Sunday, July 5, 2020

Back on my soapbox

When I began writing this I knew, no matter how hard I tried, that some of my personal thoughts and opinions would sneak in.  I didn't want this to be about me, but instead for it to be about us.  For nearly twelve years I have written what I hoped would be encouraging posts and I have talk about wonderful people in our world who are making a difference.

I'd always rather take the positive side of things and so I prefer writing about good things we can do, instead of urging us to stay away from bad.  In political campaigns, I always like it much better when a candidate tells they good they have done and why we should vote for them, instead of tearing down their opponent and saying why we shouldn't vote for them.

As our country works to fight COVID-19 and also work toward reforms that will end racism and hate, I see a divide that keeps getting larger.  So many people are ignoring science and also ignoring basic human decency.  To me this is very troubling and I can't keep my mouth shut.  Yesterday was Independence Day when we recall those words "all are created equal."  We say we believe that, but we sure have a funny way of showing it.

Come on folks!  We can do this!  No, I'm not perfect and I don't have all the answers, but I do know that we need to come together.  Let's no be selfish and think only of ourselves.  Let's think about our families, our neighbors, or friends, those we work with.  Asian Americans are not responsible for COVID-19.  Masks work.  BLACK LIVES MATTER.  Remember those three things and a few more.  Make the United States a no hate zone.

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