Monday, January 6, 2025

Time Won't Let Me

Does anyone remember the song "Time Won't Let Me" recorded by The Outsiders back in 1965?  For some reason that tune was running through my head and it got me thinking about time.  Lately, like many of you, I have had a LOT of extra time.  Without going to restaurants, sporting events, concerts, even our usual workplace, we have changed our whole way of doing things.  You would think we had all become more productive, huh?

"Some day when I have more time."  Have you ever said that?  I know I have.  Of course there was also "someday when I'm older," or "someday when I get married," or even "someday I'll read that book."  Does that "some day" ever come though?  Saying that time won't let me is not a valid excuse at all.  We don't need more time, we need to value and make good use of the time we have!

I remember clearly my mother's last Christmas.  It was a very simple observance because she had just moved.  Almost everything she owned was packed away.  We observed the holiday, but on a much smaller scale than usual.  We said next year will be much bigger and better.  Mom passed away before that next Christmas.  We never had the bigger and better celebration.

I'm not blaming time anymore.  I'm going to be more generous and more present.  I'm going to make every single moment count.  No more wait until next year.  No more some day.  From now on it's this day and this moment.  Celebrate!  Be here!  Join me and let's all make the most out of every single moment we are given.

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