Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Yes we can

Can we stop the anti-Asian hate?  Of course we can!  Can we wipe out COVID-19 or HIV or cancer.  Yup.  Can we stop police violence?  Can we save the planet from climate change?  Can we see an end to homophobia and transphobia?  Yes, yes, and yes.  

Do we want to make the world a better place though?  Do we care enough about others?  Are we willing to get involved?  The answer to those questions needs to also be yes, or it just isn't going to happen.  It's not up to President Biden or the Congress.  It isn't up to the state or the city we live in.  It's up to us - ALL of us.  We CAN do it.  Yes, we can!

Now this may sound pretty simple, and in the past some readers here have suggested that I am not looking at reality.  Some point out that this is the real world, not a fairy tale.  I know that.  I have also seen what happens when people come together for good.  When people care about each other there can be some pretty amazing results.  Think about it.  I'm serious.  We need to make things better, not only for ourselves, but for our children and for future generations.

Think about that today.  Where can you put some of your time and your talent and yes, even you money?  As you make plans, involve others too.  Talk to your coworkers and your neighbors and your family.  We can make this a better world, so let's do it!

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