Wednesday, November 10, 2021

always giving

Do I talk about money too much?  An annual event fighting blood cancers comes up next week and I invite your donations.  Every summer I talk about AIDS Walk.  So many of my friends are involved in various fundraisers, and it seems I talk a lot about them too.  Many of us have been looking ahead to the costs of Thanksgiving and the other holidays that follow.  Personally I just ran up some HUGE medical bills in the past year.  On top of all of this, the pandemic has put a lot of folks put of work.  

Part of what I am saying is that money can be tight. Many folks are living from paycheck to paycheck, and perhaps that is part of the overall need. Just how are things with you though?  Are you better off than others? Could you possibly skip the afternoon latte and give that money to the homeless man on the street instead? Of course there are other ways of giving too. Right there is the key.  Not enough money?  Well find something else that helps the cause.  Donate used clothing or donate blood or give of your time and your talent.

Some people never stop giving and they inspire me to want to do more. If I find I am unable to give in the manner I would like, I just think of a different way to give. Giving to me shouldn't have any kind of limitation.  I'm sorry if any of you think I talk too much about giving, but I really like the idea of always giving!  It just seems like such a positive thing to do.

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