Ever notice that when you see photographs of former President Jimmy Carter in the media, Rosalynn Carter is right there by his side.  Some say Jimmy Carter is a better former President than he was a President.  Mrs Carter though has always inspired.  

Some of her work as First Lady that stands out is the welfare of senior citizens, her mental health advocacy, and her sponsorship of both a poetry festival and a jazz festival.  She has authored several books, makes public appearances speaking out for social justice, and is one of the most famous Habitat for Humanity volunteers.
There are so many quotes of Mrs Carter's that continue to inspire me and this morning I was particularly thinking of one thing she said about making a difference.  “Do what you can to show you care about other people, and you will make our world a better place.”

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


The world is full of good. I know that sometimes it's very hard to believe that, but despite the continuing pandemic, and all the train wrecks and earthquakes and gang shoot outs and the war, and despite all the prejudice and hate crimes and negativity, there are still some marvelous things happening out there.

Now don't get me wrong.  I don't walk around with blinders on, and I don't think everything is wonderful.  I do think that everything should be wonderful, and I do think that if we all work at it we can make some wonderful changes for the better.  I've been saying that here for years!

Just this morning while I was drinking my coffee, I read about a school program that a student began and which will help many impoverished people. Ellen's talk show gave me another example the other afternoon.   I am privileged to know a number of people who are always doing fundraisers for charity or who are volunteer for this cause or that.  Yes, we can always use more, but don't lose sight of what is already out there.
Have you some particular examples of good you would like to share with us?  I'd love to hear some stories that we might not otherwise hear.  Please add your own examples of good in the comments below. 

Sunday, April 17, 2022

The beauty of the hyacinth

Look at this pretty pink hyacinth. I can just imagine the glorious fragrance! These bulbous flowering plants are native to the eastern Mediterranean (from south Turkey to northern Israel) and are signs of spring in Iran and Iraq. I can remember when I lived in snow country, seeing them poking up through the late winter snowstorms as they heralded the coming of Easter and springtime.

I often think of them at this time of year. How about you? Such a pretty plant is the hyacinth and just perfect for the feasts that converge this year - in a rare calendar alignment, folks are celebrating Passover, Easter, and Ramadan right now. The hyacinth is so beautiful for a celebration, and that smell is like none other.

Oh my! Imagine how much greater our world might be if we would only slow down and occasionally smell the flowers and enjoy the beauty of these wonderful parts of nature. Beauty is all around. Enjoy it! Share it!

Saturday, April 16, 2022


If you are reading this blog for the very first time, it isn't one that shares details of my world travels or my cooking adventures or my musical ability or even my athletic abilities.  In fact, as the name indicates, this blog is NOT about me.  It is about all of us doing something powerful - making a difference.  People talk about changing the world and you know what?  We ALL have the power!  We ALL can give back.

Changes don't have to be huge ones.  Changes don't have to involves a lot of people.  Changes don't have to cost a lot of money.  The change we are talking about is making things better for ourselves and for those who come after us.  We see a need and we fill it.  This is OUR world - we should all want to make it better!

Over the years I have highlighted ideas, organizations, and individuals that have helped make things better.  Yesterday I had lunch with someone that I think truly makes a huge difference in our world.  He really is a giver!  I don't have all of the answers of course and from time to time I have asked for your suggestions.  This morning I am asking again.  Do you know of an individual or organization that is doing great things?  Do you have some ideas of how to make life better for us all?  I'd really love to hear from you!

Friday, April 15, 2022

Give peace a chance!

One of the things that humans do, that I will never understand, is fight.  The whole idea of war just doesn't make sense to me.  The fighting and killing in Ukraine is horrible, and yet it continues.  For as long as I can remember, I have been hearing people cry out for peace, yet it never seems to stay for very long.  There are always wars somewhere in the world (or the threat of war, which is also bad) and so there is always suffering and dying.  It does not have to be that way though, and thinking about war (and peace) this morning, reminded me of a poem I first heard many years ago (early 70s, I think).  It's called The Box, and I'd like to share it here with you:   

The Box
by Kendrew Lascelles

Once upon a time, in the land of Hush-a-Bye,
Around about the wondrous days of yore,
They came across a sort of box, all bound with chains and locked with locks,
And labelled, "Kindly Do Not Touch... It's War."
A decree was issued 'round about, all with a flourish and a shout,
And a gaily-colored mascot tripping lightly on before:
"Don't fiddle with this deadly box, or break the chains, or pick the locks,
And please, don't ever mess about with War".
Well, the children understood; children happen to be good,
And were just as good around that time of yore.
They didn't try to break the locks, or break into that deadly box,
And never tried to play about with War.
Mommies didn't either; sisters, aunts, nor grannies neither;
'Cause they were quiet and sweet and pretty
In those wondrous days of yore.
Well, very much the same as now, they’re not to the ones to blame somehow,
For opening up that deadly box of War.
But someone did...
Someone battered in the lid, and spilled the insides all across the floor:
A sort of bouncy, bumpy ball, made up of flags and guns and all.
The tears and the horror and the death that goes with War.
It bounced right out, and went bashing all about.
Bumping into everything in store;
And what was sad and most unfair, was that it really didn't seem to care
Much who it bumped, or why, or what, or for.
It bumped the children mainly, and I'll tell you this quite plainly,
It bumps them everyday, and more and more;
And leaves them dead and burned and crying,
Thousands of them sick and dying,
'Cause when it bumps, it's very, very sore.'
There is a way to stop the ball... it isn't very hard at all;
All it takes is wisdom, and I'm absolutely sure
We could get it back inside the box, and bind the chains and lock the locks,
But no one seems to want to save the children anymore.
Well, that's the way it all appears,
'Cause it's been bouncing 'round for years and years,
In spite of all the wisdom whizzed since those wondrous days of yore;
And the time they came across the box,
All bound with chains and locked with locks,
And labeled, "Kindly Do Not Touch... It's War".

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Raising money for a cause

Raising money for a cause might make you feel good, and the recipient of those funds will most certainly appreciate your efforts but be aware that fundraising is not an easy task!  These days there are so many worthy causes, and many people limit their giving to organizations or causes that they give to regularly.

Remember when there were telethons raising money for various charities?  We don't see those big television fundraisers much anymore.  Walk-a-thons are still very big.  (Last year I took part in three different walk-a-thons, but because of COVID-19, they were all virtual).  Some people host events that raise money - sales or dinners or car washes, for example.  Some folks sell merchandise or put up collection containers.  Those loose change jars on store counters are quite good at raising money.

If one of the ways you want make difference in the world is by fundraising, know that it is hard work, but the end result is really worth it.  You could possibly finance some real change!

Monday, April 11, 2022

do not crumple, scar, or mess up

Here's a story you may have heard before. It's about a teacher who was telling her class about bullying and gave them an exercise to perform. She had the children take a piece of paper and told them to crumple it up, stamp on it and really mess it up, but not to rip it. Then she had them unfold the paper, smooth it out and look at how scarred and dirty it was. She then told them to tell it they’re sorry.

Sometimes a child who is bullied will later receive apologies, but the damage is done. In this exercise, even though they said they were sorry and tried to fix the paper, she pointed out all the scars they left behind. And that those scars will never go away no matter how hard they tried to fix it. That is what happens when a child bully’s another child - they may say they’re sorry but the scars are there forever.

Hardly a day goes by when I don't see something about bullying. The It Gets Better Project has done some amazing videos aimed particularly at lgbt youth. Let me be clear though. While gay kids are so often the targets of bullies, ALL bullying is bad. We need to get rid of it ALL.

The kids in that classroom learned an important lesson. The looks on the faces of the children told their teacher that the message had indeed hit home. I hope this hits home with all of you too!  Last week I wrote each day here about bullying, because it is important.  WE can make a difference. Bullying must STOP!

Sunday, April 10, 2022


So many times I have written about this, but it is so very important too. It seems like every day I read about someone else taking their own life. The pandemic has certainly contributed to the feeling of despair and now the war in Ukraine is most definitely adding to that. Folks have all kind of problems too like money and health and job security. DON'T GIVE UP THOUGH!

There is always reason to stay. There is always reason to keep on living. If you need some help, ask. Reach out. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 is a good place to start.

Suicide is preventable. There is no guarantee that we will save everyone, but we have to at least try. All lives are precious, and nobody should feel that things are hopeless or that they are all alone. If you are in crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741-741. Call that same number if you are concerned about a friend or anyone in your life. They can help.

The CDC also has an excellent website available at and your own personal physician or clergyperson can help too.

Again, Please make note of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255. Make a difference. Save a life. If you need help or know someone who does, call. Remember you don't have to be alone and someone is always listening.

Friday, April 8, 2022


Do you use hashtags?  The other day I found the phrase "Make someone's day in three words" trending on social media.  (Of course, twitter offered it up with a hashtag and used the numeral 3 instead of writing out the word). What did we ever do without hashtags? (By the way, did you ever refer to it as a number symbol or pound sign)? #hashtag

Anyway, that particular hashtag got me thinking. Three words. Pretty hard. How can you make someone's day using just three words? Let's see what we come up with. Off the top of my head there is Enjoy your day, You're really special, Be the change, You thrill me, oh and of course I love you. I'm sure we could come up with more, right?
That's what I'd love to see you come up with - more ways to fulfill this hashtag.  Send out your own tweets or list them in the comments section below.  Oh and go ahead and use them as you go about your business today.  It's a party!  Make it happen!  No work today.  Beer's on me.  Make my day.  Let's do dinner.  Make my day!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Give me a list

Start a list. What can YOU do to make a difference in the world? How can you brighten someone's day? What can just about any one of us do? Give me a list folks and then let's all get doing it!  

Let's begin with an easy one:  Say something nice to everyone you meet today.  We can certainly all do that! Let the person behind you in the grocery store go ahead of you in line.  That's pretty easy too.  See what I mean?  Doing good does not have to be difficult.  Try to be positive and uplifting in everything you do.  
So, what else might make your list?  How about calling an estranged family member or giving a bag of groceries to a homeless person or giving coffee to people on their way to work in the morning.

Suggestions?  We don't have to have long lists, but i know if we really try, we can come with a lot of ways to make a positive difference.  Share your thoughts in the comments section below!

Monday, April 4, 2022

Fifty-four years ago

Fifty-four years ago an assassin's bullet ended the life of one of America's best known leaders, The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior. King had just turned 39, three months earlier.  In his short life he did more than one can imagine. Yes, he was a leader, but not an elected politician. He led people to God and to freedom and to economic justice and to equality.

Almost everyone, even those who weren't alive back then, can quote portions of speeches by Dr King. The list of his famous sermons and addresses stirs a certain spirit inside us all: "Rediscovering Lost Values," "The Death of Evil Upon the Seashore," "Paul's Letter to American Christians," "I Have a Dream," "The Casualties of the War in Vietnam," "Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution," "I've Been to the Mountaintop," and "We Shall Overcome."

Each year on his birthday, his death day, and during the holiday that was created to honor him, I try to learn more about this man of non-violence and great faith. One thing I do is look at how we have viewed him since his violent murder. The Presidential Medal of Freedom was posthumously awarded to him in 1977 by President Jimmy Carter. The citation read:  "Martin Luther King Jr. was the conscience of his generation. He gazed upon the great wall of segregation and saw that the power of love could bring it down. From the pain and exhaustion of his fight to fulfill the promises of our founding fathers for our humblest citizens, he wrung his eloquent statement of his dream for America. He made our nation stronger because he made it better. His dream sustains us yet."

Saturday, April 2, 2022

I found something better

Maybe it was because I last night heard Aretha Franklin's signature hit "Respect" or maybe it was a scene I was recalling from the 1966 comedy film The Trouble with Angels, but something suggested I write this today.
First the scene from the movie.  An all girls school run by nuns is the scene and the Mother Superior is talking to one of the students about her own youth when she was a seamstress and had dreams of becoming a designer.  The student asks why she gave it up, and after a reflective pause, Reverend Mother says "I found something better."
Picture if you will, a high school boy asking a girl out on a date.  He asks just any girl because he wants to be sure of a yes answer, but all the while he is hoping for a yes from a more popular girl, whom he eventually asks.  Having gotten that yes from the girl he really wanted to go out with, he drops the first girl like a hot potato.  He found something (actually someone in this case) that he felt was better.
Now these are different situations to be sure, but the point I am trying to make is that we sometimes make changes for the better, but we don't always play fairly.  The girl in the second example certainly didn't get a good deal.  How about when you are choosing teams for basketball and the poor player always gets chosen last? 
Recently an organization sent out invitations to a number of people asking for someone to come and speak at an event.  They really didn't want just any of them though.  The first person who said yes was thanked and told when and where the event was and she was expecting to be the speaker - that's what they had told her.  A few days later the organization received a late response from one of the others that they had invited.  The late responder was a bigger name and so they dumped the first in favor of this new person.  Were they playing fair?
Think about these situations.  When, if at all, is a good time to go with something better?