Thursday, September 7, 2017

Introducing Keith Nguyen

Like many folks, I probably spend way too much time on facebook, but sometimes it pays off.  I just read a post from a guy in Texas named Keith Nguyen who is another Hurricane Harvey hero, and I'd like you to know all about him. 

With all the folks in need in the Houston area due to wind damage and flooding, there have been a lot of folks springing into action, and as I mentioned the other day, there are a LOT of heroes.  Keith is a unique hero though in that he doesn't seem to want any credit.  He has posted on his facebook page about donations and where they might be made and he told the story of his father Phe Nguyen and uncle Binh Nguyen, who own a restaurant, Sake Sushi Bar and Lounge in Port Arthur, TX that prepared a remarkable amount of food and served the first responders who have been out in the elements.

The picture here is part of the assembly-line process of preparing just some of the food that went out to those in need.  Keith posted on his facebook page that the restaurant staff and volunteers helped create over 1000 meals for victims, first responders, and other volunteers.  Wow!  That's not all though.  They did more.  I don't have all the details (my primary source of information has been Keith's facebook page, but I made a few phone calls to get verification).  I'd like to shake this guys hand though, because he writes that he'd love for his dad and uncle to be recognized and the staff and volunteers, but seems to shrug off any praise of his actions.

Reading posts on Keith Nguyen's facebook page, I see him offering kind words about a number of other individuals and organizations who have been making a difference.  He's correct.  Many have been helping, but when things return to normal, as they eventually will, I know a lot of people will be glad that Keith Nguyen came their way!

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