Friday, June 5, 2020


There really is no simple answer to heal our nation and to finally achieve justice for all.  It will certainly take more than one act, but we must commit to seeing it through.  Every single human being deserves to be treated with dignity and respect and nobody should be discriminated against because of who they are.

One of the first things we can do is speak up.  If you see abusive behavior, don't look the other way.  This includes any kind of hate speech.  Don't participate in that sort of negative behavior and don't profile people.  We are all individuals.  Some of us may do bad things, but don't assume something bad might happen based on someone's race, ethnicity, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other reason.

Demand reform at all levels - in our police departments certainly, but also in our legislatures and all areas of government, and in the private sector as well.  Bad habits can be changed, but first we have to acknowledge that they exist.  We are seeing some progress in that area this week, but there is so much more work to be done.

Broaden your circle too.  If you only know people who look and think like you, perhaps it's time you made some more friends.  It's really hard to hate your close friends.  Throw out those stereotypes and get to know people as they really are.  Support local businesses too.  Look especially for Black owned or LGBTQ owned businesses (in some cities there are organizations that can provide you with a list.

The important thing is we cannot limit this to a week of protests or a month of progressive activity.  We need to commit to real change.  We need to stick with it.  That old man who was pushed could have been your grandfather.  That man who was shot could have been your husband or your brother.  That woman who was beaten might have been your own mother.  Put a personal face on these incidents.  Real human beings are being hurt over and over and over.  Commit to ending that hurt and stand against hate.

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