Wednesday, March 5, 2025

strive to be happy

Our nation's 16th president, Abraham Lincoln once said “People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” I really believe that too.  WE control whether or not we are happy.

Yes, everything in life does not turn out the way we might want it and there can certainly be some very trying moments, but anger, frustration, sorrow, are all filled with negativity.  There is always something positive in our lives, even if it might take some time to look for it.  It might not always be easy either.  Being happy though is actually a choice we make.  We should choose to be happy above anything else.
This isn't a new idea at all. Aristotle is quoted as saying "Happiness depends upon ourselves." Max Ehrmann's Desiderata which I posted here on Monday, closes with these words:  “Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.” 

Like I said, it might not always be easy, but the joy of happiness is its own reward!


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