Thursday, April 28, 2022

Can we all be superheroes

Do you have what it takes to be a Superhero? I think we all do. Too few of us act on that though. There are all kinds of things we can do though to make a difference in this world, and it doesn't require any special powers at all. Today just happens to be National Superhero Day, which was started by employees at Marvel Comics back in 1995 to celebrate both fictional and real heroes.

While the adventures of Alexander Lexington, Peter Parker, Julia Cornwall Carpenter, and Scott Lang may be a lot of fun, there are everyday folks who are superheroes, and I would love to see more said about them. Oh and for me, the folks who do good after something good has been done for them, and special pay-it-forward heroes. A small act can be huge to another person. Is it coincidence that today is also Pay It Forward Day?

Does a superhero have to be a famous person? Of course not! We are more likely to hear about them, but there are everyday heroes that nobody ever hears about and they are so very important too. We all can be those heroes. We all can stand up and make a difference.

Who are the heroes in your life? A teacher perhaps, or maybe your parents? What about a famous singer or athlete? One of my heroes is rapper and activist Jason Chu who several years ago shared some powerful lyrics "But I’ve learned: a hero isn’t about being super. We become heroes because of what makes us human."

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