Saturday, March 4, 2023

Let's eat Daddy

"Let's eat Daddy!"  What?!  Of course nobody has any interest in chowing down on their father.  There is a missing coma which changes the whole meaning.  We are actually suggesting to our father that it is time for a meal.  "Let's eat, Daddy!"

Right about now you are probably thinking that I have lost my mind, but hold tight dear readers.  I do have a point coming up.  Mom used to always refer to today as a command.  When you pronounce it, there is no difference of course.  The difference comes in the spelling.  We can all march forth on March Fourth.  The point of all of this my friends is that today is also National Grammar Day. Martha Brockenbrough, founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar and the author of Things That Make Us [Sic], established National Grammar Day back in 2008, deciding that a date and an imperative was the perfect time for such an observance.
Good grammar is not just about proper placement of commas of course.  Good grammar can help us to be better understood.  That can be a key to our communication.
There is a historical connection to March 4th too.  That is the date on which our federal government used to begin and in fact our earlier presidents were inaugurated on March 4th. Today is also National Pound cake Day!  So march forth on this March Fourth and improve your grammar, while enjoying some delicious pound cake, and then march on and change the world!