Thursday, December 20, 2018

92 Years Ago

It was 92 years ago on this date that Mom was born.  She left us five years ago but not until she had given my sister and I a lifetime of wonderful memories.  She was kind and honest and such a good role model.  This blog would not exist if it weren't for her.  I remember reading some of my posts to her and getting her approval.
Last night, I was thinking about her and how I would love to see her smile once again.  Since I cannot, it would be so nice if I could at least visit her final resting place.  I tweeted that and a stranger who happens to live in that area, said he would go and visit!  Imagine that.
During this holiday season, we gather together with families and friends.  Cherish those moments.  Tell people you love them.  Don't have regrets later on.  Be kind and loving and accept the love of others.  Oh and your mom, let her know what she means to you.  If she has passed already, take a moment and think about her and all she gave you.  Held your special friends in your thoughts as well.

1 comment:

  1. You are always encouraging and inspiring, Michael. Your words really made me think.

    "Cherish those moments. Tell people you love them. Don't have regrets later on. Be kind and loving and accept the love of others."

    That last paragraph really resonated with me and made me feel more motivated to just forget about all the hurt and pain we might drag into our relationships, and just be Kind and Loving first before all else. In the end, Love is all that matters.
