Monday, April 6, 2020

We are the frontline

Dr. Michelle Au of Atlanta, GA said something a few weeks ago that made me stop and think.  She said “We are not the frontline in this battle. We as healthcare workers stand in the back. We’re the LAST line of defense. The frontline of this epidemic is YOU, the people in the community, tasked with the challenge of keeping each other safe.”

Wow!  We keep heaping praise on health care workers, as indeed we should, but Dr. Au is correct.  WE - you and I, can make things better.  Not only can we do it, but if we don't, it isn't going to get better.  Staying home is no fun.  I get it.  Right now it is necessary.  There are a number of things we also must be doing.  Some of it is common sense, but ALL if it is necessary.

We need to be staying at home unless it is necessary to purchase food or medicine, see a health care provider, or perform a necessary job.  If you do go out, use a cloth face cover over your mouth and nose. This will help protect others in case you are infected.  Please note (and this is very important), children under 2 and anyone who cannot remove a face cover by themselves should not wear a face cover.  Always maintain at least a six-foot distance between you and other people.  Cleanse your hands often. Wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.  Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.  If you cough or sneeze, cover with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.  Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe. 
I have so many friends who are nurses or doctors or other health care workers and I respect the important work they are doing all the time, but especially now.  Let's show them the best possible respect by listening to the wise words of Dr. Au and being the frontline we need to be. 

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