Monday, November 20, 2023

Looking out for elders too

When we think of bullying, the kids in the hall at school usually come to mind, right?  It isn't just limited to youth. Anyone can be the victim of bullying, and a growing number of senior citizens have been targets. 

For those living in senior communities, it can especially be a problem and includes such things as fraud and elder abuse. The bullying I am talking about isn't always senior to senior. Sometimes the children of elders are bullies and sometimes the bully can be a caregiver.  It even happens in assisted living centers.
Nobody should have to endure bullying.  You wouldn't want anything bad to happen to your grandmother, would you?  We shouldn't want to see anything bad happen to anyone!  We need to speak up.  We need to look out for senior citizens, because bullying can be devastating at any age.  In the case of our elders it can often be worse because they may be frail and have other health issues.  Don't be a bully and don't allow bullying to happen.

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