Friday, August 29, 2014

History and Michael Sam

Whether or not history looks with favor on Michael Sam, only time will tell, but this morning I simply must give at least mention here of the man who earlier in the year became the first openly gay person to by drafted by an NFL team. Michael Alan Sam, Jr does have a spot in the history books regardless of how things go these next few days.

Is he a great player?  Will he be long remembered for his on-field performance?  Well again, it is too early to predict that, but today we do know that Sam has been cut, as the Saint Louis Rams set their final roster of 53 players. Did they do it because he was gay? There are some who will be saying that of course. But there is no evidence to support this.  It just was not his time.  Sam was not a strong enough player.
If you are a sports reporter, today is a tough one.  It is certainly one of the busiest for tracking NFL news.  It's also the most painful day of the year for NFL players.  "Will I make the cut?"  It's tough not knowing and then if you don't make it, that is really tough - especially when you are getting a little more than the usual media attention.
ESPN went over the line when it felt covering the gay guy's showering habits would be a good idea, but other than that, the media gave him pretty objective coverage from what I saw.  There were actually a few who might have given some unwarranted praise.  From the team side, it looked to me like the players were treating him like a player, and isn't that how it should be?
How wonderful it would have been if the first openly gay NFL player turned out to be a future Hall of Famer, but it just doesn't work that way.  We don't always get greatness just because we want it.  So will Sam be remembered as football's Jackie Robinson?  Well he did break the barrier, but if in this season he remains unclaimed, we might remember little else.  But be kind to him - it isn't easy being a first anything, especially with all that attention.  Be kind to the Rams too because they did give him a chance and he just didn't make it. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

We are the movement

Standing in front of a painted San Francisco skyline, with a crowd of supporters cheering him on, Dan Choi made it official over the weekend. He is running for a seat on the San Francisco City College Board of Trustees.
CCSF, is a two-year community college here that has been in the news after a panel moved last year to revoke the accreditation of the school. Attendance, as a result of that, has fallen. Now, Dan Choi, who was a leader in the fight against Don't Ask/Don't Tell and has been a strong advocate for marriage equality, has decided to channel his energies towards revitalizing City College of San Francisco.
At Tustin High School in Southern California, Dan was student body president, and graduated at the top of his class. He is currently enrolled in City College classes, including gospel choir, so he really has a stake in the fight to make City College better and stronger!
Dan has fought fights before. I have probably written more about him here than any other person. Running for an elected office is a new thing for him (and writing about someone in political life is unusual for me, although I have written about two others).
On Sunday as he kicked of his campaign, Dan proclaimed "I might be new...but together we can fight for this love, we can spread this love. We are the movement." There was certainly a lot of energy in the room. There was certainly a lot of clapping. Dan went on to say "This is not an electoral campaign-this is a movement. We, here today, are the leaders."
This is going to be a very grassroots campaign, he told me, and I could see the enthusiasm that both he and his early supporters have.  You can learn more at - and even get involved!

Monday, August 25, 2014


That strong earthquake that rocked my out of bed early yesterday morning (and also injured more than 100 people and apparently caused a lot of damage up in Napa County closer to the epicenter) got me to thinking about being prepared. The magnitude 6.0 shaker struck around 3:20am, waking me out of a sound sleep. It brought back a lot of memories of the last big quake to strike this area, twenty five years ago. That one did some major damage!

The experts are always telling us that a big one is coming and that we need to be prepared. Other parts of the country and of the world, might not have to worry much about earthquakes, but there are tornadoes or hurricanes or winter blizzards that might cause widespread damage and also prevent you from getting food and other essentials. Are you ready? What if there were some kind of criminal or terrorist act that again kept you from those things that are necessary like food, water, flashlights or candles? Have you prepared yourself and your family?

It is still too early to know for certain, but it looks like things should be okay for most people following this morning's quake. It isn't always that way though. What if there had been widespread power outages throughout the Bay Area? The earthquake hit at night when it was dark. Did people have any way of seeing? Did they have fresh batteries and flashlights?

Having a kit in an accessible place is something we all should do. Other things that should be included are bottled water, canned food items (especially those that don't require any cooking), emergency mylar blankets, and ponchos, glow light sticks, waterproof matches, survival whistles, first aid kit, radio, and candles. Also, it may be helpful to have more than one such kit - one at home and another in your car or in your workplace. In addition to this kit, do you have a plan? Let close friends and family know what you will do in an emergency so that they can easily check if you are okay.
The earthquake yesterday woke me up in more than one way!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Light the Night

Several years ago when my mother was first diagnosed with leukemia, I started paying more attention to the disease.  Singer Mary Travers has been battling leukemia for the past ten years.  Bill Walsh, the talented head coach of the San Francisco 49'ers lost his life to leukemia.  There have been many famous faces on the disease, but it was Mom that made me pay attention. A couple of years ago I even signed up for the Light the Night Walk.
The Mayo Clinic website has some very good information about leukemia HERE and you can also check out the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society webpage HERE.
Now you may think that all I ever talk about is disease and fundraisers to fight disease, but that is only part of how we can make a difference in the world.  It isn't just the money raising too - raising awareness is very important and that's why I really like events like this.  Light the Night shines a light on the importance of finding cures and providing access to treatments for blood cancer patients and it brings together families and friends and entire communities to honor blood cancer survivors, and to remember those lost to the diseases.
There are events all over the US and Canada and you can find one near you on the website at where you can also register to participate, donate money, or even volunteer.  I'll be out at AT&T Park here in San Francisco for our local event in September, and I would be honored to have your support.  Click HERE to donate on my behalf.  Thanks so much, and if you have a moment, learn a little bit about leukemia and share that knowledge with friends.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Making one dress a day

Making one dress a day might not seem like a big deal, but how about if you are nearing your 100th birthday and the dresses you are making are for charity?  You may recall my writing here about six months ago, about a Christian organization that sends dresses to Africa.  Lillian Weber is one of their star dress makers.
Little Dresses for Africa was founded in 2008 in Michigan and dresses are made in a variety of ways.  My original blog post is HERE if you want to look back.  Just recently I checked their website again and I learned of this wonderful 99 year old lady and her daily donation of one more dress.  Apparently she occasionally has made more than one a day too!
People giving back to others and making a difference is what this blog is all about and hearing about Lillian Weber made my day!  According to their website, Mrs Weber's goal is to sew 1000 dresses by her 100th birthday next spring.  I'm certain with a spirit like hers, she will make it!

Monday, August 18, 2014


When I write here about changing the world - when I write here about making a difference, I'm not suggesting for a moment that one person should do it all.  If we look to the biggest news story this month in Ferguson, Missouri you can see a very good example.  It doesn't easily boil down to just one problem and it didn't come about from just one person.  Things can and will get better there though and the change will come about faster if they all work together.

There have been are great women and men who have done marvelous deeds over the years and there continue to be such people.  We know their names usually, but sometimes it is strangers making a difference.  Just about every marvelous deed though involved more than one person.  It may have been the idea of one, but others agreed and jumped on board.  Together they made it happen.  Together is such a great comforting word.  We are not alone when we are together!

It's not always a team thing.  Sometimes many people just happen to have the same idea at about the same time. The great Henry Ford said it best: "Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success."

Friday, August 15, 2014

What's with all the ice buckets?

The "polar plunge" (into an icy body of water) has been used as a fundraising tool for a number of charities and this seems to be a spin-off of that - the Cold Water Challenge or Ice Bucket Challenge.  It's been used for several different causes but for the past few months is mostly associated with ALS.  It's pretty simple:  agree to have a bucket of ice water dumped on your head with the act is recorded (to post on social media) or otherwise make a monetary donation to the charity.

Is it a good idea?  Well there has been a huge jump in both funds raised and in awareness for ALS in the past couple of months. Former president George W. Bush completed the challenge. So did NBC's Matt Lauer. According to The New York Times, ALS Association "received $41.8 million in donations from July 29 until August 21. More than 739,000 new donors have given money to the association, which is more than double the $19.4 million in total contributions the association received during the year that ended January 31, 2013."  The ALS Association even has a special page on their website now (HERE) that deals with the ice bucket challenge.
It might seem silly, but when you can draw attention to a disease and make more folks aware of it, that is certainly a good thing and raising money for a worthy cause is always a good thing.  Yes, there is controversy, but one way around that is to just go right to the source.  Give directly to ALS - as much as you are able, and find out for yourself about the disease.  Then share your information with others.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Flowers and fresh bread

Who doesn't enjoy the smell of fresh bread or the delicate fragrance of beautiful flowers?  Another one that always makes me feel good is fresh coffee.  The sense of smell is wonderful, even when we occasionally run into something that we wish our nose hadn't discovered.
An early morning walk through San Francisco's Noe Valley would just have to be on my list of favorite things.  It's is visually colorful to be sure, but those smells I mentioned are all here too.  Even the sounds of people going about there business are happy ones.
There is a favorite restaurant of mine here with absolutely fabulous Korean food.  It's too early to head there now, but my taste buds can be satisfied in a number of other places.  Oh those little individual savory pies are sold here!  Now I smell bacon cooking!  How could I have missed that before?
Getting up and going for a walk is how many folks start that day.  Be sure to let your senses do some walking too though.  The beauty of the day can touch your mind and your soul with brilliant sounds and sights and smells!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Thanks Betty!

People make a difference in the world different ways. Some volunteer and some donate money and some are politically active and then there are those who simply make us feel good. Lauren Bacall (her friends called her by her birth name, Betty) certainly made us feel good! With her sultry looks and her husky voice it probably wouldn't have even mattered if she had talent, but Miss Bacall was overflowing with talent. I'll have to admit that when I heard of her death yesterday, I felt very sad.

One of the many things I liked about Lauren Bacall was she was willing to do it all. Her television game show appearances brought her a whole new audience who might not have seen her in those marvelous films she made like To Have and Have Not, Key Largo, The Big Sleep, Dark Passage, How to Marry a Millionaire, Designing Woman, and The Mirror Has Two Faces.  If you didn't watch game shows either, perhaps you heard her voice on commercials.  I especially loved hearing her tell us about Fancy Feast, even though I don't even have a cat.  Oh yes, and there was her brilliant stage work!  I was privileged to see her in Applause

Perhaps her greatest role was herself. If you can remember the Hollywood witch-hunts and the blacklisting, you might also remember that her first husband, Humphrey Bogart had been a conservative Republican until she persuaded him to become a Democrat.  Together they established the Committee for the First Amendment to damn those blacklists and to protect its victims. Lauren Bacall stuck her neck out then and she did so too when she played a lesbian in Young Man With A Horn.  Taking "gay" roles were considered risky back then, but Miss Bacall never shied away from doing the right thing.
There was once a picture of my mother as a teenager that sat on a buffet at my grandmother's house.  "Why do you have a picture of Lauren Bacall, Nana?"  (I was an adult.  I should have known).  To me they looked a lot alike.  They certainly both were great women!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

To save a life

The death yesterday of actor Robin Williams stunned the world and tributes have been coming from every direction ever since.  The man brought great joy in his stage, screen, and television work, and those who knew him personally all say what a nice person he was.  Here in the Bay Area (his home), there is a very personal kind of sadness.  Many of us had met Williams or had seen him around town.  While I could write for days on end about the talents of Robin Williams and his many contributions, I am instead going to look at just one area: his suspected cause of death. 

The Marin County Sheriff's Department issued a statement which said in part "At this time, the Sheriff's Office Coroner Division suspects the death to be a suicide due to asphyxia, but a comprehensive investigation must be completed before a final determination is made."

People don't talk about suicide often enough.  It is one of those topics that just isn't discussed.  Lives can be saved though.  Years ago in Nashville, I volunteered at a suicide prevention hotline, and each day we saw results.  Each day we helped people in crisis.  I'm not a doctor and I'm not close enough to the Robin Williams investigation to say that intervention would have saved him, but I can tell you of many cases where it has saved lives and I urge you to learn a few basic things.  The first thing is you are not alone!

Before I go any further, I want to give you a telephone number. In the United States, if you need help call 1-800-273-8255, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Keep this number handy too, not only for yourself, but for friends, family, coworkers, and anyone who might be in need. They also have a website for more information:

According to the Centers for Disease Control, there were 38,364 suicides in 2010 in the United. States. To me that is a shockingly high number because suicide can be prevented. To save a life is one of the most important things a person can do. If you are experiencing thoughts of depression and suicide, reach out and get help. Don't delay. More facts from the CDC are HERE and they just might shock you.  They also have available a lot of information concerning suicide prevention.  Go to
Today as you think about Robin Williams, don't rail against him or anyone else, for committing suicide.  Instead, reach out and let people know you are there for them. Although I am greatly saddened by Robin's death, I hope that awareness may help to save a life.  Nothing is more precious. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

In Ferguson this week

The city of Ferguson, Missouri is probably one you had never heard about, and possibly even now you don't know about the events there the past couple of days, but it's a story that needs to be heard.  When I heard the news yesterday morning I immediately thought back to when Oscar Grant was shot and killed by a police officer a number of years back and I thought of the more recent incident when 17-year-old Trayvon Martin was killed after being shot by a Florida neighborhood watch organizer (who was acquitted of murder charges).  This time it was a young man named Michael Brown.
Now I want to make it perfectly clear that I do not support lawlessness in any form.  That includes the misuse of power or outright criminal activity by law enforcement persons.  We don't know all the facts in this case, and I don't want to rush to judgment, but it breaks my heart to keep seeing all these instances of killing.  There has to be something we can do about it.  As horrible as these killings are, guess what we keep seeing afterward?  Looting and vandalism.  It happened last July after the George Zimmerman verdict was read (saying he was not guilty in the killing of Trayvon Martin) and last night in Ferguson there were people smashing car windows and carrying  away armloads of looted goods from stores. 
These are but a few of the cases that I can recall.  There is a shooting.  There is outrage.  There is rioting or vandalism.  Nothing seems to change.  The pattern happens again.  Last July I wrote here "I wish I had some great wisdom that could change all of this injustice and let us move onward.  I don't though.  I only know that we need to be committed to change or it won't happen.  Together we can work toward good.  We have to want to end racism though.  We have to want to end injustice."
Is the problem though that so many American just don't care?  We look on at images in our newspaper and on tv and think it someone else who should do something.  Change though is something we do together.  We can end racism and abuse of power and entitlement and we can end the illogical acts of frustration and we can forge a good and positive society if we all get involved.  The ballot box of course is one obvious place to start and volunteering for community programs.  In Ferguson this week we have been watching history repeat itself, but it doesn't have to keep repeating.

Read more here:

Read more here:

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Where in the world is Dan Choi?

Some of you may recall that several years ago when Don't Ask/Don't Tell was the way our military operated, I wrote here almost daily about Dan Choi.  He became a sort of posterboy both for the repeal of DADT and also for this blog.  Certainly he is someone who makes a difference!
How about now?  He worked so hard for marriage equality, for the repeal of DADT, and for other justice issues, now what?  What has he been up to lately and where in the world is Dan Choi?
Well in the years that followed I got to know Dan a tiny bit and consider him a friend, but since he lived on the other coast, we didn't actually spend time together.  Dan always considered San Francisco to be home, even though this isn't where he slept at night or where he received his mail.  How lovely then to have heard last month when I bumped into him that he was actually living here now full time.
He is really getting involved here too.  Dan has been running and biking regularly and has enrolled in classes at City College.  Oh and he was just one of the 20,007 finishers in the recent San Francisco Marathon!  With his great leadership skills, perhaps he will consider running for public office.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

getting out the vote

It may seem strange to talk about getting out the vote, when it is only August 6tth, but everyone's vote is so terribly important and this is not a presidential election year, which means the turnout is usually lower.  We need to turn that around.
There are a few very important races here in the Bay Area.  My friend Evan Low is seeking a State Assembly seat from Campbell and here in San Francisco, my friend David Chiu is seeking the seat that represents half of this city.  Dan Choi, whom I have written about many times in this blog, is entering his first election, trying for a seat on the San Francisco City College Board of Trustees.  There are numerous other contests here and there are races wherever you live that need your attention.
Not registered to vote?  No problem.  There still is plenty of time.  Register now though while you are thinking about it.  Get involved in someone's campaign too while you're at it.  There is nothing more rewarding than knowing you were part of an important change!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

National Night Out Again

Introduced in 1984, the very first National Night Out involved 2.5 million Americans in 400 communities in 23 states and it took place on Tuesday, August 7th of that year. It now is an annual event every first Tuesday in August, involving block parties, neighborhood safety walks, visits from emergency personnel, exhibits, parades, rallies and marches, cookouts, youth events, safety seminars, and even the simple act of turning on your porch light. This is all to bring communities closer together and to reduce crime.
Events vary for one location to another.  Some cities host numerous events today (someone them in the daytime) and others have just a single evening event.  There are some parts of the country where there is no organized observance today, but this does not mean you can do nothing.  Talk with your neighbors and see what kind of neighborhood watch programs you might establish.  Also, the porch light program is a good one.  From 7pm to 10pm turn on your porch light tonight as a symbol of your involvement and your connection with others in your community.
There is some National Night Out merchandise that is available at and while I realize it is too late to get things for this year, it's certainly not too early to begin thinking of next year.  Whistles are among the items they offer and what a great tool they can be in keeping folks connected.  You might also want to join the facebook page HERE.
When we work together it can make a huge difference and how wonderful that communities come together to protect against crime.  Of course it should not be limited to just one day and all of the things that are celebrated in events across the country on National Night Out, should be put into daily use.  Get involved!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Fun month

August seems like a pretty fun month! It is Admit You’re Happy Month – Family Fun Month – National Catfish Month – National Eye Exam Month – National Golf Month – Peach Month – Romance Awareness Month – Water Quality Month – National Picnic Month! Wow! There are also a number of special days. Yesterday, for example was National Raspberry Cream Pie Day, National Girlfriends Day, and Respect for Parents Day.

Here are some other upcoming special August days:

August 2
◦National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

August 3
◦National Watermelon Day
◦National Sisters Day

August 4
◦National Chocolate Chip Day
◦National Coast Guard Day

August 5
◦National Underwear Day
◦National Oyster Day

August 6
◦National Root Beer Float Day
◦National Fresh Breath Day
◦National Wiggle Your Toes Day

August 7
◦Purple Heart Day
◦National Lighthouse Day
◦National Raspberries N’ Cream Day

August 8
◦National Happiness Happens Day
◦National Frozen Custard Day
◦National Sneak Some Zucchini Into Your Neighbor’s Porch Day
◦National Dollar Day

August 9
◦National Rice Pudding Day
◦National Veep Day
◦National Book Lovers Day

August 10
◦National Lazy Day
◦National S’mores Day

August 11
◦National Presidential Joke Day
◦National Raspberry Bombe Day

August 12
◦National Julienne Fries Day
◦National Vinyl Record Day
◦National Middle Child Day

August 13
◦National Filet Mignon Day

August 14
◦National V-J Day (Victory of Japan Day)
◦National Creamsicle Day

August 15
◦National Relaxation Day
◦National Lemon Meringue Pie Day

August 16
◦National Tell a Joke Day
◦National Roller Coaster Day
◦National Airborne Day
◦National Rum Day

August 17
◦National Thrift Shop Day

August 18
◦National Mail Order Catalog Day
◦National Ice Cream Pie Day

August 19
◦National Aviation Day
◦National Soft Ice Cream Day

August 20
◦National Radio Day
◦National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day
◦National Lemonade Day

August 21
◦National Spumoni Day
◦National Senior Citizen’s Day

August 22
◦National Tooth Fairy Day
◦National Pecan Torte Day

August 23
◦National Ride With The Wind Day
◦National Sponge Cake Day
◦National Hug Your Boss Day 2014

August 24
◦National Peach Pie Day
◦National Waffle Day

August 25
◦National Whiskey Sour Day
◦National Kiss and Make Up Day
◦National Secondhand Wardrobe Day
◦National Banana Split Day

August 26
◦National Dog Day
◦National Women’s Equality Day
◦National Cherry Popsicle Day

August 27
◦National Pots De Creme Day
◦National Just Because Day

August 28
◦National Cherry Turnovers Day

August 29
◦National Chop Suey Day

August 30
◦National Toasted Marshmallow Day

August 31
◦National Trail Mix Day