Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Struggle Continues

"With liberty and justice for all."  Those are the closing words to the Pledge to the Flag.  Kids in many parts of the country begin their school day with those words.  Legislative sessions and business meetings often start that way too.  Liberty and justice for all - note that we don't say some, we say all.  It still isn't that way though. 

Pride month happens each year because so many LGBTQ people are still discriminated against.  Americans in all fifty states have been out in the streets these past few days because of discrimination.  Many Asians have been part of renewed hate because of COVID-19.  Hate seems to be growing and justice so often takes a back seat, if it is even there at all.  So many people keep struggling for basic liberties.  When will we achieve true freedom for everybody in this land of the free?  WHEN?

I must say I am encouraged by the actions of many lately.  Yesterday in San Francisco, a gathering organized by a 17-year-old girl listened to inspiring speeches from her and others as the crowd swelled to what one local tv station estimated was 12,000 to 16,000. A reporter for the San Jose Mercury News guessed 30,000. I saw the pictures. It was impressive. I heard the statements. They were pretty impressive too. People are talking about doing something and doing it together.

With a first aid station for protesters, the staff of a gay bar in North Carolina handed out granola bars and bottled water to them while also helping them wash pepper spray out of their eyes. Certainly an encouraging sign as the LGBTQ community reached out in support. Sadly the police there were not as supportive, shutting them down for what they say was "for riot-related crime control."

Social media has also shown cases of local police officers kneeling with protesters and hugging protesters.  Some police leaders have spoken out and pledged reform.  (I can still remember when gay bars were routinely raided by police, but reform did finally come there).  Houston's police chief marched with protesters this week saying "We will march as a department with everybody in this community. I will march until I can’t stand no more." Some people though confronted him over his record on police violence.

I see encouraging steps, but we need more.  Nobody should have to live in fear.  That liberty and justice we speak of truly must be for all.  I know we can achieve it, but until then, the struggle continues.

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