Friday, March 8, 2013

Many ways to be inspired

There are many things and many people that might inspire us.  There are also so many ways we can inspire others.  Often  I have written here about Go Inspire Go and its creator and principle cheerleader Toan Lam.  Inspiring to be sure.  In the past I have also written about Dan Choi and about President Obama and about Brother Richard Jonathan and about The Jubilee Project and so many who have inspired me over the years. 

You don't inspire by doing nothing though.  Indeed the great Vince Lombardi once said ”It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” Try.  You won't always succeed, but just the trying might inspire others.  So what if you get knocked down.  Just pick yourself up and try again!

My mother is like that.  She doesn't always succeed by the standards of most, but I think she is ALWAYS successful, because she gets involved and does things.  Recently she packed up all her belongings (with the help of my sister) and moved to another state and to a town where she knows not a single person and she is 86 years old!  That would be tough for most, but she is determined.  What an inspiration!

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