Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Sixteen years ago

On April 23rd, 2008 I sat down at my computer first thing in the morning, and wrote a few sentences in a sort of welcome message to a brand-new blog. I didn't know if I would do it for long, but I wanted to sing the praises of some heroes and encourage people to do good things for their neighbors and the world.  

It was my intention to only write about others.  I didn't want to do a blog about my vacations or my family or about my favorite food.  As a daily reminder, I decided to call it "It's NOT about me."  I think I have been pretty good at sticking to that over these past sixteen years.  

Sixteen years!  That's the big surprise for me.  I had no idea I would be doing this for so long.  There is still a lot to say too, so I will continue.  I'd like to hear from you too.  Tell me about your heroes and and some encouraging stories.  After doing this for almost ten years, I began a second blog, that one about kindness.  I intend to continue that as well.

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