Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Thank You Nurses

When I woke up this morning, I noticed the hashtag #ThankYouNurses was trending on twitter. Nurses are wonderful. My mom was a nurse and I have many friends who are nurses. They provide compassionate, quality, and critical care to patients every single day, whether is is a routine medical checkup or a crisis and time of great vulnerability. It was nice to see nurses trending, but why? Did something happen overnight? This isn't Nurses Week.

I did some check while drinking my coffee and couldn't come up with anything new. It really doesn't matter though. I'm so glad to see #ThankYouNurses and also #HeroesBehindTheMasks trending. They are indeed heroes and I do thank them. 

This has been a tough year for all of us, but just imagine for a moment the added stress that nurses have. They try to make things better for the rest of us though. I have had the great joy of volunteering in a hospital and I get to see hospital workers close-up. Yes, they aren't all perfect, but I have seen some amazing things. One nurse I observed was always so kind and caring to his patients no matter how they responded. He told me he likes to make people feel good. Isn't that what nursing is all about? Actually I think that is what life is all about!

So here's to all the nurses.  Thank you for what you do.  Thank you for making a difference.  You are indeed heroes behind the masks!

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