Monday, November 6, 2017

Make it stop

Yesterday, as you no doubt already know, there was another church shooting with more than two dozen people killed including the Pastor's daughter and a pregnant women.  Mass shootings have become so common, and sadly so many of them have been happening in churches. 

Remember when churches were considered a safe place to be?  Remember when churches were sanctuaries?  Remember when our country was a safe place?  For some of us it seems like a long time ago.

Killing is happening somewhere every single day.  Hate is at an all time high.  It doesn't have to be this way though.  We can make it stop.  Just recently someone said to me "there will always be hate, but there will always be love too."  I hope they are wrong about the hate.  I really think we have the power to drive hate out and replace it with only love.  We can at least try.

I don't have a specific solution, but I know that when people come together, we can do great things.  Let's do that.  Let's make a difference.  Let's make the killing stop.

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