Monday, September 26, 2022

A Facebook Post About Changing The World

If you spend any time on facebook, you can find just about anything.  Some folks post nothing but pictures of their pets or the food they eat.  Some post pictures of their daily adventures.  People ask a lot of questions too.  Some are funny ones.  Some make you think.  The other day a friend of mine posted a question which I just had to comment on here.

The question posted was "If you are given a chance to change the world, would you take it?"  A number of people liked the question without commenting.  There were a lot of comments though including some who said they were already doing it.  I responded that I always believe in changing the world.  (That's one reason why I write this blog).  Someone posted that they didn't believe they could ever be influential enough to change the entire world.  Oops!  Wrong answer, (as far as I'm concerned).  We ALL can change the world!  Every one of us!

Some people think that facebook is a waste of time, but I find some great information and some wonderful discussions there.  This one wasn't huge.  There were only about 25 responses, but I like that several people were seriously looking at changing the world.  I guess I might have an issue with the question's wording "If you are given a chance .   .   ."  It is my belief that we all have that chance every single day.

A lot of people post great quotes on facebook too.  Sometimes the quotes are in the form of posters that you could decorate your walls with.  One person posted a wonderful quote in response to this question: 

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." -Mahatma Ghandi

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