Wednesday, May 15, 2024

How would you like a cow?

How would you like a cow? That's probably not a question you have ever been asked, but I'll tell you why I brought it up. There is an organization called Heifer International, with a mission to work with communities to end poverty hunger and to care for the Earth. It's a great group and many look to them for unusual presents at Father's Day, birthdays, or at the end of the year when they do holiday gift-giving.

I'm sure you are familiar with the proverb that says "give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." That's how Heifer International works. Instead of giving a glass or a jug of milk, you give a whole cow! The first female calf born of that cow is given to another family, thus extending the original gift even more. Pretty wonderful huh?

There are more than just cows given and they do have opportunities in a variety of price ranges. You can give a goat or a sheep or a pig for just $120. Rabbits are each $60 and a flock of chicks is only $20. A heifer? Well of course they are available. $500 is the cost, but you can share the cost with others and pay as little as $50.

This is one organization I'm sure you will want to know more about. Go to to learn more online. They have tons of information on your website about how you can get involved and make a difference.

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