Monday, May 28, 2018

Today's real meaning

The scene is repeated over and over at National Cemeteries all across the country.  Soldiers move from grave to grave, pausing to place an American flag at the final resting place of these men and women we honor today.  This holiday, Memorial Day is the day for remembering the men and women who died while serving. It is not about the barbeques or the sidewalk sales or the trips to the beach or the baseball games, as nice as any of those things are.  It isn't even a day for honoring all veterans.  (We have a separate holiday for that in November). There seems to always be a bit of confusion, and I have written here about this a number of times. Today is quite specific though. It is for remembering the people who died while serving in the country's armed forces.

Memorial Day wasn't the original name. It was called Decoration Day back when Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote a poem by that name back in 1882. It was also once called Remembrance Day in some places.
Band concerts and parades a typical ways to celebrate.  Religious services praying for those who died in service generally happen on this day as well, and of course visits to cemetaries.  Even if you include a baseball game, a picnic, or a visit to the beach, take some time today to also remember all those who served in our military and who didn't make it home alive.  It is their memory we honor today.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Spreading out the love

Sunday is Mothers Day in the US and some other parts of the world. I'll be thinking of my mom, as I do just about every day, and I hope you will be thinking about yours, whether she is living or deceased.

Some folks don't have good relationships with their mothers, but if that is the case, take a moment to think of her anyway. Is there anything you can do to improve the relationship? It seems that Mothers Day would be an excellent day to begin.

I'm sure there will be huge crowds at restaurants on Sunday, especially at the ones doing something for the moms. Cards, and gifts, and sometimes even breakfast in bed - all kinds of attention. How wonderful, huh? What has always bothered me though is when all the attention is focused on one day. The same is true for birthdays, anniversaries, and many other occasions. There will be lots of celebrating on that one day, and the rest of the time a person might be virtually ignored. Wouldn't it be nice if Mom got a little more attention at other times of the year.

I have a friend who lives far from her mother and they only see each other a few times a year, but every single Saturday there is a telephone conversation. They both set aside time on that one day to connect with each other.

Spreading out the love throughout the year is a good goal to have not only for our mothers, but for other relatives and friends as well. Make regular lunch dates, or phone time, or share activities at random times all through your life!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Toan's TruthDare

There have been at least a dozen times that I have written here about Toan Lam, and I suspect there will be many more.  Over the years I have been fortunate to met many incredible people, but I would have to say that Toan is that the top of that list. 
Last year he launched the TruthDare podcast, a series of intimate conversations with some really intriguing people.  It's upbeat and full of some great stories.  I urge you to check it out at
You probably also know Toan from Go Inspire Go where he recently wrote a love letter to himself (click HERE to be filled with this inspiration) and where you can also read about community heroes and see so many amazing stories.  Toan is an expert and finding those special people who do amazing things.  I suppose that's because he is pretty amazing himself!
He came to this country from Vietnam, as a toddler and grew up in a crowded trailer.  Certainly his early years were not easy years for his family, but nothing stops him.  Whether a walk on the beach or through empty streets at dawn or a visit to an antique shop, Toan can see beauty and he expresses it so well for everyone to see it too.  I know my life is fuller because Toan Lam came my way!
If this is your first time hearing about him, by all means find out more.  You can look back to things I have written here, and much easier, you can go to