Tuesday, June 6, 2023

so many to write about

For a number of years now I have spent the entire month of June writing about LGBTQ+ issues and heroes.  There are so many to write about and only thirty days in the month.  Even though I might not write in depth about some, that doesn't mean they are forgotten.

I'll always be grateful for the time I shared with Felicia, Dan, Malcolm, Ken, the several Jasons, Richard Jonathan, Phyllis and Del, and Susan.  There are dozens of additional names - no, actually hundreds of additional names that I could add.  It always warms my heart when people step up and do something powerful that makes a difference.  I'm sure your list of heroes might include so many other names.

It there an LGBTQ+ champion that stands a bit taller than the others?  I don't really like to make it into a contest.  I keep hoping for the day when we can truly celebrate equality for everyone and that being gay or being bi or being trans is just being, and it's no big deal.  Let's make it so!

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