Thursday, April 28, 2016

Lest they be forgotten

During my recent trip to San Francisco, I stopped by my mother's final resting place, as I always do, and while there I noticed that the grave markers and area around them were not all in the same condition. I brushed away some dirt and picked up a few small pieces of paper (that likely had been blown there by the wind) and I thought about the programs that help to keep burial places clean.

It occurred to me too that some folks died with very few family members or friends. Who comes to visit the grave then? Nobody at all? They same is true all too often in the latter days of some people's lives. They may not be able to get out and about, and there may be few or none to visit them. How awful! People need to be remembered, both in live and in death.

Some places organize a Tomb Sweeping Day, where families and friends gather at cemeteries, churchyards, and other burial sites, to sweep, rake, and spruce up the places where folks have been laid to rest. During these cleanup days, they don't just take care of areas where they know the person buried there, but the adjoining plots as well. Sometimes it is done in relative silence, thinking about the deceased. Other times there is quiet conversation, recalling the life of those buried. I think it's an excellent opportunity to remember our ancestors and thank them for all their sacrifices.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Lets go back to bed

It is VERY windy this morning where I am, with sustained winds at 35mph with gusts to 50mph. The temperature is only 49 degrees, but that wind is making it seem so much colder. Oh and on top of that, it's just beginning to rain, and the sky is clouding up, making it look like the rain might stick around for awhile. Why the weather report? Well this is one of those days, where it might be so tempting to just go back to bed - but don't!

It's nice to get a little extra sleep from time to time, and there is certainly nothing wrong with that, but when we roll out of bed expecting perfection in our day, and want to return to sleep when we realize that perfection isn't coming, we're just setting our self up for more and more disappointment. How many of us really have perfect days? We can make them turn out pretty well though, if we just give it a little effort. Too cold? Wear a sweater or a jacket. Not liking the rain. Carry an umbrella or wear a raincoat. Remember the good that comes from the wind and the rain!
Did you ever try creating your own sunshine on a cloudy day?  It's pretty amazing.  Smile.  Project happiness to those around you.  Before long you will not only be making others happy, but you'll forget all about being bummed out about the foul weather.  It's much more productive too than going back to bed!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Political nightmares

Trump? Clinton? Sanders?  Someone else? Having trouble deciding this presidential race? How about your US Senator? Who would you vote for right now? Congressperson? Are you having any political nightmares? Do you want to just throw your hands up in the air and run?

Don't! Seriously. Some of the shenanigans from various candidates can certainly be frustrating, but that is all the more reason to stay involved. Read the flyers. Go to the meetings. Read what the newspapers are saying. Have conversations with friends and neighbors. The process involves us, all of us, and for it to really work, we need to all do our part. The biggest part of that, of course, is voting. Vote in EVERY election, even ones where there are few decisions. Think your vote doesn't count? Think again. I have seen some very close races over the years. Once about thirty-five years ago, I saw an election decided by just 47 votes. More recently, a friend of mine ran for office in Northern California, and won by just 292 votes. What if 300 of his supporters had said "My vote isn't important," and stayed home? The other candidate would have won.

I'm not a fan of any sort of negativity, even if the other guy starts it. I wish every candidate would run a clean and honest race. It just doesn't work that way though. All of the bad isn't enough to keep me away though. Want to change the system? Be involved in that system! Don't give up on this presidential race, as frustrating as it may be. Work to make things come out for the better. Change comes about when people dedicate themselves to making it happen.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Walls of Kindness

Walls can have a negative meaning - keeping people out, or dividing folks (like a certain Presidential candidate is frequently talking about) but they can also have a positive meaning, as in the protection and support they can provide. I recently heard about some really remarkable walls that a helping many people, way around on the other side of the world. You may have already read about #WallsOfKindness - they really are quite remarkable and they are springing up all over Iran.

The idea is pretty simple. Some hooks on a wall are given items of apparel or perhaps blankets or coats. If you have something you don't need, hang it up for someone else. If you see something hanging that you can use, take it with you. What a great idea, huh? According to a BBC news report I saw, the man who began this all in the city of Mashad, doesn't want any publicity for himself. he was just happy to get this whole things started. Social media has really helped the idea spread, but so far, only in Iran. How wonderful if this would happen all around the world!

I suppose we have seen this sort of thing in other forms, like the donation barrels at various organizations. This seems like a simpler version of that, and with clothes lined up along a wall, it is so easy to see what is there. I love it when folks come up with great ideas like this to benefit other people, and it's even better when they don't even want to take a bow!

Monday, April 18, 2016

The joys of seeing

Easter lilies are one of the most beautiful things in nature. I love seeing them this time of year. Of course there are so many beautiful flowers. I recall years ago visiting Pier 39 in San Francisco during a month-long celebration they called Tulipmania. Gorgeous tulips in all colors and wonderful walking tours to see every one of them. Oh and then there was that brilliant flower show at Macy's. Wow!

Where I live now you can see beautiful cactus blooms at this time of year and of course breath-taking vistas in every direction. Pretty much everywhere you look there is something wonderful to look at.

If you are down in the dumps or feeling bad about something, open up your eyes. Yes, there may be bad, but there is always good too, and often it's right in front of our eyes. Experience the joys of seeing. Look up, look down, look all around!  Enjoying the beauty of our world is one of the great joys of living!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Good Deed Bank

Many times in this blog, I've written about doing good deeds. I always like it when they are random and not expecting anything in return, but I understand that some folks need a little more encouragement than others, which is why a certain bank in China caught my attention, and gets my praise.

It has been referred to as the "morality bank" and it is getting high praise from many others. Located in Yanji, a city in the northeastern part of China, those who do good deeds, get special bonuses from this bank. Pretty cool, huh? We're not talking little things either. Rewards from the bank can include free health screenings, house cleaning, or even a free haircut!

Here's how it works. All good deeds are assigned points, and those points can be redeemed for services. Return someone's lost wallet? That might be worth 50 points. Jump into the lake and save a woman from drowning, a higher amount of points, possibly 500, will come your way. Accumulate 6,000 points and you will be declared a "model of community morals". Nice.

Of course I still think the best reward is simply knowing you did something good, but I really like this idea!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Do you know Philip?

Generally I don't write about the same person over and over, but Philip Wang has been mentioned at least three times: HERE, HERE, and HERE. This morning I feel compelled to write about him again.  No, he isn't someone I have worked with and no, he isn't my best friend.  I'm writing about him over and over because he continues to inspire. 
Recently his Wong Fu Productions colleagues did a "fun facts about Philip" video (which you can watch HERE), and it was obvious how much they all love him.  Good reason too.  He appears to be a very likeable guy.  I've mentioned here that he has done things for charity - not just once, but something he continues to do.  Oh and check out his blog - -  Even his writing gives us inspiration!
I'm always happiest when I hear stories about others making people happy.  Everything I hear about Philip Wang is like that.  He simply makes people happy, oh and apparently he's also a beautiful butterfly!

Friday, April 8, 2016

The Movies

Television has had a huge focus on fighting and killing, for many years, but it seems to be increasing in the motion pictures. What makes people want to see so much violence on the big screen? How can you watch terrorist plots unfold, presidents be assassinated, and innocent children brutalized, and then wonder who these things are happening in the real world?

Not I'm not going to begin a debate of whether film violence causes real violence or if the violence that happens all too often in our world is why producers bring such action to movies. In the end, the which came first is really not all that important. What I do want to say is that there is so much positive that can be entertaining, that I wish producers focused more on that. Romance tales, musicals, comedies, nature stories, and even documentaries are wonderful alternatives that can be enjoyable and don't glorify negative behavior.

When was the last time you went to a movie? Can you remember what type of film it was? Tell me about it. Let me hear your thoughts. For me, the wonderful uplifting Everything Before Us (which is fresh on my mind because I saw it not that long ago and because I recently wrote about its producer here) or a movie like The Wedding Planner, or While You Were Sleeping will get my vote before the murder movies that are so plentiful.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My newest hero, Marc Ching

Small animals can be just as vulnerable as small children, so anyone who protects them, is already a hero to me. When Marc Ching founded The Animal Hope and Wellness Foundation, he became a superhero. I have never met this gentleman, and all of my information has come from their website and from news accounts, but wow! What a guy this is. What a great organization too!

As with anything that I don't have all the facts on, I want to point you in the right direction. You can read their mission statement, see some of what has been written about them by others, and even find out how you can help, all on their website. Go to and follow the various links. You can also click HERE to check out their youtube channel.
The pictures and links tell me a lot about Marc Ching just from how passionate he is.  Here is someone who genuinely cares and obviously is making a difference in our world.  One paragraph that he wrote brought tears to my eyes, and I want to share it here, because his words could easily have been mine.  His words that I am about to quote, are what living is all about!
"When I die, I want to die knowing that I was the best person I could possibly be. That I reached out. That I did what I could. That with the hands I have and my time here, that I breathed life into those that could not breathe for themselves."

Monday, April 4, 2016


How about a nice friendly game of copscotch? You may have already seen this. It warmed my heart. With all the negative stories about police officers, it's so nice to come across something positive like this. The video, from which this picture came, was posted to facebook by the Huntington Beach Police Department, and the officer here is one of their own.

Now I just want to say that I have friends who work in law enforcement and I have known many wonderful cops over the years, and so it particularly angers me when we see the bad apples. I wish I could saw the abusive and law-breaking cops are rare, but sadly, I have seen more and more examples. That is one reason why I love this story. Of course this would be good, even if there were no bad cops. Doing nice things, is always good!

The little girl had been sleeping in a car with her mother. They were homeless. Police had been called because someone thought the two, long in their car, were suspicious. One officer was talking with the mother, and also arranging for shelter for the two of them. Meanwhile, this officer, identified as Zach Pricer, tried to put the little girl at ease by teaching her hopscotch.

I'm glad this story has been told and retold in the past day or so. Like I said, it warmed my heart. There still are good people out there!

Friday, April 1, 2016

Pranks a lot

Be careful. Seriously, be careful today. Is it real, or is it an April Fool's joke? Some people believe every single thing they read. Today might be the exception. April 1st is probably the only day of the year when people critically evaluate everything they read online, before accepting it as fact. Perhaps we should do that every day.

Jokes and pranks can be fun, if they are done in that spirit, but all too often they are just plain mean. There certainly is no humor in being unkind. I used to be a big fan of All Fool's Day. There have been some wonderful ones (one of my favorites was the Taco Liberty Bell back in the late 90s). There have also been ones that have caused great grief. Then, I am not a fan.

I write about positive uplifting things here, and laughter is wonderful medicine, but sadness and misery are not good things, and so when it comes to this day I really have mixed feelings. Be good. Have fun. Don't make anyone feel bad in the process. Maybe my first two words are a good way to go today: Be careful.