Saturday, December 12, 2020



Maybe David Bowie's famous song was about the frequent changes in our world, the frequent reinventions of his own musical style back in the day when he sang it, or perhaps it was about his ever-changing personality. I don't have an answer, but for some reason his hit song Changes, was on my mind when I woke up this morning. 2020 certainly has been a year of changes!

How many of us would like to work from home or? What about homeschooling? Who would have thought staying away from other people would become normal behavior? The COVID-19 pandemic has made us rethink so many things and yes, to also make many changes. Recently I encountered issues with technology and as a result had to make changes. Of course the national political landscape is seeing a lot of changes too. The great British Prime Minister Winston Churchill once said "To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often." Well this year just might be moving us to perfection!

So many of us are becoming more aware of our friends and neighbors - how can we help them? How can we let them know we care? We now wear masks on a regular basis. Many of us use grocery delivery these days. Working from home and having meeting via the internet is the new normal. How many people have found new ways of making money (such as making and selling masks)? 

Years ago, a wonderful friend of mine taught me a different way of looking at things. He actually used that word: different. It's not that something is necessarily better than something else. Just look at it as different. Author and minister Joyce Meyer say "Don't be afraid of change, because it is leading you to a new beginning." New isn't always good or bad. It's just different.

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