Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Give us this day our daily blog

It's almost like a prayer, as each morning I put my fingers to the keyboard and tell another story here about making a difference.  Some of my posts are about local heroes and sometimes they are about famous people.  I write with suggestions and ideas about what all of us can do to make the world better.  I don't write about me - I write about US.  We together really can do some pretty wonderful things.  We all can change things for the better and truly make a difference.  That's what I write about.
Day after day and year after year I write something here, and I am grateful to each of you who read this.  Tell your friends.  Post your comments.  Give us ideas.  You can really make a difference and if you take something from here and do something great with it, how wonderful!  Let us know about it.
I have no idea how many different people read this, but I am happy that you can here today.  You can become a regular follower and never miss a post.  I'll keep on blogging and I hope you keep on reading!

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Always hunger somewhere

Too much to eat? Restaurant portions are often much larger than they need to be and as a result we sometimes leave a lot on our plates. Think about asking for a bag for those leftovers and giving them to the first homeless person you encounter. It’s a simple act. It didn’t cost you anything extra. It can really help ease the hunger being experienced by someone else.
This is just one of the many things we can do every single day to give back and help others. Another possibility is ordering two sandwiches when you place your lunch take-out order. One is for you of course, and the other you simply hand to someone in need that you come across on your way back to work. Yes, this one cost a little, but if you can afford it, it will surely be appreciated!
At the end of the year, there were food donation barrels all over the place and organizations were doing special holiday lunches or dinners for Thanksgiving and Christmas. What about the rest of the year though?  Except for the weekly soup kitchens and meal programs that exist in major cities, we don’t see this outreach, yet the need still exists. People are hungry every single day of the year. Let’s keep that spirit alive that is so evident during the holidays and do what we can to ease hunger. Simple steps like those above are a place to start and we can also look for year-round food pantries and meal programs to donate to.
If the need is great where you live and it looks like nothing is happening, perhaps you could be the one to start a program!  If you are barely getting by and really cannot afford any extra expense, perhaps you can volunteer for a food program.  That is certainly helpful too!

Monday, January 29, 2024

Calling all heroes

Here in this space I write about all kinds of heroes.  Some are enduring heroes and some only for a moment for one action they did.  There is also a lot of disagreement about who is a hero.  I have written here that Colin Kaepernick is a hero, but I got a number of responses disagreeing with me.  Can singers and dancers be heroes?  What about an actor?  How about politicians?  Perhaps your big brother is your hero.

Who do YOU call a hero?  What is it that makes them a hero?  Is it one thing or many things that they do?  Did they perform some incredible act? Do we need heroes in our lives these days?  What do YOU think?  Let us hear from you in the comments section below.  Is there someone who is a hero to you?

Maybe there is a better word for it.  I'd like to know about that too.

Sunday, January 28, 2024


One of the most wonderful things we can experience is the feeling of belonging - the feeling that we are truly welcome.  The first day at a new school or a new job or a visit to a church you have never been to before or even a family reunion where most of the relatives are distant ones that you don't know, all have something in common.  You can feel alone and uncomfortable, like you don't belong there.  

There are many other situations where you can experience the same feeling.  It isn't nice at all.  In the midst of this pandemic there are so many places where we are not welcome in the usual sense, but does that mean we are not welcome at all?  Churches will sometimes say they are "welcoming," but are they really?  Do they make you feel comfortable?  Do people say hello and introduce themselves and make any kind of effort to make you feel welcome?
Did you ever go to a bar or restaurant where it seemed that everyone was a regular and that you were the odd one?  The employees were super friendly to all of them, but hardly even acknowledged that you were there.  Does that make you want to come back?  Of course not!  It is an easy thing to change though.  Making people feel welcome just involves caring and showing it.  Smile.  Be friendly.  Introduce yourself.  Make the visitor or the newcomer feel that they belong there.

One o the issues with hate is people get the idea that a certain neighborhood or bar or even a certain church, is theirs.  We have our own little group here and everyone else should stay away!  Is that healthy?  How might they feel if encounter this sort of unwelcoming atmosphere?
We all make a difference in the lives of others when we show them a friendly and welcoming attitude.  We all have the ability to get rid of that unwelcoming mat.


Saturday, January 27, 2024

Never again - NEVER!

Today is International Holocaust Memorial Day, we honor and remember the six million Jewish Holocaust victims and survivors, and the millions of other victims of Nazism . We listen and learn so we may educate future generations, and we say never again to ensure atrocities of the past – including all acts of genocide – are never repeated.

"Never again," we say, and yet we let horrible hateful things happen still to this day.  I don't mean for one moment to minimize the Holocaust by talking about modern day hate crimes.  My point is that we get angry and say we are going to do something, but then don't.  The best way to honor the victims of the horrible systematic, government-sponsored persecution and murder of human beings, is to remember them and to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again.

Were there any warning signs of what was to come before the start of mass killing in 1941? Indeed there were. The biggest warning both then and now, was the abundance of hate. The killings did not come first. It began with hate. It started with denial of basic human rights. It began with attacks on truth and on the rule of law.  What about now?  Do you see any hate in the world?  In our country?  In your community?  Now in 2024, I am saddened by the many examples of hate all around the world.

Take some time today to really remember the horror that was the Holocaust.  Think of the victims.  Light a candle.  Above all, work to stop the hate.  When we say never again, we have to make it so!

Friday, January 26, 2024

the ripples of our lives

Did you ever stand on the banks of a pond or lake at throw pebbles into the water?  What happened?  Ripples, right?  Every time you hit the surface, this ripple effect occurs, but it doesn't only happen in the water - WE can cause ripples every day, and that's a wonderful thing!
When information is shared from person to person, its impact becomes greater.  This ripple effect can go on and on, just like in the water, with each circle getting larger.  If each person continues to share, there is no telling how big this ripple effect can be.
I really love this idea!  Within social interactions, these ripples can be seen with situations not directly related to the initial interaction.  What one person does can affect another person, even if the two have never met.
Do something good for someone and watch them in turn do something good for someone else.  If everyone continues to pass it on, imagine those ripples as they continue to grow.  The ripples of our lives are among the joys of our lives!

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Everyone smiles in the same language

I am convinced that there is just not enough happiness in the world. Why? No matter how bad anything is, there is always reason to go on. Things can always get better.

I know. Someone is going to say, "What if the doctor says you have only a few days to live"? Well, doctors can be wrong. I have heard many stories confirming that very fact. I even know a woman who was told just after her 60th birthday, that it would be her last. In fact, she was told she had only a few months to live. That woman is now 92!

We so often have trouble trusting these days. We have difficulty communicating too. Does he speak the same language as I do? Will we understand the meaning of our intentions? All of these things are valid of course, but one thing we seem to overlook. Happiness is easy to spot and easy to understand. Happiness is very easy to spread too. Happy people are more likely to make others happy.

Whatever part of the world you come from - whatever your race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or eye color, one thing is universal. We all smile in the same language!

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody

You know this story already, or at least you should. It's a pretty simple one about getting involved. It's a story about four people: Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.

Now it seems there was an important job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when actually Nobody asked Anybody.

You get the picture. As I said, it's really pretty simple.  This is especially important these days.  Get involved.  Please note that I am saying get involved but do it with kindness and integrity and respect.  Ask some others to get involved too. Don't just assume that everybody else is going to take care of things. If we ALL pitch in, just think of the great things we can do!

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Classic Herb Caen

Herb who? That's what many of you might be saying. The late newspaper columnist (who wrote for The San Francisco Chronicle and earlier for The San Francisco Examiner) was one of those folks who made a difference in this world. Herb Caen did a lot of that through his writing. A few years ago I came across a column of his from April of 1991. I have shared it here before, but it is so good and it is just as timely as when originally written, and so I offer it to you today:

Scene: The Heavenly Real Estate Office. The Landlord is cheerily rounding up a covey of blazing comets that have skittered under Queen Casseopera's Chair. His business agent, Gabriel, enters, his Golden Trumpet in one hand and more reports from the tiny planet Earth in the other.

Landlord: (to the Comets) Come out from under there, you little scamps, before you set the whole galaxy on fire.

Gabriel: Excuse me sir. Another batch of prayergrams from your most devout Christians.

Landlord: (waving a hand) Whatever they want, Gabriel. Now where did those freaky devils get to?

Gabriel: Yes sir, they want you to evict ten percent of your tenants down there. (Raising his Golden Trumpet) I've never attempted a partial eviction. Shall I try?

Landlord: (looking up) What ten percent, Gabriel?

Gabriel: The gays, sir. Your devout Christians say they've done their utmost to keep them out of their schools, their offices, their churches, and their lives, but with little success. So their prayergrams ask you to remove them from the face of your Earth.

Landlord: To me Gabriel, that doesn't sound very Christian. I thought they were supposed to love their neighbors.

Gabriel: Oh they do sir, if their neighbors are of the same color, economic bracket, and sexual orientation.

Landlord: But what harm do these gay people do?

Gabriel: I'm afraid you're not seeing the big picture, sir. Gays simply don't fit into your grand design. You know, two by two, male and female? Generation after generation? The fact of the matter is that gays simply don't procreate.

Landlord: I thought there was enough procreation down there already.
Gabriel: And they commit unspeakable acts.

Landlord: Murder? Torture? Paving over my mountain meadows?

Gabriel: Unspeakable sexual acts, sir.

Landlord: Ah, you mean they express their love for each other in different ways.

Gabriel: (annoyed) Really sir! If these people were automobiles, they'd be recalled in a nonce. They're clearly defective.

Landlord: (frowning) Defective, Gabriel?

Gabriel: Exactly sir. Some essential part if missing; some vital drive is malfunctioning. Bungled wiring – a loose screw...who knows?
Landlord: But clearly they're examples of shoddy workmanship?

Gabriel: Oh definitely sir. And they certainly don't deserve to clutter up your little blue-green jewel of a planet a minute longer. (Raising his Golden Trumpet again) Shall I evict them now?

Landlord: (slowly) And who made these imperfect products, Gabriel?

Gabriel: Why you did of course, but. . .(he lowers his trumpet in sudden consternation) Good You sir. I didn't mean to blaspheme. You will forgive them then?

Landlord: (smiling) A wise philosopher said long ago Gabriel that if I made sinners, it is not I who should forgive them, but they who should forgive me.

Gabriel: Well, I'm sure the gays will be glad to hear of your tolerance and generosity, sir.

Landlord: The gays? I was talking about my most devout Christians.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Joyful moments

How much joy do you have in your life? I'm not talking about money or wealth or how many friends you have or how well known you are. I'm talking about genuine bliss. What brings you happiness? Do you even take the time for joy or are you to busy with the kids or the job or trying to impress someone?

I've only lived in this neck of the woods for a few years, so I am frequently discovering new things.  On my daily morning walk, I go in different directions and sometimes encounter small animals, especially rabbits or lizards, or I might see some gorgeous flowers or other plant life. It's amazing. I have found myself smiling at some pretty simple things, even at the window of a newly opened downtown business.

Of course beauty, as they say, is in the eye of the beholder.  What brings joy to one person may not be joyful to others.  Take some time though and enjoy your beauties, wherever and whatever they may be.  Joyful moments seem to be more and more frequent. Want to be happy? Allow yourself to be! That may seem odd, but seriously, take the time. Allow yourself some joyful moments. You deserve it!

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Lend a hand

Making a difference can take many forms. Lending a hand or an ear is just one way to help out - one way to connect with others and to be human. I don't take about me here, because my goal all along has been to encourage cooperation and hopefully to get those who read these words to want a better world and so to reach out to others. It's NOT about me - it's about all of us. Today though, for a change, it's a little more about me, and about an incredible person I am truly blessed to have in my life.

Every one of us will occasionally have a bad day.  Nothing seems to be going right and you feel like you don't want to even move.  Well, rare though it is, that was me this week.  I made a comment on social media, which probably hundreds of people saw, but there was someone out there who also acted.  Moments after my post, he was reaching out.  "Are you okay?" he asked.  A conversation - a very encouraging one, began.  He cared.
Now I'm not suggesting for a minute that nobody else cares.  This person did something though.  He reached out.  He lent a hand.  It made a world of difference and I will always remember the warmth of his friendship last night and his concern.  Today is a great day.  I feel fantastic.  Last week though was a great reminder of how wonderful it can be to lend a hand to someone who needs you.  How wonderful it is to care.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Are you rich?

It's amazing to me how so many people measure wealth. Do you own your house? How many cars to you have? What about jewelry? Stocks? Money? Do you consider yourself rich?

Okay, that might be an odd question to ask, but I want you to think about it for a moment.  Are material things important to you? Are you waiting for that big break? Do you dream of marrying a wealthy spouse? Are thoughts of a huge inheritance frequently in your thoughts?

I wanted you to think about this for a moment because if material wealth is always on your mind, perhaps its time to rethink.  Maybe you already are rich, but just in another way.  The everyday heroes we talk about here, are heroes because the put more importance on the everyday.  Perhaps rich is really a state of mind. Take a closer look at the blessings already in your life, and you will discover riches of a more important kind.

Friday, January 19, 2024

At lunch today

At lunch today, see what you can do to brighten someone else's day.  It might seem odd for me to zoom in on lunchtime, but we should start somewhere, right?
Do you eat at home alone?  Consider inviting someone over to join you at mealtime.  Another alternative to that would be to go out somewhere, but still invite a friend.  You don't necessarily need to volunteer to pick up the check.  Just giving someone company can brighten their day - and yours!
If you normally go for take-out, think about buying an extra meal (a simple sandwich for example) and then handing it to a homeless person on the street.  Standing in line at a fast-food place?  Pay for the person behind you too.  (Since you don't know what they are ordering, approximate the cost or just casually ask them).
Having lunch at work without going out can be a bigger challenge.  If a coworker approaches the microwave at the same moment you do, insist that they use it first.  If you have fresh fruit, cookies, crackers, or anything easily shared, offer some to a coworker.
These are just a few examples.  I'm sure if you think about it you can come up with many more ways to brighten people's day at lunchtime.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Better to give than to receive

I look at every single day as a wonderful gift, and don't get me wrong, receiving gifts can be quite nice, but I truly believe that it is better to give than to receive.  Think of the warm feeling.  Think of the smile you see.  I could go on and on.

I'm sure you have given a gift to someone before. The one thing I love about giving though is that it never has to be a material thing. Giving can be more than a pretty wrapped box.  I think that so many times we believe that whenever we hear the term “give” it automatically relates to material things - even expensive things.  Giving time (like when you volunteer at a charity or when you read a story to a child or when you help pick up trash along the beach), is just one example of a non-material kind of gift.
I recently watched a video where two young guys bought several bunches of bananas, bottled water, and gathered some clothing that they no longer wore and they took those items out and gave them to homeless men in the streets.  The smiles from the recipients proven how wonderful this giving was.  Not a huge amount of money was spent - that wasn't the point.  It was giving - pure giving.  It was people caring about others.
You really can't get much better than that!

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Meum Pactum Dictum

Well I could have simply written it in English, but this seemed to be a little more eye-catching. The Latin phrase here, dictum meum pactum, simply means my word is my bond, but what does that mean?

Have you ever been frustrated when someone told you they would do something, but then did not. "I'll be happy to donate to your charity. Expect a check on Monday." No check comes though. You had been counting on it. "Let me fill that volunteer position on Friday evening." When Friday rolls around, your volunteer does not. There are many examples of people saying they will do something, and then not doing them.

Yes, we are human. Things happen that makes changes necessary. But how do we trust someone if they never (or seldom) do what they say? How can you believe someone who is always misleading.

Just by giving your word, we can be assured that the promise will be kept. That is the meaning of dictum meum pactum. That is the meaning of my word is my bond. How wonderful if we all made it our way of life!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Concerned about feelings on Valentine's Day

There still is a little time before Valentine's Day comes. (It's the 14th of next month). I wanted to repeat something though and do it ahead of time to hopefully reach some of your thoughts. I've written about this before, but I really think it can stand to be repeated. I'm talking about the "exclusive" nature of Valentine's Day.

In school, kids often bring in Valentine cards to exchange with other kids in their class and sometimes with other classes as well. It all ends up being a big popularity contest though. The new kid who isn't known yet, or the students who aren't as popular might not get any cards at all. Instead, they would have hurt feelings and would go home crying at the end of the day. People end up dreading coming to school that day.
The same kind of thing can happen in the workplace.  Some employees exchange cards.  Flowers arrive from husbands and boyfriends.  Sometimes there are chocolates or balloons or teddy bears.  It lifts the spirits of the recipient, but who about the one sitting there who gets nothing? 

I'm not saying we have to supply cards and gifts for the whole world, but perhaps there are a few things we can do to be more considerate of those other people.  For example, some schools have a policy that if you bring Valentine cards in to exchange, there must be one for everyone. The same thing is true with things like cupcakes or cookies.  Another possibility is to be more discrete.   This works in the workplace a lot better though than with kids in a classroom.
What are your thoughts about this?  Is it fair though to tell a child who he or she must give to? Should the school get involved? Do employers need to monitor such things? Do we need to care about the feelings of others?  What do YOU think?

Monday, January 15, 2024


Today is the day we remember the great leader, Dr Martin Luther King, Jr and all the lessons he taught us. Born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, GA Dr King would be 95 today, had he not been shot and killed back in 1968. Just four days after his death, Representative John Conyers introduced a motion to make King’s birthday a federal holiday, but it wasn’t until 1979 that the House of Representatives voted on the motion. It failed to pass by five votes.

In 1983, Congressmen Jack Kemp, Newt Gingrich, Jim Wright and Tip O’Neill gave speeches in support of the holiday, and it passed in the House by 53 votes. Senator Jesse Helms adamantly opposed the bill and accused King of being a communist.   It passed in the Senate anyway, but by just twelve votes.  The bill made its way to President Ronald Reagan’s desk and he signed it into law in November 1983.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day was first celebrated in 1986, although it would be over a decade before all fifty states adopted the holiday. In the years since its adoption into law, the holiday has been marked every third Monday of January. In many parts of the country, it isn't just a day off from work or school, but a day to give back and make a difference. There are marches and rallies and speeches. 

How will YOU observe this day? What are your plans to honor the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.? MLK Day has always been about service and this year shouldn't be any different.  Your participation does make a difference.

Saturday, January 13, 2024


It's cold out there!  Some places are much colder than where I am.  Some places are also covered with snow and ice.  We still are in the early stages of winter. Oh my!
If you are in any effected areas, stay safe.  Help others too.  Stay in touch with friends and relatives and make sure nobody is stuck outdoors.  This is true for animals of all sizes too!  Some people have pets that stay outside all of the time.  There are also farm animals that generally stay outdoors of course too.  Think about these animals.  Is your barn heated?  Does your horse have a blanket?  The dog can go outside briefly for his potty break, but inside he must come right afterward.  If it's cold to you, it's cold to your animals too!  Be aware.
For those doubters, look at the facts.  See those temperatures and wind chills that are being reported on.  Can you remember this happening before?  Well, many are breaking records - BIG records.  This is serious folks.  We need to protect ourselves and our animals, as I said, and we also need to finally start taking climate change seriously.  We need to act before it is too late!  Take a few moments to talk to some of your friends, co-workers, and family members.  Take some time too and contact elected officials.  Tell them they must address this issue NOW!

Friday, January 12, 2024

Just a cashier

If someone says "she is just a cashier," that's insulting.  (I used to hear "just a secretary" a lot, but the term "assistant" now usually takes the place of secretary).  Every single honest endeavor is important and there is no "just" about it.  Some folks try to make themselves more important but putting others down, but that is just plain wrong.

Lately I have noticed the cashiers in supermarkets and drugstores becoming the victims of this sort of bashing.  It doesn't stop there either.  Often customers treat these service employees so badly that you would think manners had been thrown out the window.

Consider this:  the cashier generally counts your change into your hand, but how many of you hand that cash payment directly to him or her?  All too often the money is just tossed on the counter often with many coins included.  The transaction would be so much faster (and more courtesy would be shown toward the cashier) it that same money had been placed in the cashier's hand.

If the cashier smiles at you and says hello, don't assume they have some hidden motive.  Perhaps they are just being polite.  Oh and when the cashier asks if you want a bag, it is because we are trying to save the earth and not use bags as much as we did.  Instead of immediately placing every purchase in a bag, it is hoped that many customers will bring their own reusable bag or will simply carry their purchase in their hands.

Cashiers are people doing a job.  Treat them in the same manner you would like them to treat you.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

I'm positive

"Look on the bright side" is an oft quoted saying.  Oh and just in case you haven't noticed, there is always a bright side!  Positive thinking is so much happier and affirming than negative thinking.  While it is true that everything in life is not perfect, there are still always things for which we should rejoice and be glad.  No matter how many bad things come up, I still want to look at the good.
Abraham Lincoln said something truly marvelous about this very subject.  “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”   What a great way of looking at things!
As you go through life, look at the wonderful positive things that come your way.  Let other people sling their mud or be a gloomy Gus.  No need for you to fall into that trap.  Be happy.  Think positive.  I do!

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Life After Birth

This is one of those stories that circulates and nobody knows who the author is. I've posted before things that I didn't write, and I want to do it again today because this one can really make you think. This one is about faith -

In a mother's womb were two babies. One asked the other: "Do you believe in life after delivery?"

The other replies, "Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery. Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later."

"Nonsense," says the other. "There is no life after delivery. What would that life be?"

"I don't know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat from our mouths."

The other says "This is absurd! Walking is impossible. And eat with our mouths? Ridiculous. The umbilical cord supplies nutrition. Life after delivery is to be excluded. The umbilical cord is too short."

"I think there is something and maybe it's different than it is here."

"No one has ever come back from there. Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery it is nothing but darkness and anxiety and it takes us nowhere."

"Well, I don't know," says the other, "but certainly we will see mother and she will take care of us."

"Mother??! You believe in mother? Where is she now?"

"She is all around us. It is in her that we live. Without her there would not be this world."

"I don't see her, so it's only logical that she doesn't exist."

To which the other replied, "sometimes when you're in silence you can hear her, you can perceive her." I believe there is a reality after delivery and we are here to prepare ourselves for that reality."

As I said at the beginning, these words are not mine, but I wanted to share this beautiful perspective on faith with you. Of course we all know that there is indeed life after delivery from the womb. How many of you believe in life after delivery from our earthly journey?

Monday, January 8, 2024

Daddy may I borrow $25

Those heartwarming stories that circulate on the internet can be quite inspiring.  From time to time I have shared some of them here, although I always wish I could give credit to the writer.  Here is another author unknown tale:

A man came home from work late, tired and irritated, to find his 5-year old son waiting for him at the door.
SON: ‘Daddy, may I ask you a question?’
DAD: ‘Yeah sure, what it is?’ replied the man.
SON: ‘Daddy, how much do you make an hour?’
DAD: ‘That’s none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?’ the man said angrily.
SON: ‘I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?’
DAD: ‘If you must know, I make $50 an hour.’
SON: ‘Oh,’ the little boy replied, with his head down.
SON: ‘Daddy, may I please borrow $25?’

The father was furious, ‘If the only reason you asked that is so you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or some other nonsense, then you march yourself straight to your room and go to bed. Think about why you are being so selfish.  I don’t work hard everyday for such childish frivolities.’  The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door.

The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy’s questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money?

After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down , and started to think:  Maybe there was something he really needed to buy with that $25 and he really didn’t ask for money very often.  The man went to the door of the little boy’s room and opened the door.

‘Are you asleep, son?’ He asked.

‘No daddy, I’m awake,’ replied the boy.

‘I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier,’ said the man. ‘It’s been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you.  Here’s the $25 you asked for.’

The little boy sat straight up, smiling. ‘Oh, thank you daddy!’ he yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled out some crumpled up bills.  The man saw that the boy already had money, started to get angry again.  The little boy slowly counted out his money, and then looked up at his father.

‘Why do you want more money if you already have some?’ the father grumbled.

‘Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do,’ the little boy replied.  ‘Daddy, I have $50 now. Can I buy an hour of your time?  Please come home early tomorrow.  I would like to have dinner with you.’

The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little son, and he begged for his forgiveness.

Let us learn from this story and one of the lessons should be the importance of our children, of all our family and our friends!

Saturday, January 6, 2024

what a beauty

What a great beauty this land of ours is.  What a great beauty is our life.  What a great beauty we are surrounded by each and every day of our lives.  Look at the trees and the flowers.  Breathe in the fresh air.  Listen to the birds and the crickets and the little children giggling.  Take a moment to appreciate the beauty.
Doesn't look beautiful to you?  Look again.  If you live in the big city you may have forgotten that beauty comes in many forms.  If you are in a great hurry ever day you just might miss some of the beauty in our world.  Slow down.  Take the time.  If you become jaded or choose to not open your eyes and your ears, you just might miss out.  There really is so much to see.
What a beauty we have all around us though!  Don't take my word for it though.  Open your eyes and take a look!

Friday, January 5, 2024

For him it makes a difference

Another one of those "internet parables" came my way the other day, and although you may have heard it, this one again is worth sharing. Like others I have shared here in the past, I have no idea who the author is.
It seems an old man was going for a walk one day when he noticed a little boy feeding a thin, shaggy looking dog with bits of bread. He went up to the boy and asked him why he was sharing his bread with the dog.

The little boy answered, "Because he has nothing. No home, no family, and if I don’t feed him he will die."

"But there are homeless dogs everywhere," the old man replied. "Your efforts don’t really make a difference."

The little boy looked at the dog and stroked him. "For him, for this little dog, it makes all the difference in the world."

I wish I knew who wrote this because they get it so amazingly right. Did you ever hold back from donating money or food or anything else because you could only spare a small amount and thought it wouldn't make a difference? If we all fed those homeless dogs - if we all fed those homeless people, it would make such a difference. I'm thinking we just might wipe out homelessness!

Thursday, January 4, 2024

Shrink-wrapped life

You have probably heard jokes about the shrink-wrapped furniture that some folks have in their house.  Don't sit on the couch.  It might get dirty!  I've actually been to homes where the chairs and sofa are covered with plastic.  People actually try to save their furniture for special occasions and to keep them clean.
I suppose nobody wants a dirty couch, but guess what?  It's supposed to get dirty!  It's supposed to get used!  You bought the couch to sit on, not to use as some sort of museum piece.
We can put all of our possessions on a shelf and save them for just the right time, but who decides when that right time is?  Do we really want to lead a shrink-wrapped life?  "Don't smile too much - it might cause wrinkles."  Oh the things I hear sometimes.  "My friend gave me that and I'm saving it for just the right moment." 
That bottle of wine, your plastic covered furniture, the jewelry you have in that seldom-opened box - it ALL should be broken out now!  What are you waiting for?  Don't waste your life looking for moments still to come.  Embrace what is already here.  Just being alive is a special occasion.  Being part of humanity is something that should be enjoyed every single day.  Don't keep waiting for a special occasion.  The special occasion is already here!

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

it takes all kinds

We often hear it said that it takes all kinds.  Indeed it does!  I am so fortunate to know al kinds of people - people who serve, people who lead, passionate, talented, committed people, those who are seeking, those who have heard a call, innovators, givers, people who make this world so much better.  Making a difference in this world for the better, is the theme here.  All I have to do each day is look around and I find so many people and so many ideas to write about.
Yes, there are some who are only takers.  There are people who are more inclined to destroy than to build up.  These are not those folks who make this world so great and thankfully, these are not the majority of folks I know.
It takes all kinds - even the ones who don't want to contribute.  They help inspire us to do good instead of following them.  When we see bad, we are not inclined to follow it.  The positive wonderful things in our lives are the things that inspire and lead us forward.  Thanks to all of you who serve and who lead and who give!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Go ahead. Make my day.

Do you feel like changing the world? Maybe you'd like to give some gratitude? Show some love? Be nice? Thank someone? Make a difference? Bring a little joy? How about encouraging others? Celebrating life? Perhaps doing all of these? Go ahead. Make my day!  

You may be aware that in addition to what I write here each morning, I also write a blog about kindness. It's short. Sometimes it's just a sentence or two, but it encourages me to be a kinder person, and hopefully along the way it has encouraged some of you. Sometimes I simply list some random acts of kindness that you just might want to borrow. To help you out in this holiday season, I decided to list a whole bunch of them here today. Use them as often as you like!

Make a point of finding the name of a supermarket or drugstore employee and then praise him/her through that company’s corporate office.

Tell your boss that you think he/she does a good job.

Help folks stay connected during this pandemic by making frequent phone calls.

When drivers try to merge into your lane, let them in with a wave and a smile.

Send a gift anonymously to a friend.

Tell your parents/children why you love them.

Volunteer somewhere.

Share your smile generously.

Transport someone who can’t drive.

Make telephone calls in support of equality urging others to put aside hate.

Pay a compliment at least once a day.

Give public testimony about an important civic matter.

Go through your closets and find several nice items and then donate them to a shelter.

Give your full attention to someone in need and simply listen.

Say nice things randomly to facebook and twitter friends.

Buy small bottles of hand sanitizer and randomly hand them out to strangers on the street.

Clean graffiti from neighborhood walls and buildings.

Tell a bus or taxi driver how much you appreciate their driving.

Give another driver your parking spot.

If you prefer, please feel free to make up some of your own! You might want to even tell us about some ideas you have - they are most certainly welcome in the comments section below!

Monday, January 1, 2024

How much

How much do you want to make out of your life?  No, not how much money.  I'm asking if you have any sort of aspirations.  We weren't just born to pay bills and then die.  As we begin this new year, do you have dream and goals and hopes?
Are you someone who always wants to do better?  Do you find yourself reaching for the stars?  Is there a limit?  Do you keep going just because you want things better for yourself, or do you have high expectations for your family, friends, and even your community?  How much achievement is enough?  Should we keep reinventing ourselves?
What gives you joy?  What brings you pleasure?  Do you want more and more of these things?  How much more?  Oh my!  For me there really is no limit.  Every day presents new opportunities and I want to take advantage of each and every one.  I hope that you keep wanting new experiences in your life too.