Thursday, December 4, 2014

Busy December

Oh this just might be the busiest month with Christmas and Kwanza and Chanukah and New Year's Eve. There is a lot of associated shopping and a lot of parties. There are end of year observances and there is also the beginning of the winter season.

That's not all though folks! Today for example is also National Cookie Day, National Dice Day, National Salesperson Day, and World Wildlife Conservation Day. Tomorrow is Bartender Appreciation Day. This Saturday is Saint Nicholas Day. Sunday is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.

There is at least one special observance for every single day of this month. In addition there are weeklong celebrations and several month-long observances as well. December is Universal Human Rights Month, Worldwide Food Service Safety Month, Safe Toys and Gifts Month, Bingo's Birthday Month, Tomato and Winter Squash Month, and National Write A Business Plan Month. It's also Buckwheat Month, National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month, Spiritual Literacy Month, World AIDS Month, and National Tie Month.
Oh and don't forget the birthdays!  Busy month, huh?

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