Sunday, March 31, 2024

Why go to church?

What are you doing today?  When I was young, the grocery stores in the small town were closed and in fact they all had signs on their doors that read "closed Sundays - see you in church."  Back then more Americans did go to worship services, on Sundays or on whatever day was most significant to their faith tradition.  Now more and more people are asking "Why go to church?"

In an interview with Ladies Home Journal back in 1917, Theodore Roosevelt, our 26th president offered a number of reasons for going to church. One of the things he said was "Church work and church attendance mean the cultivation of the habit of feeling some responsibility for others and the sense of braced moral strength, which prevents a relaxation of one's own moral fiber." I like that. It sounds a lot like the kind of thing I write about here every day.

The Bible calls on us to be the church, and not just go to church. How can we be the church though if we are not there and are not participating?  How can we spread the Good News and feed and clothe the poor and work for justice and pray for peace and promote a better world, if we don't get off our butts and go?

I'm not going to convince someone in this small space that participating in their synagogue, church, mosque, or other place of worship is something they should do. The reasons for going are many. I suppose you could make a list for why NOT to participate also.  Just for a moment today though, think about it.  If you already have a faith community that you have been part of, think about participating more fully, and if you do not, take a look around.  See what's available to you.  Consider joining and making a difference.  Today just happens to be Easter Day.  What an excellent time to get involved!
Roosevelt also said "Yes, I know all the excuses. I know that one can worship the Creator and dedicate oneself to good living in a grove of trees, or by a running brook, or in one's own house, just as well as in church. But I also know as a matter of cold fact the average man does not thus worship or thus dedicate himself," the President said. "If he strays away from church, he does not spend his time in good works or lofty meditation. He looks over the colored supplement of the newspaper."

Saturday, March 30, 2024

The Doctors

Doctors make a difference and while I think we should recognize them all the time, today is a day especially for that, National Doctors' Day. We can all celebrate as we recognize the contributions of physicians to our own lives, to our families and friends, and to our communities.

My mother was a nurse, so I learned at a very young age about the wonderful things doctors do. Most of us though take doctors for granted, or we become frustrated when we are stuck in a waiting room waiting for our appointment. Think beyond that for a moment. Think about the long hours they work and think about the lives they save. Think about the times they help make your pains disappear.  Think about the doctor who saved your life when you were in that accident, or who successfully removed the cancer from your body, or the doctor who helped you adjust to diabetes.  Think about the doctor who treated your child's chicken pox, or the physician who operated on your heart, or the doctor who stood by your bed listening to your litany of pains and aches.  

Doctors complete a four-year undergraduate program, four years in medical school, and three to seven years in a residency program to learn the specialty they wish to pursue. The learning doesn't stop there. A good physician is always keeping up with advances in medicine.  How many people have the patience for so many years of education.

In recent years I have volunteered at a hospital and have had the marvelous opportunity to see a lot of physicians up close. Oh my! Such really kind and skilled people. I can't really mention names here. There isn't room.  Instead, I will simply say thank you to them all.

Friday, March 29, 2024

The hope of spring

Growing up back east where winter was sometimes severe and it seemed like the snow was going to last forever, I always looked forward to springtime.  I can remember going to church on Easter Day and seeing beautiful potted hyacinths lining the walkway to the church.  If the weather had been nice and the snow was gone, there might even be some flowers growing in the garden and the grass might be green and pretty.  Some years it would still be cold on Easter and there might even still be snow, but the hyacinths would still be there to herald spring.
Springtime, Passover, and Easter are about much more than flowers of course.  Spring is newness.  Spring is rebirth.  Springtime offers hope.  Looking at beautiful flowers can certainly remind us of all the good there is and all the good that is yet to come and that is always a big deal.  

More and more people are speaking out when they see injustice.  More and more people are doing positive things that give me hope.  Oh don't let me tell you that everything is perfect - far from it.  We hold the key though.  We can make things better.  Let's work together, keep a positive attitude, and not give up.  Better days are coming.  That is the hope of springtime.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

One of many

One of many. (Not a Star Trek character. You're thinking of Seven of Nine). I was just thinking though of one marvelous thing, but as I did, I realized that it wasn't the only marvelous thing. There are tons of marvelous things and more keep on coming. It was simply one of many.

When you eat a mouth-watering candy bar, remember that there are more where that came from - it's just one of many.  When you have a wonderful day, think of it as one of many. When you hear a great song for the first time, be happy about that, but realize it is one of many. How about that fantastic breakfast you just ate, of the beautiful flowers you saw during your morning walk? There are wonders just about everywhere you look. We are surrounded by all kinds of goodness, but sometimes we just don't see it.

As you go through today, make a mental note of every positive or joyful thing you experience - all kinds of candy bars?  beautiful flowers?  perhaps smiling faces?  As you do it, think of the fact that your list keeps on growing. We aren't just talking about one thing - we are talking about one of many!

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Ordinary folks

Do you need to have a certain level of education, or do you need a large bank account, or must you be of a certain age or race or religion or ethnicity to be a hero?  Do you have to be a man to be a hero?  That might seem like an odd question, but think about it for a moment.  Who do you consider your own heroes?  Do they have anything in common?

I have found over the years that those who inspire me are all different.  Their age or sex or gender identity or wealth or life experience can all be different.  In real life, heroes don't wear capes. In real life heroes aren't always men and they don't need to be a certain height or of a certain race. In real life heroes don't necessarily even get much attention.  Being a hero isn't so much about who they are, but what they do.

Just about all of the people I consider heroes, are ordinary folks.  So what does that mean?  Who can be a hero?  Ordinary folks like you and me.  Every single one of us can he a hero!

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

What are you wearing?

Do people ever begin a conversation with you because of your clothing? Yesterday I was wearing a t-shirt from one of my favorite organizations, Go Inspire Go. I've written here about them before, but I never tire of telling about them because they pretty much do what I do - encourage folks to make a difference. Their founder Toan Lam (pictured here wearing a shirt like the one I had on yesterday), inspires me every single day with his posts on the Go Inspire Go website and on social media.

Every year I participate in various fundraising events and generally there are special shirts or jackets, which I enjoy wearing because it gives attention to the event, and it gives me a great opportunity to billboard the organization. I have a Light the Night jacket from several years ago that I always wear around the time of that event each year and when I am out trying to raise sponsors. I suppose we all do the same thing to some degree when we wear shirts from our schools or favorite teams.

I love telling people about some of my favorite charities though and it was great yesterday when a total stranger pointed to my shirt and said "What's gig"? After a few minutes of talking about Go Inspire Go, I suggested he watch some of their videos and I directed him to - you should check it out too, if you don't already know about them.

Monday, March 25, 2024

Are you happy?

What makes you happy?  Are you happy because we have a new president?  Are you happy because zoom and youtube and other platforms help us to attend church and concerts and ballet?  Are there material objects that bring you happiness?  What about food or maybe music or art?  Are you happy because of the work you do or the people you associate with or because of your hobbies or because of some great past memories?  
What?  I'm assuming you ARE happy.  Perhaps I should have first asked if you are.  Well, what's the answer?  Are you a happy person?  Do you share that happiness with others?  (Sharing happiness can also bring you happiness).  It is wonderful to make others happy!
I think that happy is one of those wonderful things that is very easy to share.  If you are smiling it invites others to smile as well.  If you seem to be happy and pleasant, I'll bet you will find others picking that happiness up from you!

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Who or what inspires you?

Inspiration:  Where does it come from?  Is there an athlete, or a television program or a book or a movie or a famous person that has given you inspiration?  There must be someone or something that has inspired you at some time in your life.  I am fortunate to have had inspirations many times.  There are famous people who always inspire me, but sometimes it's just the new friend I just met.

Let's talk a little bit about it.  What made it inspiring?  Can you remember the circumstances?  Has anyone ever told you that you inspire them?  Did they say why?  Think about it.  What does it take to inspire?  (For me, there are many things).

Our country's sixth President, John Quincy Adams (way back in the early 1800s) said "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."

And so dear readers, be a leader.  Inspire someone!

Friday, March 22, 2024

the smile on your face is there because

The smile on your face is there because you are happy?  Are you always happy?  Do you realize you are smiling or is it something that just comes naturally?  When you meet someone for the first time, do you notice whether or not they are smiling?  (Are you aware if you are smiling)?

Okay so it might look like a toothpaste commercial to some people, but so what?  Isn't a happy appearance a better option than an unhappy one?  I think when someone is smiling, it makes me smile, and not just on my face - I find myself smiling inside.  Of course that's just my opinion.  I'd always love to hear yours!

Yes, I realize that things are not perfect and there are things that make us angry, frustrate us, or make us sad.  A smile doesn't mean everything is perfect.  It means we are going to allow happiness into our lives despite the bad.  If you see someone today without a smile, why don't you give them one of yours?

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Let them know

Recently several people I know have died.  The anniversary of my mom's death is approaching too.  Thinking about so many people who have passed away got me thinking about something else: regrets. Was there anything in their lives that they regretted as they came to an end? What about my relationship with them? Did I have any regrets?

The answer for me, is no. I don't really have any regrets.   Oh yes, I regret not being able to see them any longer, but I have no regrets about our friendships. I believe in speaking up and saying what I think. I always encourage others to do the same thing. Do you value someone's friendship? Let them know. Do you enjoy spending time with someone? Let them know.

There's always tomorrow, isn't really true. A friend died unexpectedly in his sleep not long ago. I wonder how many wishes they had said any number of things to him, before that night. Now I am not saying we should live in fear that each day may be our last or the last day for a friend or relative, but throughout life, don't hide your feelings. Let them know how you feel!

Telling someone that you think they are special or that you enjoy their company, can really brighten their day! My thoughts anyway - what do YOU think?

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Be the reason someone smiles

Have you ever walked down the street early in the morning and had someone smile and say hello to you? It actually used to be quite common. It still happens here and there, but mostly in smaller communities. I don't know about you, but that kind of friendliness can really make my day. Their smile becomes my smile!

Of course there are many reasons to be happy. The barista who serves my coffee, remembering exactly how I like it from my previous visits, and who hands it to me with a smile. His smile, becomes my smile! The same thing happens when I am crossing the street and a driver waits to let me go ahead with a wave and a smile. (I think you know where this is going). Her smile becomes my smile! That's how it goes throughout the day. Someone has a smile, and now I do too.

Being nice is always a good thing. Sharing the joys of life not only makes others happy, but can help to keep you happy. It's like a circle. Happy people don't have to put a lot of effort into it. It just comes naturally. Some of us have to think about it a little more. Whatever the case though, be happy, and share it. Be the reason someone smiles today!

Monday, March 18, 2024

Give Me A Number

One day at a hospital where I volunteer, I overheard family members talking about an elderly patient.  "I'm not spending money on that," said one.  "She probably won't be alive much longer anyway so it wouldn't be worth it."

This isn't the first time I heard people talk numbers.  During the COVID-19 pandemic I heard several times that some people would die, but not enough to be worried about.  When should we be concerned then?  Please, give me a number.

There are many wonderful people in this world doing great things, and it gives me pleasure to be able to write about some of them here and about things we can all do to make a difference.  From time to time though I just have to comment on the other side of the coin.  There sadly are people who just don't care about others.  I don't get it.  I really don't.  I especially don't understand the preoccupation with numbers.

Every single person is entitled to the chance at happiness from the moment they are born until the day they day.  It's not a case of some being expendable.  It isn't that someone has lived a long time and therefore no longer deserves to live.  That is simply nonsense.  It doesn't matter who says otherwise - they are wrong.  There isn't an age when people are no longer worthy.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Love until it hurts

Mother Teresa once said "I have found the paradox that if I love until it hurts, then there is no hurt, but only more love." Wonderful!  How can more love ever be a bad thing?

I remember that every time I talked to my mother, she said something about love.  She loved me and my sister but she also loved life and her friends and her everyday experiences, and it showed in everything she did!

I can remember a church in San Francisco where the members used to wear buttons (and hand them out to visitors too).  The buttons say "More Love." What a wonderful concept! I hope that church still has those buttons.

We write here in this blog each day about making a difference in this world of ours. Love is what that comes down to. You cannot do good deeds without love. Love brings joy to those who give it and to those who receive it. Love truly does help us make a difference. Mother Teresa made a difference in this world because of love.

Love is worth it!

Saturday, March 16, 2024

how much can you give?

Someone calls you on the phone and asks for a donation or you receive a letter in the mail or perhaps there is a posting on someone's blog that you regularly read. You want to make a donation but you don't think you can afford it or you think the small amount you might give is not really worth it.

Very few of us can donate money to every single cause that comes along, even if we want to. So, just how much can you give? When is it time to step back and donate no more?

In the few lines I write here every day, it would be impossible to give all of the answers on any subject and giving of money is one of the most difficult of all. The best advice I can give is to plan. Don't just reach into your pocket every single time someone asks. Very soon the well would be dry!

Another important thing to remember is that when giving money, EVERY SINGLE DONATION MATTERS. Sometimes we tend to forget that. We think that smaller donations don't matter, but it is those numerous small donations that add up to the big ones!

One thing I like to do is collect money at home for various causes. You can take a few envelopes or jars or even piggy banks and use them to grow donations. One might be for the money you want to give to your church (apart from what you usually give) for some special program or ministry. Another container might be to give money to fight AIDS or cancer or any number of other diseases. You get the idea. You can even have a collection for an unknown cause, just in case something comes up that you want to give to.

Do you usually buy yourself a desert every afternoon, or maybe a coffee? Skip a day (or two or three) and put the money you saved in the jar(s). If you earn a little extra at work (overtime maybe) or doing some special job, put all or at least a part of that in your charity collection jars. Every time you have a little extra money in your pocket, add it to that jar or envelope.

By planning to give something to various causes, you can do so comfortably without fearing that you will leave yourself broke. Saying no is okay too. Always be aware of your limits.

Friday, March 15, 2024

That's beautiful!

Did you ever look out your car window and say "That's beautiful!"? How about taking a walk through the community where you live and you stumble across a scene that moves you because it's just lovely?  The "beautiful" here in this picture is from the Japanese Tea Garden in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, not far from where I once lived.

Here in Arizona where I live now, there is a lot of beauty too.  Even in the wide open desert there is beauty.  I seem to see beauty everywhere I go.  It's not just on the ground or in the sky.

Beauty can be on the buildings and even on the clothing that people are wearing, and lest we forget, beauty can be within the people we encounter, too (even when we are wearing masks).  It's actually very rare to find a person who does not have beauty within.  You don't have to even look hard - just open your eyes and open your heart.

If we all take a moment to see the beauty that is all around us, I very certain we will realize how beautiful this great world of ours is!

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Who inspires you?

Just a few months before she died, I was helping my mother setup a new password for her television and telephone service and the service agent wanted as a hint (in case the password was forgotten), the name of Mom's hero.  Without hesitation Mom said "Dad."  Yes, my grandfather inspired me in many ways, but it was so nice to hear Mom call him her hero.

What about you though - do you have a hero?  Is there someone in your life who inspires you?  When I think of people who inspire me personally, they are not always people I have actually met.  Yes, it can be a relative or friend or co-worker, but we can be inspired by strangers too.  A guy I have written about many times here is one person who inspires me.  There are celebrities too and people long gone.

During the pandemic, I found more and more personal heroes.  The wonderful cellist who livestreamed concerts of his music, was certainly one of them.  All the people who showed care and concern for others, and the leadership we needed to get through it.  My friend Toan, who has been a hero to me since the day I met him, continues to be.  There is also Dinah, and Justin, and Kelly, and my wonderful sister.  It seems my life is full of heroes!

It is such a blessing to have people who inspire you.  The number isn't important.  It might be one person or it could be several.  The significance is that they inspire you.  Do you have such a person in your life?

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

colored water

I can remember as a youngster being in the supermarket with my mom and seeing the drinking fountains (remember them?) labeled "white" and "colored." I had no idea this was racial - I thought the water was white or colored! Naturally I wanted to drink the colored one. A woman witnessed this and scolded my mother for letting me drink where "those people" had put their mouths. My mother explained it all later, but it was several years later before I really understood.

Or do I understand? Why should someone drink from a certain fountain and not from another, just because of their race? Well the answer of course is that they shouldn't. Separate drinking fountains are illegal now, but sadly, we still have racial prejudice - I see examples most every day even now in 2024.

The whole drinking water thing apparently hit home with many.  Diane Bass, the mother of entertainer Lance Bass, wrote an essay several years ago which I just read the other day and in it she recalls her drinking fountain moment.  With her grandmother screaming at her to stop drinking from the "wrong" fountain, Bass writes "When I looked at the fountain it had the word "Colored" on it and she told me I had to drink out of another one. I was only 6 years old but I knew something was just not right about that."

Many of my friends are Asian and one time I was out with several other guys, all of whom are Asian. A group of white guys came upon us and started yelling at me "Why aren't you with your own kind?" They even chased after us, and since we were outnumbered, their senseless prejudice was not in the forefront of our minds - we simply wanted to get out of there safely.

I see the same kind of bias against lgbtq people often. I've been very fortunate and haven't been the victim of individual attacks, but all the laws that ban same sex marriage or that allow prejudice against lgbtq people in the workplace or anywhere else, are certainly attacks. They are saying I am not quite as good as someone else.

In all my years and will all that I have seen, the prejudicial treatment of people based on their membership - or perceived membership - in a certain group or category, just doesn't make sense to me, and yet it continues.

Is a world with true equality too much for me to hope for? Can we put aside all prejudice and discrimination? Will bigotry ever be completely erased? What do YOU think?

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Forgive and forget

Forgive and forget? The late Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa had a few things to say about that.

“Forgiving and being reconciled to our enemies or our loved ones are not about pretending that things are other than they are. It is not about patting one another on the back and turning a blind eye to the wrong. True reconciliation exposes the awfulness, the abuse, the hurt, the truth. It could even sometimes make things worse. It is a risky undertaking but in the end it is worthwhile, because in the end only an honest confrontation with reality can bring real healing. Superficial reconciliation can bring only superficial healing.”

The archbishop further said “Forgiving is not forgetting; its actually remembering - remembering and not using your right to hit back. Its a second chance for a new beginning. And the remembering part is particularly important. Especially if you don't want to repeat what happened.”

Monday, March 11, 2024


What are your goals? Hopefully you have some. Great Austrailian athlete Bill Copeland once said “The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” Indeed.

We hear people talk about “pursuing our dreams” and “going for the gold.” What does that mean?  Setting a goal in life is the first step in dreaming of our future. Set that goal and then go for it! We all are capable of doing great things. How often have I said we all can change the world?  We really can.  The first step though is to try.  We need to try to do it.

The so often inspiring Walt Disney said it so well:  “All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.” One more quote. This one is from Charles D. Gill: “There are many wonderful things that will never be done if you do not do them.”

Sunday, March 10, 2024


If you are a regular reader of these daily words, you know that what we talk about here is giving back and making a difference in the world. There are many ways of doing it, and we have ventured details on a goodly number over the years. Occasionally we bring an individual to your attention who is making a difference.

Most people become activists or volunteers or givers, because they genuinely want to be productive. That doesn’t mean that a little recognition is a bad thing or that they would run from it. If you are giving time to a non-profit, you usually aren’t receiving any money for it. Now hopefully you are there because you really like the organization, and you feel your gift of time and talent can be of assistance. That does not mean that your efforts should not be recognized or that you should not be thanked.

Years ago, a priest taught me a valuable lesson. I know this is NOT about me, but still, I want to share it. I would volunteer on a regular basis – at least once a week. Each time, when I had finished, he said two simple words to me: thank you. I try to always do the same now with others. It really doesn’t have to be limited to volunteer situations either. In the workplace, it’s nice when your boss thanks you with words and not just your paycheck.

Recognition goes beyond thanks too. Calling attention to the good work of others and letting others know of it, is another form of pay and one that recipients will greatly cherish. They may not go into a situation looking for praise, but a few kind words of recognition can really brighten up their day! 

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Is it spring yet?

The question many people, especially those in the northeast United States, may be asking: "Is it spring yet?" "Will the weather soon warm up? Parts of the country right now are at or near zero and the forecast is saying it will dip all the way to 11 below! Yikes!  Just what did that groundhog say last month?  Sometimes it may seem difficult to stay happy and upbeat with weather like this!
Life sends all kinds of obstacles our way, not just severe weather.  Do we throw our hands in the air and just give up?  Of course not!  While looking forward to good things might be helpful, we can also appreciate what we have.  Several feet of snow doesn't always make that easy, but it is possible.

Daylight Saving Time begins at 2am tomorrow.  We often remind ourselves to "spring forward," although spring is still a couple weeks away.  (Don't forget your clocks tonight, unless you live in Arizona, Hawaii, or Puerto Rico).
What blessings does your life have?  Think about it for a moment.  Did anything happen to you yesterday that you are really grateful for?  Are you healthy?  Have you been eating good meals?  Is there someone in your life who loves you?  Did you do something recently that brought you pleasure?  Do you have a warm bed to sleep in at night and nice clothes to wear?  There are probably tons of good things in your life, so why dwell on what negative there might be.  Not enough good things?  Work on building some more!

Friday, March 8, 2024

Give, give, give

How many ways are there to give?  My dear readers, the list is endless.  You can give back in so many ways!
Volunteer to tutor kids after school. Go on a trash walk and clean up a local park. Plant a tree. Do a yard sale, and give the proceeds to a local charity. Volunteer at one of the more than 3,190 shelters in the country. Volunteer or donate to a local food bank. Collect non perishable food items at your next birthday party instead of gifts.
Give money to your favorite cause.  Adopt a pet. Read to children at your local library.  Put together a birthday bag for a child living in a shelter. Volunteer at the hospital.  Send a letter to a solider. Donate money in honor of a friend or in memory of a loved one.  Be a big brother or a big sister.
Give, give, give!  It really is a wonderful way to live!  Any special ways YOU have of giving back?  Let me hear from you!

Thursday, March 7, 2024

no negativity!

There are so many wonderful positive things in this world to celebrate that it seems to me that negativity has no place.  Yes, there are those who are always moaning and groaning about something, and there are newspapers and television stations that seem to enjoy showing the bad more than the good, but that doesn't mean for one moment that we have to follow along!

I think we should promote the things we love instead of bashing what we hate.  There are so many things that I truly love and am inspired by, so this is very easy for me to do.  Think about it though.  In your conversations around the water cooler (or anywhere), try to be positive.  Take all negativity out of your vocabulary.

What's in the news today?  Do we hear anything about the kids that are collecting for charity or about the program that helps senior citizens or the heartwarming tale of a community activist who is making a difference in our world?  Perhaps we don't hear those stories in the mainstream press, but I am happy to share them here.  The incredible tales I hear always give me great hope for our future.  There is so much good out there!  Let's celebrate it and no wallow in the negative.

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

You brighten up my day

The glow of the sun, up in the sky, seems to spread joy to most of us. It can even make you sing! I was thinking back to that wonderful hit by the Bee Gees:

Good morning mister sunshine,
you brighten up my day.
Come sit beside me in your way.

Of course that isn't the only mention of the sun in song. John Denver had a hit too, which really describes that feeling:

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy
Sunshine in my eyes can make me cry
Sunshine on the water looks so lovely
Sunshine almost always makes me high

Can you think of others? Perhaps the joy of a beautiful sunny day might inspire you to write your own song! It might be hard to top George Harrison’s wonderfully contemplative and also very comforting "Here Comes the Sun." Another favorite of mine is another Beatles tune, "Good Day Sunshine." I feel like writing a song, or at least singing along with someone else's. It's going to you a sunny day!

Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Be a hero of positivity

Every day you probably hear someone say something that is negative.  Don't let your day be a downer though!  You can be a hero of positivity by always saying things that are encouraging and always looking for the good instead of the bad.
That "sunny disposition" is always welcome around me.  I find it so uplifting to see people smiling and happy and greeting each other with a cheery "Good morning!"  Every single one of us can add to that positive attitude.  Imagine how much happier our days might be if the positivity were increased.  We can all increase it by one!  I'm not just talking about doing away with the negative vibes.  It's really much more than that.  Turn up the positive.
Say hello to strangers.  Be pleasant with store clerks and restaurant servers.  Say thank you.  Smile.  Spread the positive energy.  Choose to see the good stuff in life.  Let your light shine!

Monday, March 4, 2024


Today it's going to be a story I have shared here before.  It's one of those tales that has circulated on the internet.  Is it true?  I have no idea.  The author is also unknown.  The message is powerful though, so read on!

Her eyes met mine as she walked down the corridor peering apprehensively into the kennels. I felt her need instantly and knew I had to help her.

I wagged my tail, not too exuberantly, so she wouldn't be afraid. As she stopped at my kennel I blocked her view from a little accident I had in the back of my cage. I didn't want her to know that I hadn't been walked today. Sometimes the overworked shelter keepers get too busy and I didn't want her to think poorly of them.

As she read my kennel card I hoped that she wouldn't feel sad about my past. I only have the future to look forward to and want to make a difference in someone's life.

She got down on her knees and made little kissy sounds at me. I shoved my shoulder and side of my head up against the bars to comfort her. Gentle fingertips caressed my neck; she was desperate for companionship. A tear fell down her cheek and I raised my paw to assure her that all would be well.

Soon my kennel door opened and her smile was so bright that I instantly jumped into her arms. I would promise to keep her safe. I would promise to always be by her side. I would promise to do everything I could to see that radiant smile and sparkle in her eyes.

I was so fortunate that she came down my corridor. So many more are out there who haven't walked the corridors. So many more to be saved. At least I could save one.

I rescued a human today.

Sunday, March 3, 2024


A penny isn't much right? What can one cent do? Well before I answer, take a look at this picture. Some pennies have been spilled from this jar. It's difficult to see how many are still in the jar, but look for a moment at those that have spilled. It looks to me like fifty cents. Yes, a penny might not buy anything, but fifty cents will get you a small pack of gum. The remaining pennies in the jar? Well I don't know what is there, but I bet it would buy you breakfast.

My point is that people often say one penny isn't important. We forget sometimes that when those pennies are joined by others, their value is more and more important!

These days, there seem to be more demands on us and many of us have less money coming in. So many of us want to donate to charities but we are also paying our own bills as we provide for our families. How can we do it? The answer is, a little bit at a time. If you think that only a $1,000 contribution to your favorite cause makes a difference, think again. Set a jar on you table and every night put the change in your pocket into the jar. If you really need those quarters for laundry and parking and those dimes and nickels help out with the parking meters too, along with the vending machines, then just put pennies in the jar. Watch the pennies add up.

As I said, one cent is not much, but a jar full of one cent coins has value that we can all appreciate.

So what can one person do? Well, it's just like the pennies. I might not seem like much - my contribution might not seem like much, but together with what comes from others, it makes a big difference indeed!

Saturday, March 2, 2024

The Twenty

I've told this story before about how special we all are, but I really like it and some of you might not have read my blog the day I told this before, so here it is again.  A well-known speaker started off his seminar holding up a $20 bill. In the room of 200, he asked, "Who would like this $20 bill?" Hands started going up. He said, "I am going to give this $20 to one of you but first, let me do this."
He proceeded to crumple up the $20 dollar bill. He then asked, "Who still wants it?" Still the hands were up in the air. "Well," he replied, "What if I do this?" And he dropped it on the ground and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe. He picked it up, now crumpled and dirty. "Now, who still wants it?" Still the hands went into the air.

"My friends, we have all learned a very valuable lesson. No matter what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20. Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We may feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value. Dirty or clean, crumpled or finely creased, you are still priceless to those who DO LOVE you. The worth of our lives comes not in what we do or who we know, but by WHO WE ARE. You are special - Don't EVER forget it."

As I mentioned above, I am retelling this wonderful story, and the first time I posted it, it was a retelling too. I have no idea who first told it - it's been circulating on the internet for some time.  The significant thing is the messages it brings.  We are all special.  We should all count our blessings, and NOT our problems!

Friday, March 1, 2024

Gimmee some NICE

How cool is being nice? Think about it. When was the last time you got mad because someone was nice to you? Seriously. Give me nice anytime!  It's so good we even urge people to have a nice day!  Being nice is never out of style.  NEVER!

Mean and nasty? Nope. You can keep it. Nice though is welcome anytime. It goes well with all kinds of weather. It doesn't care about where you are going or what you are doing. It doesn't matter what you ate for breakfast. It doesn't care how you are dressed. It's good in the morning and it's good at night.  Like I said, being nice is never out of style.

In life there is good and there is bad.  I suppose there is also a grey area in between.  Nice is certainly on the good side.  Nice is pleasing and agreeable. I never tire of nice.  Who does?  We all like nice!

So dear readers, if you are not currently being nice, try it.  I think you will really like the results!  I know everyone else will!