Saturday, May 11, 2024


Are you grateful for anything?  Is your life pretty fantastic and you are so very thankful for that?  Lately I have seen that question pop up a lot on social media and usually there's a "list three things you are grateful for every day for the next week and nominate three of your friends each day to do the same."
Well, getting 21 people to join you in making lists of things you are grateful for might be a pretty huge challenge.  I'm not going to shoot quite so high.  

How about a somewhat smaller exercise?  Spend a few minutes each day thinking about things you are grateful for.  You don't have to write a list or tell your friends - just think about it.  If you like, you can do more.  You can send out some thank yous for example.  Let people you are grateful for, know about it.
One thing that always is nice is when you share any of your thoughts with us here too.  Write below in the comments section some of the things you are grateful for.  If you like.  No pressure.  You won't even have to involve 21 of your friends!

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