Sunday, November 14, 2021

Our moms and dads

How many of you have kids? Do you realize how much a parent means to a child? Yes, there are times when both the children and the parents may want to scream, but overall, if it is a good and healthy relationship, there is love and devotion that lasts forever.

It's been over seven years since my mom died and even longer since my father passed away, and I still think of them both and recall with fondness times we spent together. I can remember my mother pushing my sister in her baby buggy with me walking beside her. (I don't remember my own baby buggy days).  I can also recall my dad's last moments in the hospital, and the moment when my mom passed away too.

There are some images that never fade. Sadly some of us have horrible memories and we wish they would go away. The choice is up to every father and mother though as to how they will be remembered. The world would be such a better place if all moms and dads chose to carefully mold their children into good kids who respected others and who would go on to fondly recall those formative years.

On this Sunday morning I'm thinking of Mom and of how much she enjoyed Sundays.  Think about your parents every day.  Remember them especially on their birthdays and on Mother's Day in May and Father's Day in June, and of course during times like Halloween (oh could I tell you stories about the trick-or-treaters coming to Mom's house), Thanksgiving, and Christmas. It is my hope that every parent will be one who is worthy of a celebration and that kids will always be grateful for the love of their parents. Good parenting can have a huge impact!

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