Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Share a little tea

Is your life at all hectic?  Try though we may, there are moments of tension or stress that we just seem to not be able to get rid of.  Sometimes we try to do too much, or we let things we cannot control overtake us.  Good advice often is to simply slow down and relax and maybe share a little tea.  Peppermint perhaps?  Someone gave me a tin of teas this past Christmas, and I have really enjoyed the delicious variety.
All of life's answers are not simple ones.  Sometimes we need help.  Never should we feel alone or under a huge weight of burden that we cannot handle.  Certainly, I don't have all the answers!  If we really want to change the world though, one thing we can do though which is an awful lot of help, if to be present for others!  Being there.  Wow!  That really can be a powerful thing.
When things get overwhelming, remember there are professionals out there too.  Don't let stress or worry overtake you.  It's only the middle of the week.  Slow down, relax, and maybe have some tea, and if you feel you need it, get help.

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