Friday, June 3, 2022

Even small towns have gay people

Making a difference doesn't mean you have to be highly visible or become famous.  After living most of my life in large cities, I now live in a relatively small town where grassroots organizing can be really important.  All this month I am writing about lgbtq+ related topics and the various Pride events.  Many of them are in large cities, but there is an lgbtq+ presence in small towns as well.

In large cities, it's easier to meet other lgbt folks than in small towns.  Networking is important though, so a lesbian couple here began an internet presence which they administer and where dozens have now connected to share common interests and talk about lgbt issues.  That is a huge thing for folks who may feel isolated.  Growing up gay and thinking you are all alone can be difficult, but feeling alone can be just as hard when you are an adult.  (This by the way is something folks can do pretty much anywhere using facebook or twitter or various other platforms.  Once you start a group, invite those you know, and suggest that each of them send out invitations as well.  You'd be surprised how easy this can be).  Now the couple who began this group, didn't leave it just as an online resource.  They have arranged potluck suppers, a holiday party, and even a picnic in the park.  They also share lgbt news with the group and urge the others to do the same.

Two other woman did something else remarkable - they put together the very first Pride event here back in 2019, and had intended to continue it as an annual event.  They did this with no experience.  They saw a need and they filled it.  This is something we can all do in our own ways.  Of course the pandemic hit and some things needed to be changed, but that has been true everywhere.

The gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender residents in my area may have felt all alone in the past, but now there is a connection thanks to some people who cared - people who made a difference.  How are things where you live?

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