Monday, January 4, 2021


Thirteen years ago when I began writing this, I had no idea how long I would continue and of course I also didn't know if there would be anyone reading it.   This blog, about making a difference in our world, used to get an occasional comment, and I can see from the counter how many people click on here, but I really have no idea who is reading this, if anybody.  I since have begun a second blog (it's about kindness) and I do occasionally get some feedback on that.

I think in the case of that other blog, it actually benefits me even if it benefits nobody else.  By writing each morning about being king, I think it makes me more aware, and hopefully a kinder person.  This one though is different.  Before COVID-19 it was a bit easier to come up with something each morning.  Now, it's a bit more difficult, and I don't want to keep repeating myself.  Back in September I missed five days while I was in the hospital, and last month I missed several days due to computer problems.

Therefore, would you kindly give me some feedback?  Do you read this often?  Does it make a difference for you?  Do you think I would continue, or is it time to call it quits and spend my mornings some other way.  Please be honest.  I can take it.  Thanks so much!

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