Friday, May 11, 2018

Spreading out the love

Sunday is Mothers Day in the US and some other parts of the world. I'll be thinking of my mom, as I do just about every day, and I hope you will be thinking about yours, whether she is living or deceased.

Some folks don't have good relationships with their mothers, but if that is the case, take a moment to think of her anyway. Is there anything you can do to improve the relationship? It seems that Mothers Day would be an excellent day to begin.

I'm sure there will be huge crowds at restaurants on Sunday, especially at the ones doing something for the moms. Cards, and gifts, and sometimes even breakfast in bed - all kinds of attention. How wonderful, huh? What has always bothered me though is when all the attention is focused on one day. The same is true for birthdays, anniversaries, and many other occasions. There will be lots of celebrating on that one day, and the rest of the time a person might be virtually ignored. Wouldn't it be nice if Mom got a little more attention at other times of the year.

I have a friend who lives far from her mother and they only see each other a few times a year, but every single Saturday there is a telephone conversation. They both set aside time on that one day to connect with each other.

Spreading out the love throughout the year is a good goal to have not only for our mothers, but for other relatives and friends as well. Make regular lunch dates, or phone time, or share activities at random times all through your life!

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