Saturday, January 4, 2025

Live in the now

One of the biggest mistakes some folks make is to live a live filled with regrets.  I'm talking about those who strive so hard to get to another place, that they miss all the joys of being where they are.
There is nothing wrong with having goals.  In fact it is quite healthy to plan new adventures and to want change.  A lot of folks just made New Year's resolutions.  It can become unhealthy though if it is an obsession. Stop waiting for Friday to come as if you can only be happy on your days off from work.  Stop waiting for your vacations with the mindset that you are miserable the rest of the time.  Look with joy to relaxation of course but never feel like the rest of the time is bad or the bus will simply pass you by.  I know of people who dread Mondays. As for me, I'm excited for each new week I'm alive and I greet Monday (and pretty much every day) with a smile.
Do you know anyone who is desperately waiting for someone to fall in love with them?  This is the same thing.  Yes, it would be lovely if you had a life partner and who would not want to be loved, but don't focus on that above all else and stop living your live in the here and now.  It certainly won't make you a very attractive candidate for romance.  Even worse, it won't be good for you.
When we live in the now and find enjoyment in our daily lives, we are much happier people.  The world can always use more happiness!

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