Friday, February 9, 2024

Let's make a better world

There is a LOT of work to do.  I have spoken here about this before, but I want to do more than talk.  There are many things in need of repair, but at the top of the list is our attitude toward each other.  Hate needs to end.  We need to put an end to racism, transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, and every single kind of hate.  It seems to come in waves, but it isn't new.  Hate has been around for centuries.  Let's stop it.

How?  That's a tough question.  That's why today I am asking for your suggestions.  Down below in the comments section, please write something that might help.  Do we need stronger laws?  Should there be more severe penalties?  Do we simply need to increase the amount of love and kindness in our world?  What do you think?  

There are some organizations that are collecting money, but what will that be used for?  How does that change anything?  There are some groups that have gathered to provide citizen street patrols.  Good idea?  How is that working?

Some ideas might work for one thing, but not another.  The anti-Asian hate that is so extremely high right now, might be stopped by something that wouldn't be as effective against anti-gay hate.  Let's hear all of your suggestions though.  We need to get this done.  Let's make a better world!

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