Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Every single penny

Through the year, I personally try to raise money for various causes. I know this blog is NOT about me, but I wanted to share something I often hear.  "I'd give, but I can only spare a few bucks, and that isn't worth it."  Every single penny helps.  Remember, we don't act alone, but together with every other person who is giving.

Just recently I raised money for AIDS Walk San Francisco, and I can't tell you how many people said they wanted to give but just didn't have the fifty dollars it takes.  Some of this is the fault of organizations that suggest certain amounts when asking for donations.  What really should be stressed over and over is that ALL gifts are helpful.

My birthday is next month, and rather than accept presents, I am asking anyone who wants to give something, to donate to and organization that is dear to me, like the The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Asian Americans Advancing Justice - Asian Law Caucus, Transgender Law Center, San Francisco Night Ministry, or your American Cancer Society.  Again, I try to stress to my friends that the smallest of gifts is appreciated just as much as the largest.

If you are out there collecting for a favorite charity, remind people of this.  The idea isn't to make people go broke or to make them feel guilty.  There are some who just might not be able to even spare a dime, but for those who can give, every single penny counts.

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