Friday, May 31, 2024

Brighten Up My Day

Writing these words here every morning, brightens up my day. Hopefully along the way you also find something that helps to brighten yours. I hear people say they don't have the resources to make a difference - not enough money. not the right skills, not enough time in their busy lives. Seriously? There is ALWAYS a way!

Some things that don't require money include volunteering to read to kids in your local library, donating some time at a senior center, sharing flowers from your garden, giving blood at your community blood bank, or paying a visit to a homebound person. They don't necessarily require much time either, if you know how to manage your schedule. A very simple thing to brighten the day is to make a point of smiling more often and greeting people you encounter, rather than ignoring them. No special training is required for any of these things to!

Yes, donating money or property is a wonderful thing to do, but not everyone can afford it. There are so many other ways to brighten someone's day. Compliment the teller in the bank. Let the store manager know when you receive exceptional service. (People are quick to complain when things go bad, but way to slow in offering the praise that is so often do).

Oh, and another thing everyone reading this can do - share this with others and add your own ideas in the comments section below!

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