Thursday, April 2, 2020

My Aunt Dee

I have to say something about my Aunt Dee (that's want we called her).  Aunt Dee is one of the reasons I like giving back.  She was certainly a giver!  It was eight years ago on this date that she passed away, but there is another reason she is on my heart today.  Aunt Dee like to volunteer, for various organizations, and this is National Volunteer Month.
For as long as I can remember Aunt Dee did things that benefit other people. As a schoolteacher she helped shape young minds and in her retirement, she gave by volunteering at her church, at a local hospital, and at a blood center. She told wonderful stories of things that happened at that hospital and about the blood donations. It was her involvement with blood donations that inspired me to do the same.  For the past few years I have coordinated blood drives at the local hospital where I volunteer.  Aunt Dee always had wonderful stories to tell. I don't really know how many hours she spent volunteering, but I could tell she got so much enjoyment from helping out.
If you read this regularly, you know this blog is NOT about me, and I rarely talk about me or my family members, but today I just had to say something more about my dear aunt.  She touched countless lives and I know she made a difference in this world!  I hope I can be as good a person as she was!

1 comment:

  1. What a nice memorial for your Aunt Dee. She must have given you a reason to be a volunteer!!!
