Monday, September 2, 2019

Remembering them ALL

"Some of them have left behind a name, so that others declare their praise.  But of others there is no memory; they have perished as though they had never existed; they have become as though they had never been born, they and their children after them."  The words are from the 44th chapter of Ecclesiasticus, sometimes called the Book of Sirach.  On this Labor Day, I was thinking of these words because of all the women and men who have made a difference with our working rights.  We know some of their names, but others worked to make things better and got no personal credit.
I notice when some people donate to charity, they want their name in print.  "Look what a great thing I did," some folks seem to be saying.  Others quietly go about there business tossing in whatever they can afford and caring nothing about being praised for their generosity. 
When I was little, we sang a song "When you want it say PLEASE, when you get it say THANK YOU.  When someone says THANK YOU, then you answer YOU'RE WELCOME!"  For some reason that song has always stuck in my head.  There were no conditions or special circumstances in the song and I think that is as it should be.  When someone does something or gives something, thank them.  Always!  When someone thanks you for your contribution whether it is a deed or a gift, say you are welcome.
People can be anonymous if they truly wish, but we should still remember the things they do. All of us are important and none us of should just be forgotten as if we had never even come this way.  On this Labor Day I want to thank my union leaders and workers who have lead the way and made a difference.  I also want to thank and call to mind everyone who has come before - my grandparents, my mom and dad, the teachers, coworkers, the singers and actors and other entertainers, the scientists, the elected officials, and so many others from every walk of life who have made a difference.  May your memory last forever.

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