Thursday, January 30, 2025

one small spark

Jason Chu said it himself: "one small spark can light the whole night. So one small life can fight the good fight." This has not been the greatest year for so many of us, but Jason keeps on encouraging us. Jason keeps lighting those sparks. Jason keep fighting the good fight.

If this seems like a bit of déjà vu, yes I have indeed written here before about Jason. Based in Los Angeles, he is a rapper, poet, activist, storyteller, and an encourager. He keeps pretty busy too, even during the pandemic.  I find myself checking out his youtube videos over and over. 

He didn't just begin being active.  Over the years, Jason has done a lot.  He performed at the Obama White House, opened for Snoop Dogg, has written and recorded a lot of music, oh and he has a degree in Philosophy from Yale. Despite his many accomplishments though, he stays grounded and is kind, caring, and down-to-earth.  His lyrics can be fun and uplifting and he also can encourage, and make us think.

To me, Jason is the very definition of hero. He makes a difference. We all should be encouraged by him ad follow his lead. To quote him once again, "But I’ve learned: a hero isn’t about being super We become heroes because of what makes us human."

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